#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Usage: # ./refactor.sh set -o nounset set -o pipefail set -o errexit # TODO: # Rparen -> RParen, Dgreat -> DGreat, Colon_Hyphen -> ColonHyphen, etc. # IGNORED_LINECONT -> IGNORED_LineCont # LIT -> Lit # LEFT -> Left # LEFT -> Left # VS -> VSub # VS_TEST VTest # VS_UNARY VUnary # VS_OP VOp # change-kind() { local kind=$1 local kind2=${2:-$kind} # First make it all lower case sed -r -i "s/${kind}_([A-Z]+)/Id.${kind2}_\\L\\1/g" */*.py # Now make the first one upper case sed -r -i "s/${kind}_([a-zA-Z]+)/${kind2}_\\u\\1/g" */*.py } k2() { local kind=$1 local lower=${kind,,} local title=${lower^} local replace=${2:-$title} sed -r -i "s/Id.${kind}_/Id.${replace}_/g" */*.py sed -r -i "s/TokenKind.${kind}/TokenKind.${replace}/g" */*.py } replace() { local file=$1 # NOTE: Escaping here is messed up. sed doesn't have --name like awk? while read pat replace; do sed -r -i "s/${pat}/${replace}/g" */*.py done < $file } trailing-ws() { sed -r -i 's/[ ]+$//g' "$@" } "$@"