# We shouldn't rely on the user's grep settings to be correct. If we set these # here anytime asdf invokes grep it will be invoked with these options # shellcheck disable=SC2034 GREP_OPTIONS="--color=never" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 GREP_COLORS= asdf_version() { cat "$(asdf_dir)/VERSION" } asdf_dir() { if [ -z "$ASDF_DIR" ]; then local current_script_path=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} export ASDF_DIR ASDF_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$(dirname "$current_script_path")")" || exit; pwd) fi echo "$ASDF_DIR" } asdf_repository_url() { echo "https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-plugins.git" } get_install_path() { local plugin=$1 local install_type=$2 local version=$3 mkdir -p "$(asdf_dir)/installs/${plugin}" if [ "$install_type" = "version" ] then echo "$(asdf_dir)/installs/${plugin}/${version}" else echo "$(asdf_dir)/installs/${plugin}/${install_type}-${version}" fi } list_installed_versions() { local plugin_name=$1 local plugin_path plugin_path=$(get_plugin_path "$plugin_name") local plugin_installs_path plugin_installs_path=$(asdf_dir)/installs/${plugin_name} if [ -d "$plugin_installs_path" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2045 for install in $(ls -d "${plugin_installs_path}"/*/ 2>/dev/null); do basename "$install" done fi } check_if_plugin_exists() { # Check if we have a non-empty argument if [ -z "${1}" ]; then display_error "No plugin given" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$(asdf_dir)/plugins/$1" ]; then display_error "No such plugin" exit 1 fi } check_if_version_exists() { local plugin_name=$1 local version=$2 check_if_plugin_exists "$plugin_name" local install_path install_path=$(find_install_path "$plugin_name" "$version") if [ "$version" != "system" ] && [ ! -d "$install_path" ]; then display_error "version $version is not installed for $plugin_name" exit 1 fi } get_plugin_path() { echo "$(asdf_dir)/plugins/$1" } display_error() { echo >&2 "$1" } get_version_in_dir() { local plugin_name=$1 local search_path=$2 local legacy_filenames=$3 local asdf_version asdf_version=$(parse_asdf_version_file "$search_path/.tool-versions" "$plugin_name") if [ -n "$asdf_version" ]; then echo "$asdf_version|$search_path/.tool-versions" return 0 fi for filename in $legacy_filenames; do local legacy_version legacy_version=$(parse_legacy_version_file "$search_path/$filename" "$plugin_name") if [ -n "$legacy_version" ]; then echo "$legacy_version|$search_path/$filename" return 0 fi done } find_version() { local plugin_name=$1 local search_path=$2 local version version=$(get_version_from_env "$plugin_name") if [ -n "$version" ]; then echo "$version" return 0 fi local plugin_path plugin_path=$(get_plugin_path "$plugin_name") local legacy_config legacy_config=$(get_asdf_config_value "legacy_version_file") local legacy_list_filenames_script legacy_list_filenames_script="${plugin_path}/bin/list-legacy-filenames" local legacy_filenames="" if [ "$legacy_config" = "yes" ] && [ -f "$legacy_list_filenames_script" ]; then legacy_filenames=$(bash "$legacy_list_filenames_script") fi while [ "$search_path" != "/" ]; do version=$(get_version_in_dir "$plugin_name" "$search_path" "$legacy_filenames") if [ -n "$version" ]; then echo "$version" return 0 fi search_path=$(dirname "$search_path") done get_version_in_dir "$plugin_name" "$HOME" "$legacy_filenames" } get_version_from_env () { local plugin_name=$1 local upcase_name upcase_name=$(echo "$plugin_name" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') local version_env_var="ASDF_${upcase_name}_VERSION" local version=${!version_env_var} echo "$version" } find_install_path() { local plugin_name=$1 local version=$2 # shellcheck disable=SC2162 IFS=':' read -a version_info <<< "$version" if [ "$version" = "system" ]; then