#!/bin/bash { #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Optimize current Debian installation and prep for DietPi installation. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # REQUIREMENTS # - Currently running Debian (ideally minimal, eg: Raspbian Lite-ish =)) ) # - Active eth0 connection #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Use master branch, if unset GIT_BRANCH=${GIT_BRANCH:=master} echo -e "Git Branch: $GIT_BRANCH" #Ensure we are in users home dir: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/905#issuecomment-298223705 cd "$HOME" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Critical checks and pre-reqs, with exit, prior to initial run of script #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Exit path for non-root logins. if (( $UID != 0 )); then echo -e 'Error: Root privileges required. Please run the command with "sudo"\nIn case install the "sudo" package with root privileges: #apt-get install sudo\n' exit 1 fi # - APT force IPv4 echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-dietpi-force-ipv4 #Check/install minimal APT Pre-Reqs a_MIN_APT_PREREQS=( 'wget' 'ca-certificates' 'locales' ) # - Meveric special: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1285#issuecomment-355759321 rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb-multimedia.list &> /dev/null apt-get clean apt-get update for (( i=0; i<${#a_MIN_APT_PREREQS[@]}; i++)) do if (( ! $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -ci -m1 "^${a_MIN_APT_PREREQS[$i]}[[:space:]]") )); then apt-get install -y ${a_MIN_APT_PREREQS[$i]} if (( $? != 0 )); then echo -e "Error: Unable to install ${a_MIN_APT_PREREQS[$i]}, please try to install it manually with\n - apt-get install -y ${a_MIN_APT_PREREQS[$i]}" exit 1 fi fi done unset a_MIN_APT_PREREQS # - Wget prefer IPv4 grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*prefer-family =' /etc/wgetrc && sed -i '/^[[:blank:]]*prefer-family =/c\prefer-family = IPv4' /etc/wgetrc || grep -q '^[[:blank:]#;]*prefer-family =' /etc/wgetrc && sed -i '/^[[:blank:]#;]*prefer-family =/c\prefer-family = IPv4' /etc/wgetrc || echo 'prefer-family = IPv4' >> /etc/wgetrc #Setup locale # NB: DEV, any changes here must be also rolled into function '/DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_software locale', for future script use echo 'en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8' > /etc/locale.gen dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive locales # dpkg-reconfigure includes: # - "locale-gen": Generate locale(s) based on "/etc/locale.gen" or interactive selection. # - "update-locale": Add $LANG to "/etc/default/locale" based on generated locale(s) or interactive default language selection. if (( $? != 0 )); then echo -e 'Error: Locale generation failed. Aborting...\n' exit 1 fi cat << _EOF_ > /etc/profile.d/99-dietpi-force-locale.sh # Force locale on remote access, especially via dropbear, where overwriting server locale by SSH client cannot be suppressed: export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_GB:en _EOF_ chmod +x /etc/profile.d/99-dietpi-force-locale.sh #Force en_GB Locale for rest of script. Prevents incorrect parsing with non-english locales. LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Globals #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Download DietPi-Globals # - NB: we'll have to manually handle errors, until script is sucessfully loaded wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fourdee/DietPi/$GIT_BRANCH/dietpi/func/dietpi-globals -O dietpi-globals if (( $? != 0 )); then echo -e 'Error: Unable to download dietpi-globals. Aborting...\n' exit 1 fi # - load chmod +x dietpi-globals . ./dietpi-globals if (( $? != 0 )); then echo -e 'Error: Unable to load dietpi-globals. Aborting...\n' exit 1 fi export G_PROGRAM_NAME='DietPi-PREP_SYSTEM_FOR_DIETPI' export G_DISTRO=0 # Export to dietpi-globals export G_DISTRO_NAME='NULL' # Export to dietpi-globals DISTRO_TARGET=0 DISTRO_TARGET_NAME='' if grep -q 'wheezy' /etc/os-release; then G_DISTRO=2 G_DISTRO_NAME='wheezy' elif grep -q 'jessie' /etc/os-release; then G_DISTRO=3 G_DISTRO_NAME='jessie' elif grep -q 'stretch' /etc/os-release; then G_DISTRO=4 G_DISTRO_NAME='stretch' elif grep -q 'buster' /etc/os-release; then G_DISTRO=5 G_DISTRO_NAME='buster' else echo -e 'Error: Unknown or unsupported distribution version. Aborting...\n' exit 1 fi #G_HW_MODEL # init from dietpi-globals #G_HW_ARCH_DESCRIPTION # init from dietpi-globals G_HW_ARCH_DESCRIPTION=$(uname -m) if [ "$G_HW_ARCH_DESCRIPTION" = "armv6l" ]; then G_HW_ARCH=1 elif [ "$G_HW_ARCH_DESCRIPTION" = "armv7l" ]; then G_HW_ARCH=2 elif [ "$G_HW_ARCH_DESCRIPTION" = "aarch64" ]; then G_HW_ARCH=3 elif [ "$G_HW_ARCH_DESCRIPTION" = "x86_64" ]; then G_HW_ARCH=10 else echo -e "Error: Unknown or unsupported CPU architecture $G_HW_ARCH_DESCRIPTION. Aborting..." exit 1 fi #URL connection test var holder INTERNET_ADDRESS='' #Whiptail WHIP_BACKTITLE='DietPi-Prep' WHIP_TITLE=0 WHIP_DESC=0 WHIP_MENU_ARRAY=0 WHIP_RETURN_VALUE=0 WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM=0 WHIP_OPTION=0 WHIP_CHOICE=0 Run_Whiptail(){ WHIP_OPTION=$(whiptail --title "$WHIP_TITLE" --menu "$WHIP_DESC" --default-item "$WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM" --backtitle "$WHIP_BACKTITLE" 24 85 12 "${WHIP_MENU_ARRAY[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) WHIP_CHOICE=$? if (( $WHIP_CHOICE == 0 )) && [ -n "$WHIP_OPTION" ]; then WHIP_RETURN_VALUE=$WHIP_OPTION else G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 'No choices detected, aborting...' exit 0 