  children: [
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(errexit)})
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(nounset)})
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(pipefail)})
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:KUBE_ROOT)
          op: Equal
                    children: [(C {(dirname)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name BASH_SOURCE))})]
                left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                spids: [64 72]
              ) (/..)
          spids: [63]
      spids: [63]
    (C {(source)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_ROOT) (/cluster/common.sh))})
      keyword: Assign_Declare
      flags: [-r]
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET_URL)
          op: Equal
          rhs: {(DQ ('https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release'))}
          spids: [90]
      spids: [86]
      keyword: Assign_Declare
      flags: [-r]
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:KUBE_DEV_RELEASE_BUCKET_URL)
          op: Equal
          rhs: {(DQ ('https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release-dev'))}
          spids: [99]
      spids: [95]
      keyword: Assign_Declare
      flags: [-r]
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:KUBE_TAR_NAME)
          op: Equal
          rhs: {(DQ (kubernetes.tar.gz))}
          spids: [108]
      spids: [104]
      name: usage
          children: [
            (C {(echo)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Number 0) (' [-v] <version number or publication>'))})
            (C {(echo)} {(DQ ("  -v:  Don't get tars, just print the version number"))})
            (C {(echo)} {(DQ )})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'  Version number or publication is either a proper version number'>)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'  (e.g. "v1.0.6", "v1.2.0-alpha.1.881+376438b69c7612") or a version'>)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'  publication of the form <bucket>/<version> (e.g. "release/stable",'>)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'  "ci/latest-1").  Some common ones are:'>)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'    - "release/stable"'>)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'    - "release/latest"'>)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'    - "ci/latest"'>)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'  See the docs on getting builds for more information about version'>)})
            (C {(echo)} {(SQ <'  publication.'>)})
          spids: [118]
      spids: [114 117]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:print_version) op:Equal rhs:{(false)} spids:[209])]
      spids: [209]
      cond: [(Sentence child:(C {(getopts)} {(DQ (':vh'))} {(opt)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ';'>)]
          children: [
              to_match: {(${ VSub_Name opt)}
              arms: [
                  pat_list: [{(v)}]
                  action: [
                      keyword: Assign_None
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:print_version)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {(DQ (true))}
                          spids: [240]
                      spids: [240]
                  spids: [236 237 246 16777215]
                  pat_list: [{(h)}]
                  action: [(C {(usage)}) (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(0)})]
                  spids: [249 250 261 16777215]
                  pat_list: [{(EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\?'>)}]
                  action: [
                      words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('Invalid option: -') ($ VSub_Name '$OPTARG'))}]
                      redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[275])]
                    (C {(usage)})
                    (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})
                  spids: [264 265 287 16777215]
              spids: [227 233 290]
          spids: [224 292]
    (C {(shift)} 
              op_id: Arith_Minus
              left: (ArithVarRef name:OPTIND)
              right: (ArithWord w:{(Lit_Digits 1)})
          spids: [296 301]
      arms: [
          cond: [
                  expr: (BoolBinary op_id:BoolBinary_ne left:{($ VSub_Pound '$#')} right:{(1)})
              terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
          action: [(C {(usage)}) (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})]
          spids: [16777215 317]
      spids: [16777215 327]
    (C {(set_binary_version)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Number 1))})
      arms: [
          cond: [
                      op_id: BoolBinary_GlobDEqual
                      left: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name print_version))}
                      right: {(DQ (true))}
              terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
          action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_VERSION))})]
          spids: [16777215 358]
      else_action: [
          words: [
            {(DQ ('Using version at ') (${ VSub_Number 1) (': ') (${ VSub_Name KUBE_VERSION))}
          redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[385])]
          arms: [
              cond: [
                          op_id: BoolBinary_EqualTilde
                          left: {(${ VSub_Name KUBE_VERSION)}
                          right: {(${ VSub_Name KUBE_RELEASE_VERSION_REGEX)}
                  terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
              action: [
                (C {(curl)} {(--fail)} {(-o)} {(DQ (kubernetes-) (${ VSub_Name KUBE_VERSION) (.tar.gz))} 
                    (DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_RELEASE_BUCKET_URL) (/release/) (${ VSub_Name KUBE_VERSION) 
                      (/) (${ VSub_Name KUBE_TAR_NAME)
              spids: [16777215 406]
              cond: [
                          op_id: BoolBinary_EqualTilde
                          left: {(${ VSub_Name KUBE_VERSION)}
                          right: {(${ VSub_Name KUBE_CI_VERSION_REGEX)}
                  terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
              action: [
                (C {(curl)} {(--fail)} {(-o)} {(DQ (kubernetes-) (${ VSub_Name KUBE_VERSION) (.tar.gz))} 
                    (DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_DEV_RELEASE_BUCKET_URL) (/ci/) (${ VSub_Name KUBE_VERSION) 
                      (/) (${ VSub_Name KUBE_TAR_NAME)
              spids: [438 455]
          else_action: [
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ("Version doesn't match regexp"))}]
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[496])]
            (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})
          spids: [487 505]
      spids: [369 507]