  children: [
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:PATH) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ ("/sbin:/bin"))} spids:[31])]
      spids: [31]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:RUN_DIR) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ (/run/network))} spids:[36])]
      spids: [36]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:IFSTATE)
          op: Equal
          rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$RUN_DIR") (/ifstate))}
          spids: [41]
      spids: [41]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:STATEDIR)
          op: Equal
          rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$RUN_DIR") (/state))}
          spids: [47]
      spids: [47]
      children: [(C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-x)} {(/sbin/ifup)} {(Lit_Other "]")}) (C {(exit)} {(0)})]
      op_id: Op_DPipe
      children: [(C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-x)} {(/sbin/ifdown)} {(Lit_Other "]")}) (C {(exit)} {(0)})]
      op_id: Op_DPipe
    (C {(.)} {(/lib/lsb/init-functions)})
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:CONFIGURE_INTERFACES) op:Equal rhs:{(yes)} spids:[88])]
      spids: [88]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:EXCLUDE_INTERFACES) op:Equal rhs:{(SQ )} spids:[91])]
      spids: [91]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:VERBOSE) op:Equal rhs:{(no)} spids:[93])]
      spids: [93]
      children: [
        (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-f)} {(/etc/default/networking)} {(Lit_Other "]")})
        (C {(.)} {(/etc/default/networking)})
      op_id: Op_DAmp
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:verbose) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ )} spids:[112])]
      spids: [112]
      children: [
        (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$VERBOSE"))} {(Lit_Other "=")} {(yes)} {(Lit_Other "]")})
          keyword: Assign_None
          pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:verbose) op:Equal rhs:{(-v)} spids:[130])]
          spids: [130]
      op_id: Op_DAmp
      name: process_exclusions
          children: [
            (C {(set)} {(--)} {($ VSub_Name "$EXCLUDE_INTERFACES")})
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:exclusions) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ )} spids:[148])]
              spids: [148]
              iter_name: d
              do_arg_iter: True
                  children: [
                      keyword: Assign_None
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:exclusions)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {(DQ ("-X ") ($ VSub_Name "$d") (" ") ($ VSub_Name "$exclusions"))}
                          spids: [161]
                      spids: [161]
                  spids: [158 170]
              spids: [-1 -1]
            (C {(echo)} {($ VSub_Name "$exclusions")})
          spids: [138]
      spids: [134 137]
      name: process_options
          children: [
              children: [
                (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-e)} {(/etc/network/options)} {(Lit_Other "]")})
                (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Return return> arg_word:{(0)})
              op_id: Op_DPipe
            (C {(log_warning_msg)} 
"/etc/network/options still exists and it will be IGNORED! Please use /etc/sysctl.conf instead."
          spids: [184]
      spids: [180 183]
      name: check_ifstate
          children: [
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                        (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(KW_Bang "!")} {(-d)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$RUN_DIR"))} 
                          {(Lit_Other "]")}
                      terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                  action: [
                      arms: [
                          cond: [
                                  children: [(C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$RUN_DIR"))})]
                                  negated: True
                              terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                          action: [
                            (C {(log_failure_msg)} {(DQ ("can't create ") ($ VSub_Name "$RUN_DIR"))})
                            (C {(exit)} {(1)})
                          spids: [-1 251]
                      spids: [-1 267]
                      arms: [
                          cond: [
                                  children: [
                                    (C {(chown)} {(root) (Lit_Other ":") (netdev)} 
                                      {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$RUN_DIR"))}
                                  negated: True
                              terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                          action: [
                            (C {(log_warning_msg)} {(DQ ("can't chown ") ($ VSub_Name "$RUN_DIR"))})
                          spids: [-1 286]
                      spids: [-1 297]
                  spids: [-1 234]
              spids: [-1 300]
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                        (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(KW_Bang "!")} {(-r)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$IFSTATE"))} 
                          {(Lit_Other "]")}
                      terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                  action: [
                      arms: [
                          cond: [
                                  children: [
                                      words: [{(Lit_Other ":")}]
                                      redirects: [
                                          op_id: Redir_Great
                                          fd: -1
                                          arg_word: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$IFSTATE"))}
                                          spids: [327]
                                  negated: True