fi #delete [] unset WHIP_MENU_ARRAY } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIN LOOP #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 'Step 0: Detecting existing DietPi system:' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (( $(systemctl is-active dietpi-ramdisk | grep -ci -m1 '^active') )); then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'DietPi system found, running pre-prep' # - Stop services /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-services stop G_RUN_CMD systemctl stop dietpi-ramlog G_RUN_CMD systemctl stop dietpi-ramdisk # - Delete any previous exsiting data rm -R /DietPi/* rm -R /boot/dietpi rm -R /mnt/dietpi-backup &> /dev/null rm -R /mnt/dietpi-sync &> /dev/null rm -R /mnt/dietpi_userdata &> /dev/null rm -R /etc/dietpi &> /dev/null # Pre v160 rm -R /var/lib/dietpi &> /dev/null rm -R /var/tmp/dietpi &> /dev/null rm /root/DietPi-Automation.log &> /dev/null rm /boot/Automation_Format_My_Usb_Drive &> /dev/null else G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Non-DietPi system' fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 'Step 1: Initial prep to allow this script to function:' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Updating APT:' #Recreate dietpi logs dir, used by G_AGx G_RUN_CMD mkdir -p /var/tmp/dietpi/logs G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Installing core packages, required for next stage of this script:' G_AGI apt-transport-https unzip whiptail #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 'Step 2: Hardware selection:' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHIP_TITLE='Hardware selection:' WHIP_DESC='Please select the current device this is being installed on:\n - NB: Select "Generic device" if not listed.' WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM=22 WHIP_MENU_ARRAY=( '' '────Other──────────────────────────────' '22' 'Generic device (unknown to DietPi)' '' '────SBC────────────────────────────────' '52' 'Asus Tinker Board' '51' 'BananaPi Pro (Lemaker)' '50' 'BananaPi M2+ (sinovoip)' '71' 'Beagle Bone Black' '66' 'NanoPi M1 Plus' '65' 'NanoPi NEO 2' '64' 'NanoPi NEO Air' '63' 'NanoPi M1/T1' '62' 'NanoPi M3/T3' '61' 'NanoPi M2/T2' '60' 'NanoPi Neo' '13' 'Odroid U3' '12' 'Odroid C2' '11' 'Odroid XU3/4/HC1' '10' 'Odroid C1' '38' 'OrangePi PC 2' '37' 'OrangePi Prime' '36' 'OrangePi Win' '35' 'OrangePi Zero Plus 2 (H3/H5)' '34' 'OrangePi Plus' '33' 'OrangePi Lite' '32' 'OrangePi Zero (H2+)' '31' 'OrangePi One' '30' 'OrangePi PC' '40' 'Pine A64' '3' 'Raspberry Pi 3' '2' 'Raspberry Pi 2' '1' 'Raspberry Pi 1/Zero (512mb)' '0' 'Raspberry Pi 1 (256mb)' '43' 'Rock64' '70' 'Sparky SBC' '' '────PC─────────────────────────────────' '21' 'x86_64 Native PC' '20' 'x86_64 VMware/VirtualBox' ) Run_Whiptail G_HW_MODEL=$WHIP_RETURN_VALUE G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Setting G_HW_MODEL index of: $G_HW_MODEL" G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "CPU ARCH = $G_HW_ARCH : $G_HW_ARCH_DESCRIPTION" echo -e "$G_HW_MODEL" > /etc/.dietpi_hw_model_identifier #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 'Step 3: Distro selection:' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHIP_TITLE='Distro selection:' WHIP_DESC="Please select a distro to install on this system. Selecting a distro that is older than the current installed on system, is not supported.\n\nCurrently installed:\n - $G_DISTRO $G_DISTRO_NAME" WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM=$G_DISTRO DISTRO_LIST_ARRAY=( '3' 'Jessie (oldstable, just if you need to avoid upgrade to current release)' '4' 'Stretch (current stable release, recommended)' '5' 'Buster (testing only, not officially supported)' ) # - Enable/list available options based on criteria # NB: Whiptail use 2 array indexs per whip displayed entry. for ((i=0; i<$(( ${#DISTRO_LIST_ARRAY[@]} / 2 )); i++)) do temp_distro_available=1 temp_distro_index=$(( $i + 3 )) # - Disable downgrades if (( $temp_distro_index < $G_DISTRO )); then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Disabled Distro downgrade: index $temp_distro_index" temp_distro_available=0 fi # - Enable option if (( $temp_distro_available )); then WHIP_MENU_ARRAY+=( "${DISTRO_LIST_ARRAY[$(( $i * 2 ))]}" "${DISTRO_LIST_ARRAY[$(( ($i * 2) + 1 ))]}" ) fi done #delete [] unset DISTRO_LIST_ARRAY if [ -z ${WHIP_MENU_ARRAY+x} ]; then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 'Error: No available Distros for this system. Aborting...' exit 1 fi Run_Whiptail DISTRO_TARGET=$WHIP_RETURN_VALUE if (( $DISTRO_TARGET == 3 )); then DISTRO_TARGET_NAME='jessie' elif (( $DISTRO_TARGET == 4 )); then DISTRO_TARGET_NAME='stretch' elif (( $DISTRO_TARGET == 5 )); then DISTRO_TARGET_NAME='buster' fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 'Step 4: APT configuration:' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Removing conflicting apt sources.list.d' # NB: Apt sources will get overwritten during 1st run, via boot script and dietpi.txt entry #rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* &> /dev/null #Probably a bad idea rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb-multimedia.list &> /dev/null #meveric #rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Setting APT sources.list: $DISTRO_TARGET_NAME $DISTRO_TARGET" # - Set raspbian if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )); then cat << _EOF_ > /etc/apt/sources.list deb https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/archive.raspbian.org/raspbian $DISTRO_TARGET_NAME main contrib non-free rpi _EOF_ cat << _EOF_ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list