  children: [
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(nounset)})
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(pipefail)})
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(errexit)})
      keyword: Assign_Readonly
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:OIL_VERSION)
          op: Equal
                command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)} {(oil-version.txt)})])
                left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                spids: [95 103]
          spids: [94]
      spids: [92]
      name: log
          children: [
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_At '$@'))}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:1 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[119])]
          spids: [110]
      spids: [106 109]
      name: remove-files
          children: [
            (C {(rm)} {(-r)} {(-f)} {(_devbuild)} {(_build)} {(_release)} 
                parts: [
                    words: [{(spec)} {(wild)} {(unit)} {(gold)} {(osh2oil)}]
                parts: [
                    words: [{(osh-parser)} {(osh-runtime)} {(vm-baseline)} {(oheap)}]
              ) {(_tmp/metrics)} {(_tmp/oil-tar-test)}
          spids: [266]
      spids: [262 265]
      name: build-and-test
          children: [
            (C {(remove-files)})
            (C {(rm)} {(-f)} {(-v)} {(_bin/oil.) (Lit_Other '*')} {(Lit_Other '*') (.so)})
            (C {(build/dev.sh)} {(all)})
            (C {(test/unit.sh)} {(run-for-release)})
            (C {(test/osh2oil.sh)} {(run-for-release)})
            (C {(test/gold.sh)} {(run-for-release)})
            (C {(build/prepare.sh)} {(configure)})
            (C {(build/prepare.sh)} {(build-python)})
            (C {(make)} {(clean)})
            (C {(make)})
            (C {(test/spec.sh)} {(smoke)})
            (C {(test/spec.sh)} {(link-busybox-ash)})
            (C {(test/spec.sh)} {(all)})
            (C {($ VSub_Number '$0')} {(oil)})
            (C {(build/test.sh)} {(oil-tar)})
            (C {(test/alpine.sh)} {(copy-tar)} {(oil)})
            (C {(test/alpine.sh)} {(test-tar)} {(oil)})
          spids: [326]
      spids: [322 325]
      name: _compressed-tarball
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:name)
                  op: Equal
                        token: <VSub_Number 1>
                        suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(hello)})
                        spids: [470 474]
                  spids: [469]
              spids: [467]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:version)
                  op: Equal
                        token: <VSub_Number 2>
                        suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(0.0.0)})
                        spids: [480 484]
                  spids: [479]
              spids: [477]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:in)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(_release/) ($ VSub_Name '$name') (.tar)}
                  spids: [490]
              spids: [488]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(_release/) ($ VSub_Name '$name') (-) ($ VSub_Name '$version') (.tar.gz)}
                  spids: [498]
              spids: [496]
            (C {(build/actions.sh)} {(write-release-date)})
            (C {(make)} {($ VSub_Name '$in')})
                  words: [{(gzip)} {(-c)} {($ VSub_Name '$in')}]
                  redirects: [
                      op_id: Redir_Great
                      fd: 16777215
                      arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$out')}
                      spids: [534]
            (C {(ls)} {(-l)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')})
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out2)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(_release/) ($ VSub_Name '$name') (-) ($ VSub_Name '$version') (.tar.xz)}
                  spids: [553]
              spids: [551]
                  words: [{(xz)} {(-c)} {($ VSub_Name '$in')}]
                  redirects: [
                      op_id: Redir_Great
                      fd: 16777215
                      arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$out2')}
                      spids: [569]
            (C {(ls)} {(-l)} {($ VSub_Name '$out2')})
          spids: [464]
      spids: [460 463]
      name: oil
          children: [(C {(_compressed-tarball)} {(oil)} {($ VSub_Name '$OIL_VERSION')})]
          spids: [587]
      spids: [583 586]
      name: hello
          children: [
            (C {(_compressed-tarball)} {(hello)} 
                      children: [(C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)} {(build/testdata/hello-version.txt)})]
                  left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                  spids: [610 618]
          spids: [603]
      spids: [599 602]
      name: escape-segments
          children: [
            (C {(python)} {(-c)} 
                (SQ <'\n'> <'import cgi, re, sys\n'> <'\n'> <'print re.sub(\n'> 