                              terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                          action: [
                            (C {(log_failure_msg)} {(DQ ("can't initialise ") ($ VSub_Name "$IFSTATE"))})
                            (C {(exit)} {(1)})
                          spids: [-1 335]
                      spids: [-1 351]
                  spids: [-1 319]
              spids: [-1 354]
          spids: [215]
      spids: [211 214]
      name: check_network_file_systems
          children: [
              children: [
                (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-e)} {(/proc/mounts)} {(Lit_Other "]")})
                (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Return return> arg_word:{(0)})
              op_id: Op_DPipe
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                        (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-e)} {(/etc/iscsi/iscsi.initramfs)} {(Lit_Other "]")})
                      terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                  action: [
                    (C {(log_warning_msg)} 
                      {(DQ ("not deconfiguring network interfaces: iSCSI root is mounted."))}
                    (C {(exit)} {(0)})
                  spids: [-1 393]
              spids: [-1 408]
              cond: [
                  child: (C {(read)} {(DEV)} {(MTPT)} {(FSTYPE)} {(REST)})
                  terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                  children: [
                      to_match: {($ VSub_Name "$DEV")}
                      arms: [
                          pat_list: [
                            {(/dev/nbd) (Lit_Other "*")}
                            {(/dev/nd) (Lit_Other "[") (a-z) (Lit_Other "]") (Lit_Other "*")}
                            {(/dev/etherd/e) (Lit_Other "*")}
                            {(curlftpfs) (Lit_Other "*")}
                          action: [
                            (C {(log_warning_msg)} 
"not deconfiguring network interfaces: network devices still mounted."
                            (C {(exit)} {(0)})
                          spids: [435 449 464 -1]
                      spids: [428 432 467]
                      to_match: {($ VSub_Name "$FSTYPE")}
                      arms: [
                          pat_list: [
                          action: [
                            (C {(log_warning_msg)} 
"not deconfiguring network interfaces: network file systems still mounted."
                            (C {(exit)} {(0)})
                          spids: [477 502 517 -1]
                      spids: [470 474 520]
                  spids: [425 523]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_Less fd:-1 arg_word:{(/proc/mounts)} spids:[525])]
          spids: [363]
      spids: [359 362]
      name: check_network_swap
          children: [
              children: [
                (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-e)} {(/proc/swaps)} {(Lit_Other "]")})
                (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Return return> arg_word:{(0)})
              op_id: Op_DPipe
              cond: [
                  child: (C {(read)} {(DEV)} {(MTPT)} {(FSTYPE)} {(REST)})
                  terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                  children: [
                      to_match: {($ VSub_Name "$DEV")}
                      arms: [
                          pat_list: [
                            {(/dev/nbd) (Lit_Other "*")}
                            {(/dev/nd) (Lit_Other "[") (a-z) (Lit_Other "]") (Lit_Other "*")}
                            {(/dev/etherd/e) (Lit_Other "*")}
                          action: [
                            (C {(log_warning_msg)} 
"not deconfiguring network interfaces: network swap still mounted."
                            (C {(exit)} {(0)})
                          spids: [578 589 604 -1]
                      spids: [571 575 607]
                  spids: [568 610]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_Less fd:-1 arg_word:{(/proc/swaps)} spids:[612])]
          spids: [536]
      spids: [532 535]
      name: ifup_hotplug
          children: [
              arms: [
                  cond: [(C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-d)} {(/sys/class/net)} {(Lit_Other "]")})]
                  action: [
                      keyword: Assign_None
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:ifaces)
                          op: Equal
                                    children: [
                                        iter_name: iface
                                        iter_words: [
                                                  children: [
                                                    (C {(ifquery)} {(--list)} 
                                                      {(--allow) (Lit_Other "=") (hotplug)}
                                              left_token: <Left_CommandSub "$(">
                                              spids: [649 657]
                                        do_arg_iter: False
                                            children: [
                                                keyword: Assign_None
                                                pairs: [
                                                    lhs: (LhsName name:link)
                                                    op: Equal
                                                          token: <VSub_Name iface>
                                                              op_id: VOp1_DPound
                                                              arg_word: {(":*")}
                                                          spids: [664 668]
                                                    spids: [663]
                                                spids: [663]
                                                keyword: Assign_None
                                                pairs: [
                                                    lhs: (LhsName name:link)