deb https://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ $DISTRO_TARGET_NAME main ui _EOF_ # Reset raspo.list to max available distro Stretch, which at least worked on first tests with Buster." (( $DISTRO_TARGET > 4 )) && sed -i "s/$DISTRO_TARGET_NAME/stretch/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list # - Set debian else cat << _EOF_ > /etc/apt/sources.list deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ $DISTRO_TARGET_NAME main contrib non-free deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ $DISTRO_TARGET_NAME-updates main contrib non-free deb https://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ $DISTRO_TARGET_NAME/updates main contrib non-free deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ $DISTRO_TARGET_NAME-backports main contrib non-free _EOF_ # Jessie, switch deb.debian.org to http: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1285#issuecomment-351830101 if (( $G_DISTRO < 4 )); then sed -i 's/https:/http:/g' /etc/apt/sources.list # Buster, remove backports: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1285#issuecomment-351830101 elif (( $DISTRO_TARGET > 4 )); then sed -i '/backports/d' /etc/apt/sources.list fi fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Updating APT for $DISTRO_TARGET_NAME:" G_RUN_CMD apt-get clean G_AGUP # - @MichaIng https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/pull/1266/files G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Marking all packages as auto installed first, to allow effective autoremove afterwards" G_RUN_CMD apt-mark auto $(apt-mark showmanual) # - @MichaIng https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/pull/1266/files G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Temporary disable automatic recommends/suggests installation and allow them to be autoremoved:" export G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND='/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-dietpi-norecommends' cat << _EOF_ > $G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND APT::Install-Recommends "false"; APT::Install-Suggests "false"; APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant "false"; APT::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant "false"; _EOF_ export G_ERROR_HANDLER_EXITCODE=$? G_ERROR_HANDLER G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Forcing use of modified apt configs" export G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND='/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-dietpi-forceconf' cat << _EOF_ > $G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND Dpkg::options { "--force-confdef"; "--force-confold"; } _EOF_ export G_ERROR_HANDLER_EXITCODE=$? G_ERROR_HANDLER # - DietPi list of minimal required packages, which must be installed: aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL=( 'apt-transport-https' # Allows https sources in ATP 'apt-utils' # Allows debconf to preconfigure APT packages before installing 'bash-completion' # Auto completes a wide list of bash commands 'bc' # Floating point calculation within bash 'bzip2' # .bz2 wrapper 'ca-certificates' # Adds known ca-certificates, necessary to practically access https sources 'console-setup' # DietPi-Config keyboard configuration 'cron' # background job scheduler 'curl' # Web address testing, downloading, uploading etc. 'dbus' # System message bus 'debconf' # APT package configuration, e.g. 'debconf-set-selections' 'dosfstools' # DietPi-Drive_Manager + fat (boot) drive file system check 'dphys-swapfile' # Swap file management 'ethtool' # Ethernet link checking 'fake-hwclock' # Hardware clock emulation, to allow correct timestamps during boot before network time sync 'fbset' # DietPi-Config display settings 'gnupg' # apt-key add 'hfsplus' # DietPi-Drive_Manager NTS (MacOS) file system support 'htop' # System monitor 'initramfs-tools' # RAM file system initialization 'iputils-ping' # ping command 'isc-dhcp-client' # DHCP client 'locales' # Support locales, necessary for DietPi scripts, as we use enGB.UTF8 as default language 'nano' # Simple text editor 'net-tools' # DietPi-Boot: Network tools, ifconfig, route etc. 'ntfs-3g' # DietPi-Drive_Manager NTPS (Windows) file system support 'ntp' # Network time syncronization 'p7zip-full' # .7z wrapper 'parted' # DietPi-Boot + DietPi-Drive_Manager 'psmisc' # DietPi-Boot + DietPi-Software: e.g. killall 'resolvconf' # System name server updater 'sudo' # DietPi-Software + general use 'systemd-sysv' # Includes systemd and additional commands: poweroff, shutdown etc. 'tzdata' # Time zone data for system clock, auto summer/winter time adjustment 'unzip' # .zip unwrapper 'usbutils' # DietPi-Software + DietPi-Bugreport: e.g. lsusb 'wget' # download 'whiptail' # DietPi dialogs 'wput' # upload 'zip' # .zip wrapper ) # - G_DISTRO specific required packages: if (( $G_DISTRO < 4 )); then aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('dropbear') # DietPi default SSH-Client else aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('dropbear-run') # DietPi default SSH-Client (excluding initramfs integration, available since Stretch) fi # - G_HW_MODEL specific required repo key packages # Repo keys: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1285#issuecomment-358301273 if (( $G_HW_MODEL >= 10 )); then G_AGI debian-archive-keyring else G_AGI raspbian-archive-keyring fi # - G_HW_MODEL specific required packages: # VM: No network firmware necessary and hard drive power management stays at host system. if (( $G_HW_MODEL != 20 )); then G_AGI firmware-realtek # Eth/WiFi/BT