                  <'  r"\\x00(.*)\\x01", \n'> <'  lambda match: cgi.escape(match.group(1)),\n'> <'  sys.stdin.read())\n'>
          spids: [642]
      spids: [638 641]
      name: _git-changelog-body
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:prev_branch)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
                  spids: [675]
              spids: [673]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:cur_branch)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$2')}
                  spids: [681]
              spids: [679]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:format)
                  op: Equal
                      (SQ <'<tr>\n'> <'    <td><a class="checksum"\n'> 
                        <'           href="https://github.com/oilshell/oil/commit/%H">%h</a>\n'> <'    </td>\n'> <'    <td class="date">%ad</td>\n'> <'    <td>%x00%an%x01</td>\n'> 
                        <'    <td class="subject">%x00%s%x01</td>\n'> <'  </tr>'>
                  spids: [705]
              spids: [703]
              children: [
                (C {(git)} {(log)} {($ VSub_Name '$prev_branch') (..) ($ VSub_Name '$cur_branch')} 
                  {(--reverse)} {(--pretty) (Lit_Other '=') (DQ ('format:') ($ VSub_Name '$format'))} 
                  {(--date) (Lit_Other '=') (short)}
                (C {(escape-segments)})
              negated: False
          spids: [670]
      spids: [666 669]
      name: _git-changelog-header
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:prev_branch)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
                  spids: [765]
              spids: [763]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:cur_branch)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$2')}
                  spids: [771]
              spids: [769]
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_DLess
                  fd: 16777215
                      (DQ ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n') ('<html>\n') ('  <head>\n') 
                        ('    <title>Commits Between ') ($ VSub_Name '$prev_branch') (' and ') ($ VSub_Name '$cur_branch') ('</title>\n') ('    <style>\n') 
                        ('      /* Make it centered and skinny for readability */\n') ('      body {\n') ('        margin: 0 auto;\n') ('        width: 60em;\n') ('      }\n') 
                        ('      table {\n') ('        width: 100%;\n') ('      }\n') ('      code {\n') ('        color: green;\n') ('      }\n') 
                        ('      .checksum {\n') ('        font-family: monospace;\n') ('      }\n') ('      .date {\n') 
                        ('        /*font-family: monospace;*/\n') ('      }\n') ('      .subject {\n') ('        font-family: monospace;\n') ('      }\n') ('\n') 
                        ('      /* Copied from oilshell.org bundle.css */\n') ('      .date {\n') ('        font-size: medium;\n') ('        color: #555;\n') 
                        ('        padding-left: 1em;\n') ('      }\n') ('    </style>\n') ('  </head>\n') ('  <body>\n') 
                        ('    <h3>Commits Between Branches <code>') ($ VSub_Name '$prev_branch') ('</code> and\n') ('       <code>') ($ VSub_Name '$cur_branch') 
                        ('</code></h3>\n') ('    <table>\n')
                  do_expansion: True
                  here_end: EOF
                  was_filled: True
                  spids: [778]
          spids: [760]
      spids: [756 759]
      name: _git-changelog
          children: [
            (C {(_git-changelog-header)} {(DQ ($ VSub_At '$@'))})
            (C {(_git-changelog-body)} {(DQ ($ VSub_At '$@'))})
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_DLess
                  fd: 16777215
                  body: {(DQ ('  </table>\n'))}
                  do_expansion: True
                  here_end: EOF
                  was_filled: True
                  spids: [878]
            (C {(_html-footer)})
          spids: [859]
      spids: [855 858]
      name: git-changelog-0.1
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              keyword: Assign_Local
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                  lhs: (LhsName name:version)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(SQ <0.1.0>)}
                  spids: [898]
              spids: [896]
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                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                    {(../oilshell.org__deploy/release/) ($ VSub_Name '$version') (/changelog.html)}
                  spids: [912]
          spids: [893]
      spids: [889 892]
      name: git-changelog-0.2.alpha1
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              words: [{(_git-changelog)} {(release/0.1.0)} {(release/0.2.alpha1)}]
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                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(_release/VERSION/changelog.html)}
                  spids: [936]
          spids: [925]
      spids: [921 924]
      name: git-changelog-0.2.0
          children: [
              words: [{(_git-changelog)} {(release/0.1.0)} {(release/0.2.0)}]
