#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Set up a development build of Oil on CPython. # This is in constrast to the release build, which bundles Oil with "OVM" (a # slight fork of CPython). # Build Python extension modules. We use symlinks instead of installing them # globally (or using virtualenv). # # Usage: # ./pybuild.sh set -o nounset set -o pipefail set -o errexit ubuntu-deps() { # python-dev: for pylibc # gawk: used by spec-runner.sh for the special match() function. # time: used to collect the exit code and timing of a test # libreadline-dev: needed for the build/prepare.sh Python build. sudo apt-get install python-dev gawk time libreadline-dev test/spec.sh install-shells } # These produce _devbuild/{osh,oil}_help.py gen-help() { build/doc.sh osh-quick-ref # I believe this will be obsolete #build/doc.sh oil-quick-ref } gen-osh-asdl() { local out=_devbuild/gen/osh_asdl.py PYTHONPATH=. asdl/gen_python.py osh/osh.asdl 'osh.ast_' > $out echo "Wrote $out" } gen-runtime-asdl() { local out=_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.py PYTHONPATH=. asdl/gen_python.py core/runtime.asdl 'core.runtime' > $out echo "Wrote $out" } # TODO: should fastlex.c be part of the dev build? It means you need re2c # installed? I don't think it makes sense to have 3 builds, so yes I think we # can put it here for simplicity. # However one problem is that if the Python lexer definition is changed, then # you need to run re2c again! I guess you should just provide a script to # download it. py-ext() { local name=$1 local setup_script=$2 mkdir -p _devbuild/py-ext local arch=$(uname -m) $setup_script build --build-lib _devbuild/py-ext/$arch shopt -s failglob local so=$(echo _devbuild/py-ext/$arch/$name.so) ln -s -f -v $so $name.so file $name.so } pylibc() { py-ext libc build/setup.py PYTHONPATH=. native/libc_test.py } fastlex() { build/codegen.sh ast-id-lex # Why do we need this? It gets stail otherwise. rm -f _devbuild/py-ext/x86_64/fastlex.so py-ext fastlex build/setup_fastlex.py PYTHONPATH=. native/fastlex_test.py } clean() { rm -f --verbose libc.so fastlex.so rm -r -f --verbose _devbuild/py-ext } # No fastlex, because we don't want to require re2c installation. minimal() { mkdir -p _devbuild/gen # so osh_help.py and osh_asdl.py are importable touch _devbuild/__init__.py _devbuild/gen/__init__.py gen-help gen-osh-asdl gen-runtime-asdl pylibc } # Prerequisites: build/codegen.sh {download,install}-re2c all() { minimal build/codegen.sh fastlex } "$@"