dongle firmware aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('hdparm') # Drive power management adjustment fi # - Kernel required packages # - G_HW_ARCH specific required Kernel packages # As these are kernel, firmware or bootloader packages, we need to install them directly to allow autoremove of in case older kernel packages: # https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1285#issuecomment-354602594 # x86_64 if (( $G_HW_ARCH == 10 )); then G_AGI linux-image-amd64 # Usually no firmware should be necessary for VMs. If user manually passes though some USB device, he might need to install the firmware then. (( $G_HW_MODEL != 20 )) && G_AGI firmware-linux-nonfree grep 'vendor_id' /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qi 'intel' && G_AGI intel-microcode grep 'vendor_id' /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qi 'amd' && G_AGI amd64-microcode #aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('firmware-misc-nonfree') #aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('dmidecode') # Grub EFI if (( $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -ci -m1 '^grub-efi-amd64[[:space:]]') )) || [ -d /boot/efi ]; then G_AGI grub-efi-amd64 # Grub BIOS else G_AGI grub-pc fi # - G_HW_MODEL specific required Kernel packages # RPi elif (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )); then apt-mark unhold libraspberrypi-bin libraspberrypi0 raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-kernel raspberrypi-sys-mods raspi-copies-and-fills rm -R /lib/modules/* G_AGI libraspberrypi-bin libraspberrypi0 raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-kernel raspberrypi-sys-mods raspi-copies-and-fills --reinstall # Odroid C2 elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 12 )); then G_AGI linux-image-arm64-odroid-c2 # Odroid XU3/4/HC1 elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 11 )); then #G_AGI linux-image-4.9-armhf-odroid-xu3 G_AGI $(dpkg --get-selections | grep '^linux-image' | awk '{print $1}') (( $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -ci -m1 '^linux-image') )) || G_AGI linux-image-armhf-odroid-xu3 # Odroid C1 elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 10 )); then G_AGI linux-image-armhf-odroid-c1 # Rock64 elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 43 )); then G_AGI linux-rock64-package # BBB elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 71 )); then G_AGI device-tree-compiler #Kern # - Auto detect kernel/firmware package else AUTO_DETECT_KERN_PKG=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep '^linux-image' | awk '{print $1}') if [ -n "$AUTO_DETECT_KERN_PKG" ]; then G_AGI $AUTO_DETECT_KERN_PKG else G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Unable to find kernel packages for installation. Assuming non-APT/.deb kernel installation.' fi #ARMbian/others DTB AUTO_DETECT_DTB_PKG=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep '^linux-dtb-' | awk '{print $1}') if [ -n "$AUTO_DETECT_DTB_PKG" ]; then G_AGI $AUTO_DETECT_DTB_PKG fi # Check for existing firmware # - ARMbian # AUTO_DETECT_FIRMWARE_PKG=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep '^armbian-firmware' | awk '{print $1}') # if [ -n "$AUTO_DETECT_FIRMWARE_PKG" ]; then # G_AGI $AUTO_DETECT_FIRMWARE_PKG # fi # Unpacking armbian-firmware (5.35) ... # dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/armbian-firmware_5.35_all .deb (--unpack): # trying to overwrite '/lib/firmware/rt2870.bin', which is also in package firmwa re-misc-nonfree 20161130-3 # dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe) fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "WiFi selection" WHIP_TITLE='WiFi required?' WHIP_DESC='Please select an option' WHIP_DEFAULT_ITEM=1 WHIP_MENU_ARRAY=( '0' "I don't require WiFi, do not install." '1' 'I require WiFi functionality, keep/install related packages.' ) Run_Whiptail if (( $WHIP_RETURN_VALUE == 1 )); then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Marking WiFi as needed" aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('crda') # WiFi related aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('firmware-atheros') # WiFi dongle firmware aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('firmware-brcm80211') # WiFi dongle firmware aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('firmware-ralink') # WiFi dongle firmware aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('iw') # WiFi related aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('rfkill') # WiFi related: Used by some onboard WiFi chipsets aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('wireless-tools') # WiFi related aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL+=('wpasupplicant') # WiFi related fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Generating list of minimal packages, required for DietPi installation:" INSTALL_PACKAGES='' for ((i=0; i<${#aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL[@]}; i++)) do # One line INSTALL_PACKAGES so we can use it later. INSTALL_PACKAGES+="${aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL[$i]} " done # - delete[] unset aPACKAGES_REQUIRED_INSTALL G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Marking required packages as manually installed:" G_RUN_CMD apt-mark manual $INSTALL_PACKAGES G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Purging APT with autoremoval:" G_AGA #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 'Step 5: APT installations:' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Upgrading existing APT installed packages:" G_AGDUG # - Distro is now target (for APT purposes and G_AGX support due to installed binary, its here, instead of after G_AGUP) G_DISTRO=$DISTRO_TARGET G_DISTRO_NAME=$DISTRO_TARGET_NAME G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Disabling swapfile generation for dphys-swapfile during install" G_RUN_CMD echo -e "CONF_SWAPSIZE=0" > /etc/dphys-swapfile G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Installing core DietPi pre-req APT packages" G_AGI $INSTALL_PACKAGES # - @MichaIng https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/pull/1266/files G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Returning installation of recommends back to default" G_RUN_CMD rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-dietpi-norecommends G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Purging APT with autoremoval (in case of DISTRO upgrade/downgrade):" G_AGA # Reenable HTTPS for deb.debian.org, if system was dist-upgraded to Stretch+ if (( $G_DISTRO > 3 && $G_HW_MODEL > 9 )); then sed -i 's/http:/https:/g' /etc/apt/sources.list fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 'Step 6: Downloading and installing DietPi sourcecode' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNET_ADDRESS="https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/archive/$GIT_BRANCH.zip" #NB: testing until this is stable in master G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Checking connection to $INTERNET_ADDRESS" G_CHECK_URL "$INTERNET_ADDRESS" G_RUN_CMD wget "$INTERNET_ADDRESS" -O package.zip G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Extracting DietPi sourcecode" G_RUN_CMD unzip -o package.zip rm package.zip G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Removing files not required" # Remove files we do not require, or want to overwrite in /boot rm DietPi-*/CHANGELOG.txt rm DietPi-*/PREP_SYSTEM_FOR_DIETPI.sh rm DietPi-*/TESTING-BRANCH.md rm DietPi-*/uEnv.txt # Pine 64, use existing on system. G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Creating /boot" G_RUN_CMD mkdir -p /boot G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Moving to /boot" # - HW specific boot.ini uEnv.txt if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 10 )); then G_RUN_CMD mv DietPi-*/boot_c1.ini /boot/boot.ini elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 11 )); then G_RUN_CMD mv DietPi-*/boot_xu4.ini /boot/boot.ini elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 12 )); then G_RUN_CMD mv DietPi-*/boot_c2.ini /boot/boot.ini fi rm DietPi-*/*.ini G_RUN_CMD cp -R DietPi-*/* /boot/ G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Cleaning up extracted files" G_RUN_CMD rm -R DietPi-* G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Setting execute permissions for /boot/dietpi" G_RUN_CMD chmod -R +x /boot/dietpi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Step 7: Prep system for DietPi ENV:" G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Deleting list of known users, not required by DietPi" userdel -f pi &> /dev/null userdel -f test &> /dev/null #armbian userdel -f odroid &> /dev/null userdel -f rock64 &> /dev/null userdel -f linaro &> /dev/null #ASUS TB userdel -f dietpi &> /dev/null userdel -f debian &> /dev/null #BBB G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Removing misc files/folders/services, not required by DietPi" rm -R /home &> /dev/null rm -R /media &> /dev/null rm -R /selinux &> /dev/null # - www rm -R /var/www/* &> /dev/null # - sourcecode (linux-headers etc) rm -R /usr/src/* &> /dev/null # - root rm -R /root/.cache/* &> /dev/null rm -R /root/.local/* &> /dev/null rm -R /root/.config/* &> /dev/null # - documentation folders rm -R /usr/share/man &> /dev/null rm -R /usr/share/doc &> /dev/null rm -R /usr/share/doc-base &> /dev/null rm -R /usr/share/calendar &> /dev/null # - Previous debconfs rm /var/cache/debconf/*-old &> /dev/null # - Fonts rm -R /usr/share/fonts/* &> /dev/null rm -R /usr/share/icons/* &> /dev/null rm /etc/init.d/resize2fs &> /dev/null rm /etc/update-motd.d/* &> /dev/null # ARMbian systemctl disable firstrun &> /dev/null rm /etc/init.d/firstrun &> /dev/null # ARMbian # - Disable ARMbian's log2ram: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/781 systemctl disable log2ram.service &> /dev/null systemctl stop log2ram.service &> /dev/null rm /usr/local/sbin/log2ram &> /dev/null rm /etc/systemd/system/log2ram.service &> /dev/null systemctl daemon-reload &> /dev/null rm /etc/cron.hourly/log2ram &> /dev/null rm /etc/init.d/cpu_governor &> /dev/null# Meveric rm /etc/systemd/system/cpu_governor.service &> /dev/null# Meveric # - Disable ARMbian's resize service (not automatically removed by ARMbian scripts...) systemctl disable resize2fs &> /dev/null rm /etc/systemd/system/resize2fs.service &> /dev/null # - ARMbian-config rm /etc/profile.d/check_first_login_reboot.sh &> /dev/null G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Creating DietPi core environment" G_RUN_CMD /boot/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_core_environment echo -e "Samba client can be installed and setup by DietPi-Config.\nSimply run: dietpi-config and select the Networking option: NAS/Misc menu" > /mnt/samba/readme.txt echo -e "FTP client mount can be installed and setup by DietPi-Config.\nSimply run: dietpi-config and select the Networking option: NAS/Misc menu" > /mnt/ftp_client/readme.txt echo -e "NFS client can be installed and setup by DietPi-Config.