                                                    op: Equal
                                                          token: <VSub_Name link>
                                                              op_id: VOp1_DPound
                                                              arg_word: {(".*")}
                                                          spids: [672 676]
                                                    spids: [671]
                                                spids: [671]
                                                arms: [
                                                    cond: [
                                                      (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-e)} 
                                                          (DQ (/sys/class/net/) ($ VSub_Name "$link"))
                                                        } {(Lit_Other "]")}
                                                    action: [
                                                        children: [
                                                          (C {(ip)} {(link)} {(set)} 
                                                            {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$iface"))} {(up)}
                                                          (C {(true)})
                                                        op_id: Op_DPipe
                                                        arms: [
                                                            cond: [
                                                              (C {(Lit_Other "[")} 
                                                                          children: [
                                                                            (C {(cat)} 
                                                                                ($ VSub_Name "$link") (/operstate)
                                                                        <Left_CommandSub "$(">
                                                                      spids: [722 728]
                                                                } {(Lit_Other "=")} {(up)} {(Lit_Other "]")}
                                                            action: [
                                                              (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$iface"))})
                                                            spids: [-1 738]
                                                        spids: [-1 748]
                                                    spids: [-1 693]
                                                spids: [-1 751]
                                            spids: [660 754]
                                        spids: [648 -1]
                                left_token: <Left_CommandSub "$(">
                                spids: [642 755]
                          spids: [641]
                      spids: [641]
                      arms: [
                          cond: [
                            (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-n)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$ifaces"))} {(Lit_Other "]")})
                          action: [
                              children: [
                                (C {(ifup)} {($ VSub_Name "$ifaces")} {(DQ ($ VSub_At "$@"))})
                                (C {(true)})
                              op_id: Op_DPipe
                          spids: [-1 771]
                      spids: [-1 787]
                  spids: [-1 638]
              spids: [-1 790]
          spids: [624]
      spids: [619 623]
      to_match: {(DQ ($ VSub_Number "$1"))}
      arms: [
          pat_list: [{(start)}]
          action: [
              arms: [
                  cond: [(Sentence child:(C {(init_is_upstart)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ";">)]
                  action: [(C {(exit)} {(1)})]
                  spids: [-1 812]
              spids: [-1 820]
            (C {(process_options)})
            (C {(check_ifstate)})
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                    (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name "$CONFIGURE_INTERFACES"))} {(Lit_Other "=")} 
                      {(no)} {(Lit_Other "]")}
                  action: [
                    (C {(log_action_msg)} 
                      {(DQ ("Not configuring network interfaces, see /etc/default/networking"))}
                    (C {(exit)} {(0)})
                  spids: [-1 845]
              spids: [-1 860]
            (C {(set)} {(-f)})
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:exclusions)
                  op: Equal
                        command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(process_exclusions)})])
                        left_token: <Left_CommandSub "$(">
                        spids: [869 871]
                  spids: [868]
              spids: [868]
            (C {(log_action_begin_msg)} {(DQ ("Configuring network interfaces"))})
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                      child: (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-x)} {(/sbin/udevadm)} {(Lit_Other "]")})
                      terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                  action: [
                      arms: [
                          cond: [
                                  children: [
                                    (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-n)} 
                                                children: [
                                                  (C {(ifquery)} {(--list)} 
                                                    {(--exclude) (Lit_Other "=") (lo)}
                                            left_token: <Left_CommandSub "$(">
                                            spids: [902 910]
                                      } {(Lit_Other "]")}
                                    (C {(Lit_Other "[")} {(-n)} 
