  children: [
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(nounset)})
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(pipefail)})
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(errexit)})
      name: filter-py
          children: [(C {(grep)} {(-E)} {(-v)} {(SQ <'__init__.py$|_test.py$'>)})]
          spids: [42]
      spids: [38 41]
      name: oil-osh-files
          children: [
              children: [
                  children: [
                        (C {(ls)} 
                            parts: [
                                words: [{(bin)} {(osh)} {(core)}]
                              (Lit_Other '*')
                          ) {(native/) (Lit_Other '*') (.c)} {(osh/osh.asdl)} {(core/runtime.asdl)}
                      terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
                  spids: [68]
                (C {(filter-py)})
                (C {(grep)} {(-E)} {(-v)} {(SQ <'_gen.py$|test_lib.py'>)})
              negated: F
          spids: [65]
      spids: [61 64]
      name: asdl-cloc
          children: [
            (C {(python)} {(-c)} 
                (SQ <'\n'> <'import sys\n'> <'\n'> <'total = 0\n'> <'for path in sys.argv[1:]:\n'> 
                  <'  num_lines = 0\n'> <'  with open(path) as f:\n'> <'    for line in f:\n'> <'      line = line.strip()\n'> 
                  <'      if not line or line.startswith("--"):\n'> <'        continue\n'> <'      num_lines += 1\n'> <'\n'> <'  print "%5d %s" % (num_lines, path)\n'> 
                  <'  total += num_lines\n'> <'\n'> <'print "%5d %s" % (total, "total")\n'>
              } {(DQ ($ VSub_At '$@'))}
          spids: [124]
      spids: [120 123]
      name: oil-osh-cloc
          children: [
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'OIL AND OSH (non-blank non-comment lines)'>)})
            (C {(echo)})
              children: [(C {(oil-osh-files)}) (C {(xargs)} {(cloc)} {(--quiet)} {(DQ ($ VSub_At '$@'))})]
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'ASDL SCHEMAS (non-blank non-comment lines)'>)})
            (C {(asdl-cloc)} {(osh/osh.asdl)} {(core/runtime.asdl)})
          spids: [162]
      spids: [158 161]
      name: all
          children: [
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'BUILD AUTOMATION'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [(build/) (Lit_Other '*') (.) (BracedAltPart words:[{(sh)} {(py)}])]
                  ) {(Makefile)} {(configure)} {(install)}
                (C {(filter-py)})
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'TEST AUTOMATION'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [(test/) (Lit_Other '*') (.) (BracedAltPart words:[{(sh)} {(py)} {(R)}])]
                (C {(filter-py)})
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'RELEASE AUTOMATION'>)})
              children: [(C {(wc)} {(-l)} {(scripts/release.sh)}) (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})]
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <BENCHMARKS>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [
                      (Lit_Other '*')
                      (BracedAltPart words:[{(sh)} {(py)} {(R)}])
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'SPEC TESTS'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} {(spec/) (Lit_Other '*') (.test.sh)})
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'GOLD TESTS'>)})
              children: [(C {(wc)} {(-l)} {(gold/) (Lit_Other '*') (.sh)}) (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})]
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <ASDL>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [
                        words: [{(asdl_) (Lit_Other '*')} {(const)} {(py_meta)} {(encode)} {(format)}]
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'CODE GENERATORS'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} {(asdl/gen_) (Lit_Other '*') (.py)} 
                  {(Lit_Other '*') (/) (Lit_Other '*') (_gen.py)}
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'GENERATED CODE'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [(_devbuild/gen/) (Lit_Other '*') (.) (BracedAltPart words:[{(py)} {(h)}])]
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <TOOLS>)})
              children: [
                (C {(ls)} {(tools/) (Lit_Other '*') (.py)})
                (C {(filter-py)})
                (C {(xargs)} {(wc)} {(-l)})
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <WEB>)})
              children: [
                (C {(ls)} {(web/) (Lit_Other '*') (.js)} 
                    parts: [
                      (Lit_Other '*')
                      (Lit_Other '*')
                      (BracedAltPart words:[{(js)} {(py)}])
                (C {(xargs)} {(wc)} {(-l)})
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'OTHER UNIT TESTS'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [
                        words: [{(build)} {(test)} {(asdl)} {(tools)}]
                      (Lit_Other '*')
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'OIL UNIT TESTS'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [
                        words: [{(osh)} {(core)} {(native)} {(tools)}]
                      (Lit_Other '*')
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'OIL AND OSH'>)})
              children: [(C {(oil-osh-files)}) (C {(xargs)} {(wc)} {(-l)}) (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})]
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Return return>)
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              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} {(README.md)} {(doc/) (Lit_Other '*')})
                (C {(sort)} {(--numeric)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
          spids: [229]
      spids: [225 228]
      name: parser
          children: [
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'AST and IDs'>)})
              children: [(C {(wc)} {(-l)} {(osh/osh.asdl)} {(core/id_kind.py)}) (C {(sort)} {(-n)})]
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'Lexer / Parser'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [
                        words: [{(Lit_Other '*') (_parse.py)} {(lex.py)} {(parse_lib.py)}]
                  ) {(core/word.py)}
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'Compiler / Middle End'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [(core/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(braces)} {(word_compile)}]) (.py)]
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'Common Algorithms'>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [(core/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(tdop)} {(lexer)}]) (.py)]
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <Utilities>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [(core/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(alloc)} {(ui)} {(reader)}]) (.py)]
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
          spids: [739]
      spids: [735 738]
      name: parser-port
          children: [
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} {(core/tdop.py)} {(osh/) (Lit_Other '*') (_parse.py)})
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
          spids: [902]
      spids: [898 901]
      name: runtime
          children: [
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <Runtime>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [(core/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(process)} {(state)}]) (.py)]
                  ) {(core/runtime.asdl)}
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <Evaluators>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [(core/) (Lit_Other '*') (_) (BracedAltPart words:[{(exec)} {(eval)}]) (.py)]
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <Builtins>)})
            (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                parts: [(core/) (BracedAltPart words:[{(builtin)} {(test_builtin)}]) (.py)]
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <Libraries>)})
              children: [
                (C {(wc)} {(-l)} 
                    parts: [
                        words: [{(args)} {(glob_)} {(legacy)} {(libstr)}]
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
            (C {(echo)})
          spids: [928]
      spids: [924 927]
      name: instructions
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_Local
              pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:bin) op:Equal rhs:{(_tmp/oil)} spids:[1080])]
              spids: [1078]
              children: [
                (C {(objdump)} {(-d)} {($ VSub_Name '$bin')})
                (C {(cut)} {(-f3)})
                (C {(grep)} {(-oE)} {(DQ ('^[a-z]+'))})
                (C {(sort)})
                (C {(uniq)} {(-c)})
                (C {(sort)} {(-n)})
              negated: F
          spids: [1070]
      spids: [1066 1069]
      name: hist
          children: [
              children: [(C {(sort)}) (C {(uniq)} {(-c)}) (C {(sort)} {(-n)})]
              negated: F
          spids: [1129]
      spids: [1125 1128]
      name: stdlib-imports
          children: [
              children: [
                (C {(oil-osh-files)})
                (C {(xargs)} {(grep)} {(--no-filename)} {(SQ <'^import'>)})
                (C {(hist)})
              negated: F
          spids: [1153]
      spids: [1149 1152]
      name: imports
          children: [
              children: [
                (C {(oil-osh-files)})
                (C {(xargs)} {(grep)} {(--no-filename)} {(-w)} {(import)})
                (C {(hist)})
              negated: F
          spids: [1181]
      spids: [1177 1180]
      name: top-level
          children: [
              children: [
                (C {(grep)} {(SQ <'^[a-zA-Z]'>)} 
                    parts: [(BracedAltPart words:[{(core)} {(osh)}]) (/) (Lit_Other '*') (.py)]
                (C {(grep)} {(-v)} {(SQ <_test.py>)})
                (C {(egrep)} {(-v)} {(SQ <':import|from|class|def'>)})
              negated: F
          spids: [1212]
      spids: [1208 1211]
    (C {(DQ ($ VSub_At '$@'))})