\nSimply run: dietpi-config and select the Networking option: NAS/Misc menu" > /mnt/nfs_client/readme.txt G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Deleting all log files /var/log" /boot/dietpi/dietpi-logclear 2 &> /dev/null # As this will report missing vars, however, its fine, does not break functionality. G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Generating DietPi /etc/fstab" G_RUN_CMD /boot/dietpi/dietpi-drive_manager 4 # - HW Specific: # RPi requires PARTUUID for USB write: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/970 if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )); then PARTUUID_CURRENT=$(blkid /dev/mmcblk0p1 -s PARTUUID -o value) UUID_CURRENT=$(blkid /dev/mmcblk0p1 -s UUID -o value) sed -i "s#^UUID=$UUID_CURRENT#PARTUUID=$PARTUUID_CURRENT#g" /etc/fstab PARTUUID_CURRENT=$(blkid /dev/mmcblk0p2 -s PARTUUID -o value) UUID_CURRENT=$(blkid /dev/mmcblk0p2 -s UUID -o value) sed -i "s#^UUID=$UUID_CURRENT#PARTUUID=$PARTUUID_CURRENT#g" /etc/fstab systemctl daemon-reload fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Starting DietPi-RAMdisk service" G_RUN_CMD systemctl start dietpi-ramdisk.service G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Starting DietPi-RAMlog service" G_RUN_CMD systemctl start dietpi-ramlog.service G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Updating DietPi HW_INFO' /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-obtain_hw_model G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring Network:" rm -R /etc/network/interfaces &> /dev/null # armbian symlink for bulky network-manager G_RUN_CMD cp /boot/dietpi/conf/network_interfaces /etc/network/interfaces # - Remove all predefined eth*/wlan* adapter rules rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules &> /dev/null rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistant-net.rules &> /dev/null # - Add pre-up lines for wifi on OrangePi Zero if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 32 )); then sed -i '/iface wlan0 inet dhcp/apre-up modprobe xradio_wlan\npre-up iwconfig wlan0 power on' /etc/network/interfaces fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Tweaking DHCP timeout:" # - Reduce DHCP request retry count and timeouts: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/711 sed -i '/^#timeout /d' /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf sed -i '/^#retry /d' /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf sed -i '/^timeout /d' /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf sed -i '/^retry /d' /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf cat << _EOF_ >> /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf timeout 10; retry 4; _EOF_ G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring hosts:" export G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND='/etc/hosts' cat << _EOF_ > $G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND localhost DietPi ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters _EOF_ export G_ERROR_HANDLER_EXITCODE=$? G_ERROR_HANDLER export G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND='/etc/hostname' cat << _EOF_ > $G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND DietPi _EOF_ export G_ERROR_HANDLER_EXITCODE=$? G_ERROR_HANDLER G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring htop:" mkdir -p /root/.config/htop cp /DietPi/dietpi/conf/htoprc /root/.config/htop/htoprc G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring hdparm:" export G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND='/etc/hdparm.conf' cat << _EOF_ >> $G_ERROR_HANDLER_COMMAND #DietPi external USB drive. Power management settings. /dev/sda { #10 mins spindown_time = 120 # apm = 254 } _EOF_ export G_ERROR_HANDLER_EXITCODE=$? G_ERROR_HANDLER G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring fakehwclock:" # - allow times in the past sed -i "/FORCE=/c\FORCE=force" /etc/default/fake-hwclock G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring serial consoles:" # - Disable serial console /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware serialconsole disable G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring ntpd:" systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd rm /etc/init.d/ntp &> /dev/null (( $G_DISTRO > 4 )) && systemctl mask ntp G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring regional settings (TZdata):" rm /etc/timezone &> /dev/null rm /etc/localtime ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime G_RUN_CMD dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring regional settings (Keyboard):" dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive keyboard-configuration #Keyboard must be plugged in for this to work! #G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Configuring regional settings (Locale):" #Runs at start of script #G_HW_ARCH specific G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Applying G_HW_ARCH specific tweaks:" if (( $G_HW_ARCH == 10 )); then # - i386 APT support dpkg --add-architecture i386 G_AGUP # - Disable nouveau: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1244 // http://dietpi.