  children: [
      arms: [
          cond: [
              child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Pound '$#'))} {(-lt)} {(1)} {(Lit_Other ']')})
              terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
          action: [
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:me)
                  op: Equal
                            children: [(C {(basename)} {($ VSub_Number '$0')})]
                        left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                        spids: [68 72]
                  spids: [67]
              spids: [67]
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('Usage: ') ($ VSub_Name '$me') (' size [-n] [command]'))}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[83])]
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('split data from stdin to multiple invocations of a command'))}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[93])]
              words: [{(echo)}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[99])]
              words: [
                {(DQ ('   -n    pass the chunk number as the first parameter to command'))}
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[109])]
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('Examples:'))}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[119])]
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('   ') ($ VSub_Number '$0') (" 10000 'wc -c' < /bin/ls"))}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[131])]
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('   ') ($ VSub_Number '$0') (' 10000 < /bin/ls'))}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[143])]
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('   ') ($ VSub_Number '$0') (' 10000 -n < /bin/ls'))}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[155])]
            (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})
          spids: [16777215 64]
      spids: [16777215 163]
          keyword: Assign_None
          pairs: [
              lhs: (LhsName name:chunk_size)
              op: Equal
              rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$1')}
              spids: [166]
          spids: [166]
      terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
    (C {(shift)})
      ops: [Op_DAmp]
      children: [
        (C {(test)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other '=')} {(-n)})
          children: [
                  keyword: Assign_None
                  pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:pass_part) op:Equal rhs:{(1)} spids:[186])]
                  spids: [186]
              terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
            (Sentence child:(C {(shift)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ';'>)
          spids: [184]
      ops: [Op_DAmp Op_DPipe]
      children: [
        (C {(test)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))})
          keyword: Assign_None
          pairs: [
              lhs: (LhsName name:cmd)
              op: Equal
              rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Star '$*'))}
              spids: [203]
          spids: [203]
          keyword: Assign_None
          pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:cmd) op:Equal rhs:{(example_cmd)} spids:[210])]
          spids: [210]
      name: example_cmd
          children: [
                (C {(echo)} 
                    (DQ ('processing part ') ($ VSub_Number '$1') (' (') 
                        command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(wc)} {(-c)})])
                        left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                        spids: [226 230]
                      ) (' bytes)')
              terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
          spids: [218]
      spids: [214 217]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:part) op:Equal rhs:{(1)} spids:[238])]
      spids: [238]
      cond: [(Sentence child:(C {(true)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ';'>)]
          children: [
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:c)
                  op: Equal
                        command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(od)} {(-to1)} {(-An)} {(-N1)})])
                        left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                        spids: [250 258]
                  spids: [249]
              spids: [249]
              ops: [Op_DPipe]
              children: [
                (C {(test)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$c'))})
                (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Break break>)
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:c)
                  op: Equal
                        command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(echo)} {($ VSub_Name '$c')})])
                        left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                        spids: [276 280]
                  spids: [275]
              spids: [275]
              ops: [Op_DAmp]
              children: [
                (C {(test)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$pass_part'))})
                  keyword: Assign_None
                  pairs: [
                      lhs: (LhsName name:ppart)
                      op: Equal
                      rhs: {($ VSub_Name '$part')}
                      spids: [294]
                  spids: [294]
              ops: [Op_DPipe]
              children: [
                  children: [
                      children: [
                        (C {(printf)} 
                            (DQ (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\\\'>) ($ VSub_Name '$c'))
                        (C {(head)} 
                                  op_id: Arith_Minus
                                  left: (ArithWord w:{($ VSub_Name '$chunk_size')})
                                  right: (ArithWord w:{(Lit_Digits 1)})
                              spids: [315 320]
                      spids: [298]
                    (C {($ VSub_Name '$cmd')} {($ VSub_Name '$ppart')})
                  negated: F
                (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Break break>)
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:part)
                  op: Equal
                            op_id: Arith_Plus
                            left: (ArithWord w:{($ VSub_Name '$part')})
                            right: (ArithWord w:{(Lit_Digits 1)})
                        spids: [337 342]
                  spids: [336]
              spids: [336]
          spids: [246 344]