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                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(_release/VERSION/changelog.html)}
                  spids: [958]
          spids: [947]
      spids: [943 946]
      name: git-changelog-0.3.alpha1
          children: [
              words: [{(_git-changelog)} {(release/0.2.0)} {(release/0.3.alpha1)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(_release/VERSION/changelog.html)}
                  spids: [980]
          spids: [969]
      spids: [965 968]
      name: html-redirect
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:url)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
                  spids: [1000]
              spids: [998]
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_DLess
                  fd: 16777215
                      (DQ ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n') ('<html>\n') ('  <head>\n') ('    <meta http-equiv=') 
                        (Right_DoubleQuote '"') (refresh) (Right_DoubleQuote '"') (' content=') (Right_DoubleQuote '"') ('0; url=') ($ VSub_Name '$url') 
                        (Right_DoubleQuote '"') (' />\n') ('  </head>\n') ('  <body>\n') ('    <p>Redirect to<a href=') (Right_DoubleQuote '"') 
                        ($ VSub_Name '$url') (Right_DoubleQuote '"') ('>') ($ VSub_Name '$url') ('</a></p>\n') ('  </body>\n') ('</html>  \n')
                  do_expansion: True
                  here_end: EOF
                  was_filled: True
                  spids: [1006]
          spids: [995]
      spids: [991 994]
      name: no-announcement
          children: [
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_DLess
                  fd: 16777215
                      (DQ ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n') ('<html>\n') ('  <head>\n') ('  </head>\n') 
                        ('  <body>\n') ('    <p>No announcement for this release.</p>\n') ('  </body>\n') ('</html>  \n')
                  do_expansion: True
                  here_end: EOF
                  was_filled: True
                  spids: [1046]
          spids: [1041]
      spids: [1037 1040]
      name: announcement-0.0
          children: [
              words: [{(html-redirect)} {(SQ </blog/2017/07/23.html>)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(../oilshell.org__deploy/release/0.0.0/announcement.html)}
                  spids: [1076]
          spids: [1065]
      spids: [1061 1064]
      name: announcement-0.1
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:version)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(SQ <0.1.0>)}
                  spids: [1092]
              spids: [1090]
              words: [{(html-redirect)} {(SQ </blog/2017/09/09.html>)}]
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                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                    {(../oilshell.org__deploy/release/) ($ VSub_Name '$version') (/announcement.html)}
                  spids: [1106]
          spids: [1087]
      spids: [1083 1086]
      name: announcement-0.2
          children: [
              words: [{(html-redirect)} {(SQ </blog/2017/11/10.html>)}]
              redirects: [
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                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(_release/VERSION/announcement.html)}
                  spids: [1128]
          spids: [1119]
      spids: [1115 1118]
      name: announcement-0.3
          children: [
              words: [{(no-announcement)}]
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                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(_release/VERSION/announcement.html)}
                  spids: [1148]
          spids: [1139]
      spids: [1135 1138]
      name: _link
          children: [(C {(ln)} {(-s)} {(-f)} {(-v)} {(--no-target-directory)} {(DQ ($ VSub_At '$@'))})]
          spids: [1159]
      spids: [1155 1158]
      name: compress-txt
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:name)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
                  spids: [1188]
              spids: [1186]
            (C {(log)} {(DQ ('--- test/') ($ VSub_Name '$name'))})
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$root') (/test/) ($ VSub_Name '$name') (.wwz))}
                  spids: [1203]
              spids: [1201]
            (C {(pushd)} {(_tmp/) ($ VSub_Name '$name')})
            (TimeBlock pipeline:(C {(zip)} {(-r)} {(-q)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')} {(.)}))
            (C {(popd)})
          spids: [1183]
      spids: [1179 1182]
      name: compress
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:root)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Name '$PWD') (/_release/VERSION/)}
                  spids: [1248]
              spids: [1246]
            (C {(compress-txt)} {(osh2oil)})
            (C {(compress-txt)} {(gold)})
            (C {(log)} {(DQ ('--- test/unit'))})
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$root') (/test/unit.wwz))}
                  spids: [1278]