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2462&p=9688#p9688 cat << _EOF_ > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf blacklist nouveau blacklist lbm-nouveau options nouveau modeset=0 alias nouveau off alias lbm-nouveau off _EOF_ echo -e "options nouveau modeset=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf update-initramfs -u fi #G_HW_MODEL specific G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Appling G_HW_MODEL specific tweaks:" # - ARMbian OPi Zero 2: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/876#issuecomment-294350580 if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 35 )); then echo -e "blacklist bmp085" > /etc/modprobe.d/bmp085.conf # - Sparky SBC ONLY: elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 70 )); then # Install latest kernel wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sparky-sbc/sparky-test/master/dragon_fly_check/uImage -O /boot/uImage wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sparky-sbc/sparky-test/master/dragon_fly_check/3.10.38.bz2 -O package.tar tar xvf package.tar -C /lib/modules/ rm package.tar cat << _EOF_ > /DietPi/uEnv.txt uenvcmd=setenv os_type linux; bootargs=earlyprintk clk_ignore_unused selinux=0 scandelay console=tty0 loglevel=1 real_rootflag=rw root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait init=/lib/systemd/systemd aotg.urb_fix=1 aotg.aotg1_speed=0 _EOF_ # Blacklist GPU and touch screen modules: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/699#issuecomment-271362441 cat << _EOF_ > /etc/modprobe.d/disable_sparkysbc_touchscreen.conf blacklist owl_camera blacklist gsensor_stk8313 blacklist ctp_ft5x06 blacklist ctp_gsl3680 blacklist gsensor_bma222 blacklist gsensor_mir3da _EOF_ cat << _EOF_ > /etc/modprobe.d/disable_sparkysbc_gpu.conf blacklist pvrsrvkm blacklist drm blacklist videobuf2_vmalloc blacklist bc_example _EOF_ # Use performance gov for stability. sed -i "/^CONFIG_CPU_GOVERNOR=/c\CONFIG_CPU_GOVERNOR=performance" /DietPi/dietpi.txt /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-cpu_set # - RPI: Scroll lock fix for RPi by Midwan: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/474#issuecomment-243215674 elif (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )); then cat << _EOF_ > /etc/udev/rules.d/50-leds.rules ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="leds", ENV{DEVPATH}=="*/input*::scrolllock", ATTR{trigger}="kbd-scrollock" _EOF_ # - PINE64 (and possibily others): Cursor fix for FB elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 40 )); then cat << _EOF_ >> "$HOME"/.bashrc infocmp > terminfo.txt sed -i -e 's/?0c/?112c/g' -e 's/?8c/?48;0;64c/g' terminfo.txt tic terminfo.txt tput cnorm _EOF_ # - XU4 FFMPEG fix. Prefer debian.org over Meveric for backports: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1273 elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 11 )); then cat << _EOF_ > /etc/apt/preferences.d/backports Package: * Pin: release a=jessie-backports Pin: origin "fuzon.co.uk" Pin-Priority: 99 _EOF_ fi # - ARMbian increase console verbose sed -i '/verbosity=/c\verbosity=7' /boot/armbianEnv.txt &> /dev/null #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo -e '' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Step 8: Finalise system for first run of DietPi:" G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Configuring Dropbear:' # set to start on next boot sed -i '/NO_START=1/c\NO_START=0' /etc/default/dropbear G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Configuring Services' /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-services stop /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-services dietpi_controlled G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Running general cleanup of misc files' # - general folders rm -R /tmp/* &> /dev/null # - Remove Bash History file rm ~/.bash_history &> /dev/null # - Nano histroy file rm ~/.nano_history &> /dev/null G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Disabling swapfile' /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_dphys-swapfile 0 /var/swap rm /var/swap &> /dev/null # still exists on some images... # BBB disable swapfile gen if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 71 )); then sed -i '/AUTO_SETUP_SWAPFILE_SIZE=/c\AUTO_SETUP_SWAPFILE_SIZE=0' /DietPi/dietpi.txt fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Resetting boot.ini, config.txt, cmdline.txt etc' # - PineA64 - delete ethaddr from uEnv.txt file if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 40 )); then sed -i '/^ethaddr/ d' /boot/uEnv.txt fi # - Set Pi cmdline.txt back to normal [ -f /boot/cmdline.txt ] && sed -i "s/ rootdelay=10//g" /boot/cmdline.txt G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Generating default wpa_supplicant.conf' /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware wificreds set G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Disabling generic WiFi/BT by default' /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware bluetooth disable /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware wifimodules disable G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Enabling onboard WiFi modules by default' /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware wifimodules onboard_enable #G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Configuring IP version preferences' #/DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware preferipversion ipv4 #Already done at top of script, and now default in dietpi.txt G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Disabling soundcards by default' /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware soundcard none # Alsa-utils is auto installed to reset soundcard settings on some ARM devices. uninstall it afterwards G_AGP alsa-utils G_AGA G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Setting default CPU gov' /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-cpu_set G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Clearing log files' /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-logclear 2 G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Deleting DietPi-RAMlog storage' rm -R /var/lib/dietpi/dietpi-ramlog/storage/* &> /dev/null G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Deleting NTP drift file' rm /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift &> /dev/null G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Resetting DietPi generated globals/files' rm /DietPi/dietpi/.??