echo "" elif [ "${version_info[0]}" = "ref" ]; then local install_type="${version_info[0]}" local version="${version_info[1]}" get_install_path "$plugin_name" "$install_type" "$version" elif [ "${version_info[0]}" = "path" ]; then # This is for people who have the local source already compiled # Like those who work on the language, etc # We'll allow specifying path:/foo/bar/project in .tool-versions # And then use the binaries there local install_type="path" local version="path" echo "${version_info[1]}" else local install_type="version" local version="${version_info[0]}" get_install_path "$plugin_name" "$install_type" "$version" fi } get_executable_path() { local plugin_name=$1 local version=$2 local executable_path=$3 check_if_version_exists "$plugin_name" "$version" if [ "$version" = "system" ]; then path=$(echo "$PATH" | sed -e "s|$ASDF_DIR/shims||g; s|::|:|g") cmd=$(basename "$executable_path") cmd_path=$(PATH=$path which "$cmd" 2>&1) # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi echo "$cmd_path" else local install_path install_path=$(find_install_path "$plugin_name" "$version") echo "${install_path}"/"${executable_path}" fi } parse_asdf_version_file() { local file_path=$1 local plugin_name=$2 if [ -f "$file_path" ]; then local version version=$(grep "${plugin_name} " "$file_path" | sed -e "s/^${plugin_name} //") if [ -n "$version" ]; then echo "$version" return 0 fi fi } parse_legacy_version_file() { local file_path=$1 local plugin_name=$2 local plugin_path plugin_path=$(get_plugin_path "$plugin_name") local parse_legacy_script parse_legacy_script="${plugin_path}/bin/parse-legacy-file" if [ -f "$file_path" ]; then if [ -f "$parse_legacy_script" ]; then bash "$parse_legacy_script" "$file_path" else cat "$file_path" fi fi } get_preset_version_for() { local plugin_name=$1 local search_path search_path=$(pwd) local version_and_path version_and_path=$(find_version "$plugin_name" "$search_path") local version version=$(cut -d '|' -f 1 <<< "$version_and_path"); echo "$version" } get_asdf_config_value_from_file() { local config_path=$1 local key=$2 if [ ! -f "$config_path" ]; then return 0 fi local result result=$(grep -E "^\s*$key\s*=" "$config_path" | awk -F '=' '{ gsub(/ /, "", $2); print $2 }') if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo "$result" fi } get_asdf_config_value() { local key=$1 local config_path=${AZDF_CONFIG_FILE:-"$HOME/.asdfrc"} local default_config_path=${AZDF_CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE:-"$(asdf_dir)/defaults"} local result result=$(get_asdf_config_value_from_file "$config_path" "$key") if [ -n "$result" ]; then echo "$result" else get_asdf_config_value_from_file "$default_config_path" "$key" fi } repository_needs_update() { local update_file_dir update_file_dir="$(asdf_dir)/tmp" local update_file_name update_file_name="repo-updated" # `find` outputs filename if it has not been modified in the last day local find_result find_result=$(find "$update_file_dir" -name "$update_file_name" -type f -mtime +1 -print) [ -n "$find_result" ] } initialize_or_update_repository() { local repository_url local repository_path repository_url=$(asdf_repository_url) repository_path=$(asdf_dir)/repository if [ ! -d "$repository_path" ]; then echo "initializing plugin repository..." git clone "$repository_url" "$repository_path" elif repository_needs_update; then echo "updating plugin repository..." (cd "$repository_path" && git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master) fi mkdir -p "$(asdf_dir)/tmp" touch "$(asdf_dir)/tmp/repo-updated" } get_plugin_source_url() { local plugin_name=$1 local plugin_config plugin_config="$(asdf_dir)/repository/plugins/$plugin_name" if [ -f "$plugin_config" ]; then grep "repository" "$plugin_config" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | sed 's/ //' fi }