                                                children: [
                                                  (C {(ifquery)} {(--list)} 
                                                    {(--allow) (Lit_Other "=") (hotplug)}
                                            left_token: <Left_CommandSub "$(">
                                            spids: [922 930]
                                      } {(Lit_Other "]")}
                                  op_id: Op_DPipe
                              terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                          action: [
                              children: [(C {(udevadm)} {(settle)}) (C {(true)})]
                              op_id: Op_DPipe
                          spids: [-1 936]
                      spids: [-1 948]
                  spids: [-1 892]
              spids: [-1 951]
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                      children: [
                        (C {(ifup)} {(-a)} {($ VSub_Name "$exclusions")} {($ VSub_Name "$verbose")})
                        (C {(ifup_hotplug)} {($ VSub_Name "$exclusions")} {($ VSub_Name "$verbose")})
                      op_id: Op_DAmp
                  action: [(C {(log_action_end_msg)} {($ VSub_QMark "$?")})]
                  spids: [-1 973]
              else_action: [(C {(log_action_end_msg)} {($ VSub_QMark "$?")})]
              spids: [981 989]
          spids: [803 804 992 -1]
          pat_list: [{(stop)}]
          action: [
              arms: [
                  cond: [(Sentence child:(C {(init_is_upstart)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ";">)]
                  action: [(C {(exit)} {(0)})]
                  spids: [-1 1004]
              spids: [-1 1012]
            (C {(check_network_file_systems)})
            (C {(check_network_swap)})
            (C {(log_action_begin_msg)} {(DQ ("Deconfiguring network interfaces"))})
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                        (C {(ifdown)} {(-a)} {(--exclude) (Lit_Other "=") (lo)} 
                          {($ VSub_Name "$verbose")}
                      terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                  action: [(C {(log_action_end_msg)} {($ VSub_QMark "$?")})]
                  spids: [-1 1042]
              else_action: [(C {(log_action_end_msg)} {($ VSub_QMark "$?")})]
              spids: [1050 1058]
          spids: [995 996 1061 -1]
          pat_list: [{(reload)}]
          action: [
              arms: [
                  cond: [(Sentence child:(C {(init_is_upstart)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ";">)]
                  action: [(C {(exit)} {(1)})]
                  spids: [-1 1073]
              spids: [-1 1081]
            (C {(process_options)})
            (C {(log_action_begin_msg)} {(DQ ("Reloading network interfaces configuration"))})
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:state)
                  op: Equal
                        command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(ifquery)} {(--state)})])
                        left_token: <Left_CommandSub "$(">
                        spids: [1096 1100]
                  spids: [1095]
              spids: [1095]
              children: [
                (C {(ifdown)} {(-a)} {(--exclude) (Lit_Other "=") (lo)} {($ VSub_Name "$verbose")})
                (C {(true)})
              op_id: Op_DPipe
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                        (C {(ifup)} {(--exclude) (Lit_Other "=") (lo)} {($ VSub_Name "$state")} 
                          {($ VSub_Name "$verbose")}
                      terminator: <Op_Semi ";">
                  action: [(C {(log_action_end_msg)} {($ VSub_QMark "$?")})]
                  spids: [-1 1132]
              else_action: [(C {(log_action_end_msg)} {($ VSub_QMark "$?")})]
              spids: [1140 1148]
          spids: [1064 1065 1151 -1]
          pat_list: [{(force-reload)} {(restart)}]
          action: [
              arms: [
                  cond: [(Sentence child:(C {(init_is_upstart)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ";">)]
                  action: [(C {(exit)} {(1)})]
                  spids: [-1 1165]
              spids: [-1 1173]
            (C {(process_options)})
            (C {(log_warning_msg)} 
                (DQ ("Running ") ($ VSub_Number "$0") (" ") ($ VSub_Number "$1") 
                  (" is deprecated because it may not re-enable some interfaces")
            (C {(log_action_begin_msg)} {(DQ ("Reconfiguring network interfaces"))})
              children: [
                (C {(ifdown)} {(-a)} {(--exclude) (Lit_Other "=") (lo)} {($ VSub_Name "$verbose")})
                (C {(true)})
              op_id: Op_DPipe
            (C {(set)} {(-f)})
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:exclusions)
                  op: Equal
                        command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(process_exclusions)})])
                        left_token: <Left_CommandSub "$(">
                        spids: [1219 1221]
                  spids: [1218]
              spids: [1218]
              arms: [
                  cond: [
                      children: [
                        (C {(ifup)} {(-a)} {(--exclude) (Lit_Other "=") (lo)} 
                          {($ VSub_Name "$exclusions")} {($ VSub_Name "$verbose")}
                        (C {(ifup_hotplug)} {($ VSub_Name "$exclusions")} {($ VSub_Name "$verbose")})
                      op_id: Op_DAmp
                  action: [(C {(log_action_end_msg)} {($ VSub_QMark "$?")})]
                  spids: [-1 1247]
              else_action: [(C {(log_action_end_msg)} {($ VSub_QMark "$?")})]
              spids: [1255 1263]
          spids: [1154 1157 1266 -1]
          pat_list: [{(Lit_Other "*")}]
          action: [
            (C {(echo)} 
              {(DQ ("Usage: /etc/init.d/networking {start|stop|reload|restart|force-reload}"))}
            (C {(exit)} {(1)})
          spids: [1269 1270 1285 -1]
      spids: [795 801 1287]
    (C {(exit)} {(0)})