* G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Setting DietPi-Autostart to console' echo 0 > /DietPi/dietpi/.dietpi-autostart_index G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Creating our update file (used on 1st run to check for DietPi updates)' echo -1 > /DietPi/dietpi/.update_stage G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Set Init .install_stage to -1 (first boot)' echo -1 > /DietPi/dietpi/.install_stage G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Remove server_version / patch_file (downloads fresh from dietpi-update)' rm /DietPi/dietpi/patch_file &> /dev/null rm /DietPi/dietpi/server_version* &> /dev/null G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Clearing APT cache' G_RUN_CMD apt-get clean rm -R /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf #lists cache: remove partial folder also, automatically gets regenerated on G_AGUP #rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/* #issue... #dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libdbus-1-3:armhf' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed # - HW Specific # RPi remove saved G_HW_MODEL , allowing obtain-hw_model to auto detect RPi model if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )); then rm /etc/.dietpi_hw_model_identifier fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Generating dietpi-fs_partition_resize for first boot' #??? BBB skip this??? cat << _EOF_ > /etc/systemd/system/dietpi-fs_partition_resize.service [Unit] Description=dietpi-fs_partition_resize Before=dietpi-ramdisk.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=no ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/var/lib/dietpi/fs_partition_resize.sh | tee /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/fs_partition_resize.log' StandardOutput=tty [Install] WantedBy=local-fs.target _EOF_ systemctl daemon-reload G_RUN_CMD systemctl enable dietpi-fs_partition_resize.service cat << _EOF_ > /var/lib/dietpi/fs_partition_resize.sh #!/bin/bash systemctl disable dietpi-fs_partition_resize.service systemctl enable dietpi-fs_expand.service systemctl daemon-reload sync TARGET_PARTITION=0 TARGET_DEV=\$(findmnt / -o source -n) # - MMCBLK[0-9]p[0-9] scrape if [[ "\$TARGET_DEV" = *"mmcblk"* ]]; then TARGET_DEV=\$(findmnt / -o source -n | sed 's/p[0-9]\$//') TARGET_PARTITION=\$(findmnt / -o source -n | sed 's/.*p//') # - Everything else scrape (eg: /dev/sdX[0-9]) else TARGET_DEV=\$(findmnt / -o source -n | sed 's/[0-9]\$//') TARGET_PARTITION=\$(findmnt / -o source -n | sed 's|/dev/sd.||') fi cat << _EOF_1 | fdisk \$TARGET_DEV p d \$TARGET_PARTITION n p \$TARGET_PARTITION \$(parted \$TARGET_DEV -ms unit s p | grep ':ext4::;' | sed 's/:/ /g' | sed 's/s//g' | awk '{ print \$2 }') p w _EOF_1 reboot _EOF_ G_RUN_CMD chmod +x /var/lib/dietpi/fs_partition_resize.sh G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Generating dietpi-fs_partition_expand for subsequent boot' cat << _EOF_ > /etc/systemd/system/dietpi-fs_expand.service [Unit] Description=dietpi-fs_expand Before=dietpi-ramdisk.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=no ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "resize2fs \$(findmnt / -o source -n) &> /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/fs_expand.log; systemctl disable dietpi-fs_expand.service; systemctl daemon-reload" StandardOutput=tty [Install] WantedBy=local-fs.target _EOF_ systemctl daemon-reload # #debug # systemctl start dietpi-fs_partition_resize.service # systemctl status dietpi-fs_partition_resize.service -l # cat /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/fs_partition_resize.log G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Storing DietPi version ID' G_RUN_CMD wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fourdee/DietPi/$GIT_BRANCH/dietpi/.version -O /DietPi/dietpi/.version # reduce sub_version by 1, allows us to create image, prior to release and patch if needed. CORE_VERSION=$(sed -n 1p /DietPi/dietpi/.version) SUB_VERSION=$(sed -n 2p /DietPi/dietpi/.version) ((SUB_VERSION--)) cat << _EOF_ > /DietPi/dietpi/.version $CORE_VERSION $SUB_VERSION _EOF_ G_RUN_CMD cp /DietPi/dietpi/.version /var/lib/dietpi/.dietpi_image_version # - Native PC/EFI (assume x86_64 only possible) if (( $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -ci -m1 '^grub-efi-amd64[[:space:]]') )) && [ -d /boot/efi ]; then G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Recreating GRUB-EFI' G_RUN_CMD grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=arch_grub --recheck fi G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Sync changes to disk. Please wait, this may take some time...' G_RUN_CMD systemctl stop dietpi-ramlog G_RUN_CMD systemctl stop dietpi-ramdisk sync # fstrim -v / # sync G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Please check and delete all non-required folders in /root/.xxxxxx' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 'Please delete outdated modules' ls -lha /lib/modules G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 0 "Completed, disk can now be saved to .img for later use, or, reboot system to start first run of DietPi:" #Cleanup rm dietpi-globals rm PREP_SYSTEM_FOR_DIETPI.sh #Power off system #Read image #Resize rootfs parition to mininum size +50MB }