              spids: [1276]
            (C {(pushd)} {(_tmp/unit)})
            (TimeBlock pipeline:(C {(zip)} {(-r)} {(-q)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')} {(.)}))
            (C {(popd)})
            (C {(log)} {(DQ ('--- test/spec'))})
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$root') (/test/spec.wwz))}
                  spids: [1319]
              spids: [1317]
            (C {(pushd)} {(_tmp/spec)})
            (TimeBlock pipeline:(C {(zip)} {(-r)} {(-q)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')} {(.)}))
            (C {(popd)})
            (C {(log)} {(DQ ('--- test/wild'))})
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$root') (/test/wild.wwz))}
                  spids: [1360]
              spids: [1358]
            (C {(pushd)} {(_tmp/wild/www)})
            (TimeBlock pipeline:(C {(zip)} {(-r)} {(-q)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')} {(.)}))
            (C {(popd)})
            (C {(log)} {(DQ ('--- metrics/line-counts'))})
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$root') (/metrics/line-counts.wwz))}
                  spids: [1402]
              spids: [1400]
            (C {(pushd)} {(_tmp/metrics/line-counts)})
            (TimeBlock pipeline:(C {(zip)} {(-r)} {(-q)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')} {(.)}))
            (C {(popd)})
            (C {(compress-benchmarks)})
            (C {(tree)} {(_release/VERSION)})
          spids: [1243]
      spids: [1239 1242]
      name: compress-benchmarks
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:root)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Name '$PWD') (/_release/VERSION/)}
                  spids: [1454]
              spids: [1452]
            (C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} {($ VSub_Name '$root')})
            (C {(log)} {(DQ ('--- benchmarks'))})
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$root') (/benchmarks.wwz))}
                  spids: [1477]
              spids: [1475]
            (C {(pushd)} {(_tmp)})
              children: [
                (C {(find)} 
                    parts: [(osh-parser/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(stage1)} {(stage2)} {(index.html)}])]
                  ) (BracedWordTree parts:[(osh-runtime/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(stage1)} {(stage2)} {(index.html)}])]) 
                    parts: [
                        words: [{(stage1)} {(stage2)} {(index.html)}]
                  ) (BracedWordTree parts:[(oheap/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(stage1)} {(stage2)} {(index.html)}])]) 
                  {(-type)} {(f)}
                (C {(xargs)} {(--verbose)} {(--)} {(zip)} {(-q)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')})
              negated: False
            (C {(popd)})
          spids: [1449]
      spids: [1445 1448]
      name: metrics-index
          children: [
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_DLess
                  fd: 16777215
                      (DQ ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n') ('<html>\n') ('  <head>\n') 
                        ('    <title>Line Counts</title>\n') ('    <style>\n') ('      body {\n') ('        margin: 0 auto;\n') ('        width: 40em;\n') 
                        ('      }\n') ('      #home-link {\n') ('        text-align: right;\n') ('      }\n') ('    </style>\n') 
                        ('  </head>\n') ('  <body>\n') ('    <p id=') (Right_DoubleQuote '"') (home-link) (Right_DoubleQuote '"') ('>\n') 
                        ('      <a href=') (Right_DoubleQuote '"') (/) (Right_DoubleQuote '"') ('>oilshell.org</a>\n') ('    </p>\n') 
                        ('    <h3>Line Counts</h3>\n') ('    <p>\n')
                  do_expansion: True
                  here_end: EOF
                  was_filled: True
                  spids: [1587]
            (C {(find)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')} {(-name)} {(SQ <'*.txt'>)} {(-a)} {(-printf)} 
              {(SQ <'<a href="%P">%P</a> <br/>'>)}
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_DLess
                  fd: 16777215
                  body: {(DQ ('    </p>\n') ('  </body>\n') ('</html>\n'))}
                  do_expansion: True
                  here_end: EOF
                  was_filled: True
                  spids: [1640]
          spids: [1578]
      spids: [1574 1577]
      name: line-counts
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(_tmp/metrics/line-counts)}
                  spids: [1659]
              spids: [1657]
            (C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')})
              words: [{(scripts/count.sh)} {(all)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$out') (/src.txt)}
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              words: [{(build/metrics.sh)} {(linecount-pydeps)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$out') (/pydeps.txt)}
                  spids: [1692]
              words: [{(build/metrics.sh)} {(linecount-nativedeps)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$out') (/nativedeps.txt)}
                  spids: [1702]
              words: [{(metrics-index)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$out') (/index.html)}
                  spids: [1711]
            (C {(tree)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')})
          spids: [1654]
      spids: [1650 1653]
      name: _copy-path
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:src)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
                  spids: [1733]
                  lhs: (LhsName name:dest)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$2')}
                  spids: [1736]
              spids: [1731]
            (C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} 
                  command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(dirname)} {($ VSub_Name '$dest')})])
                  left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                  spids: [1744 1748]
            (C {(cp)} {(-v)} {($ VSub_Name '$src')} {($ VSub_Name '$dest')})
          spids: [1728]
      spids: [1724 1727]
      name: copy-web
          children: [
              children: [
                (C {(find)} {(web)} {(EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\('>)} {(-name)} 
                  {(_tmp)} {(-a)} {(-prune)} {(EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\)'>)} {(-o)} 
                  {(EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\('>)} {(-name)} {(SQ <'*.css'>)} {(-o)} {(-name)} {(SQ <'*.js'>)} 
                  {(EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\)'>)} {(-a)} {(-printf)} {(SQ <'%p _release/VERSION/%p\\n'>)}
                (C {(xargs)} {(-n)} {(2)} {(--)} {($ VSub_Number '$0')} {(_copy-path)})
              negated: False
          spids: [1766]
      spids: [1762 1765]
      name: build-tree
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:root)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(_release/VERSION)}
                  spids: [1863]
              spids: [1861]
            (C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} 
                parts: [($ VSub_Name '$root') (/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(doc)} {(test)} {(metrics)}])]
            (C {(cp)} {(-v)} {(_build/release-date.txt)} {(oil-version.txt)} {($ VSub_Name '$root')})
            (C {(build/doc.sh)} {(osh-quick-ref)} {(_release/VERSION)})
            (C {(build/doc.sh)} {(install)})
            (C {(build/doc.sh)} {(release-index)} {($ VSub_Name '$root') (/index.html)})
            (C {(copy-web)})
            (C {(tree)} {($ VSub_Name '$root')})
          spids: [1858]
      spids: [1854 1857]
      name: deploy-doc
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:deploy_repo)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(SQ <../oilshell.org__deploy>)}
                  spids: [1971]
              spids: [1969]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:release_root_dir)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$deploy_repo') (/release))}
                  spids: [1979]
              spids: [1977]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:release_dir)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$release_root_dir') (/) ($ VSub_Name '$OIL_VERSION'))}
                  spids: [1988]
              spids: [1986]
            (C {(cp)} {(-v)} {(-r)} {(--force)} {(--no-target-directory)} {(_release/VERSION/)} 
              {($ VSub_Name '$release_dir') (/)}
            (C {(html-index)} {($ VSub_Name '$release_root_dir')} {(_tmp/releases.html)})
            (C {(cp)} {(-v)} {(_tmp/releases.html)} {($ VSub_Name '$deploy_repo')})
            (C {(tree)} {(-L)} {(3)} {($ VSub_Name '$release_root_dir')})
            (C {(ls)} {(-l)} {($ VSub_Name '$deploy_repo') (/releases.html)})
          spids: [1966]
      spids: [1962 1965]
      name: deploy-tar
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:download_dir)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(SQ <../oilshell.org__deploy/download/>)}
                  spids: [2076]
              spids: [2074]
            (C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} {($ VSub_Name '$download_dir')})
            (C {(cp)} {(-v)} {(_release/oil-) ($ VSub_Name '$OIL_VERSION') (.tar.) (Lit_Other '*')} 
              {($ VSub_Name '$download_dir')}
            (C {(ls)} {(-l)} {($ VSub_Name '$download_dir')})
          spids: [2071]
      spids: [2067 2070]
      name: _release-files-html
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:version)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
                  spids: [2159]
              spids: [2157]
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'<table class="file-table">'>)})
            (C {(echo)} 
'<tr><thead> <td>File</td> <td>Size</td> <td>SHA256 Checksum</td> </thead></tr>'
              iter_name: name
              iter_words: [
                  parts: [(oil-) ($ VSub_Name '$version') (.tar.) (BracedAltPart words:[{(xz)} {(gz)}])]
              do_arg_iter: False
                  children: [
                      keyword: Assign_Local
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:url)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {(DQ (download/) ($ VSub_Name '$name'))}
                          spids: [2200]
                      spids: [2198]
                      keyword: Assign_Local
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:path)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {(../oilshell.org__deploy/download/) ($ VSub_Name '$name')}
                          spids: [2212]
                      spids: [2210]
                      keyword: Assign_Local
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:checksum)
                          op: Equal
                                    children: [
                                        children: [
                                          (C {(sha256sum)} {($ VSub_Name '$path')})
                                          (C {(awk)} {(SQ <'{print $1}'>)})
                                        negated: False
                                left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                                spids: [2220 2232]
                          spids: [2219]
                      spids: [2217]
                      keyword: Assign_Local
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:size)
                          op: Equal
                                    children: [
                                      (C {(stat)} {(--format)} {(SQ <'%s'>)} {($ VSub_Name '$path')})
                                left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                                spids: [2238 2248]
                          spids: [2237]
                      spids: [2235]
                    (C {(echo)} 
                      {(SQ <'<tr> <td class="filename"><a href="'>) ($ VSub_Name '$url') (SQ <'">'>) 
                        ($ VSub_Name '$name') (SQ <'</a></td>\n'> <'               <td class="size">'>) ($ VSub_Name '$size') 
                        (SQ <'</td>\n'> <'               <td class="checksum">'>) ($ VSub_Name '$checksum') (SQ <'</td>\n'> <'         </tr>'>)
                  spids: [2195 2283]
              spids: [2184 2193]
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'</table>'>)})
          spids: [2154]
      spids: [2150 2153]
      name: _html-index
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:release_root_dir)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
                  spids: [2359]
              spids: [2357]
              iter_name: entry
              iter_words: [{($ VSub_Name '$release_root_dir') (/) (Lit_Other '*')}]
              do_arg_iter: False
                  children: [
                      arms: [
                          cond: [
                                  children: [(C {(test)} {(-d)} {($ VSub_Name '$entry')})]
                                  negated: True
                              terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
                          action: [(ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Continue continue>)]
                          spids: [16777215 2392]
                      spids: [16777215 2398]
                      keyword: Assign_Local
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:dir)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {($ VSub_Name '$entry')}
                          spids: [2403]
                      spids: [2401]
                      keyword: Assign_Local
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:version)
                          op: Equal
                                    children: [
                                      (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)} {($ VSub_Name '$dir') (/oil-version.txt)})
                                left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                                spids: [2411 2420]
                          spids: [2410]
                      spids: [2408]
                      keyword: Assign_Local
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:release_date)
                          op: Equal
                                    children: [
                                      (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)} {($ VSub_Name '$dir') (/release-date.txt)})
                                left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                                spids: [2426 2435]
                          spids: [2425]
                      spids: [2423]
                    (C {(log)} {(DQ ('-- ') ($ VSub_Name '$dir'))})
                    (C {(log)} {(DQ ('Version: ') ($ VSub_Name '$version'))})
                    (C {(log)} {(DQ ('Release Date: ') ($ VSub_Name '$release_date'))})
                    (C {(log)} {(DQ )})
                    (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$release_date') (' ') ($ VSub_Name '$version'))})
                  spids: [2378 2479]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(_tmp/release-meta.txt)}
                  spids: [2481]
              spids: [2372 2376]
              words: [{(sort)} {(-r)} {(_tmp/release-meta.txt)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(_tmp/sorted-releases.txt)}
                  spids: [2497]
              cond: [(Sentence child:(C {(read)} {(date)} {(_)} {(version)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ';'>)]
                  children: [
                    (C {(log)} {(DQ ('Release Date: ') ($ VSub_Name '$date'))})
                    (C {(log)} {(DQ ('Version: ') ($ VSub_Name '$version'))})
                    (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'<a name="'>) ($ VSub_Name '$version') (SQ <'"></a>'>)})
                    (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('<h2>Version ') ($ VSub_Name '$version') ('</h2>'))})
                    (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('<p class=')) (date) (DQ ('>') ($ VSub_Name '$date') ('</p>'))})
                    (C {(echo)} 
                      {(SQ <'<p>                 <a href="release/'>) ($ VSub_Name '$version') 
                        (SQ <'/announcement.html">Release Announcement</a>\n'> 
                          <'              &nbsp; | &nbsp; <a href="release/'>
                        ) ($ VSub_Name '$version') 
                        (SQ <'/doc/INSTALL.html">INSTALL</a>\n'> 
                          <'              &nbsp; | &nbsp; <a href="release/'>
                        ) ($ VSub_Name '$version') (SQ <'/">Docs and Details</a>\n'> <'          </p>'>)
                    (C {(_release-files-html)} {($ VSub_Name '$version')})
                  spids: [2514 2601]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Less
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(_tmp/sorted-releases.txt)}
                  spids: [2603]
          spids: [2354]
      spids: [2350 2353]
      name: _releases-html-header
          children: [
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_DLess
                  fd: 16777215
                      (DQ ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n') ('<html>\n') ('  <head>\n') 
                        ('    <title>Oil Releases</title>\n') ('    <style>\n') ('      /* Make it centered and skinny for readability */\n') ('      body {\n') 
                        ('        margin: 0 auto;\n') ('        width: 60em;\n') ('      }\n') ('      h1 {\n') ('        text-align: center;\n') ('      }\n') 
                        ('      thead {\n') ('        font-weight: bold;\n') ('      }\n') ('      /* Style for checksum, file size, etc. */\n') 
                        ('\n') ('      .file-table {\n') ('        width: 100%;\n') ('      }\n') ('\n') ('      .filename {\n') 
                        ('        font-family: monospace;\n') ('      }\n') ('\n') ('      .size {\n') ('      }\n') ('      .checksum {\n') 
                        ('        font-family: monospace;\n') ('        color: #555;\n') ('      }\n') ('\n') ('      /* Copied from oilshell.org bundle.css */\n') 
                        ('      .date {\n') ('        font-size: medium;\n') ('        color: #555;\n') ('        padding-left: 1em;\n') 
                        ('      }\n') ('      #home-link {\n') ('        text-align: right;\n') ('      }\n') ('    </style>\n') 
                        ('  </head>\n') ('  <body>\n') ('    <p id=') (Right_DoubleQuote '"') (home-link) (Right_DoubleQuote '"') ('>\n') 
                        ('      <a href=') (Right_DoubleQuote '"') (/) (Right_DoubleQuote '"') ('>oilshell.org</a>\n') ('    </p>\n') 
                        ('    <h1>Oil Releases</h1>\n')
                  do_expansion: True
                  here_end: EOF
                  was_filled: True
                  spids: [2619]
          spids: [2614]
      spids: [2610 2613]
      name: _html-footer
          children: [
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_DLess
                  fd: 16777215
                  body: {(DQ ('  </body>\n') ('</html>\n'))}
                  do_expansion: True
                  here_end: EOF
                  was_filled: True
                  spids: [2692]
          spids: [2687]
      spids: [2683 2686]
      name: html-index
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:release_root_dir)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
                  spids: [2710]
              spids: [2708]
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:out)
                  op: Equal
                        token: <VSub_Number 2>
                            op_id: VTest_ColonHyphen
                            arg_word: {(_tmp) (Lit_Slash /) (releases.html)}
                        spids: [2717 2723]
                  spids: [2716]
              spids: [2714]
              children: [
                (C {(_releases-html-header)})
                (C {(_html-index)} {($ VSub_Name '$release_root_dir')})
                (C {(_html-footer)})
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$out')}
                  spids: [2742]
              spids: [2727]
            (C {(ls)} {(-l)} {($ VSub_Name '$out')})
          spids: [2705]
      spids: [2701 2704]
    (C {(DQ ($ VSub_At '$@'))})