  children: [
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(errexit)})
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(nounset)})
    (C {(set)} {(-o)} {(pipefail)})
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:KUBE_ROOT)
          op: Equal
                    children: [(C {(dirname)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name BASH_SOURCE))})]
                left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                spids: [64 72]
              ) (/..)
          spids: [63]
      spids: [63]
    (C {(source)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_ROOT) (/hack/lib/init.sh))})
    (C {(kube) (Lit_Other ':') (Lit_Other ':') (golang) (Lit_Other ':') (Lit_Other ':') (setup_env)})
    (C {(make)} {(-C)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_ROOT))} {(Lit_VarLike 'WHAT=') (cmd/genswaggertypedocs)})
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:genswaggertypedocs)
          op: Equal
                    children: [
                        {(kube) (Lit_Other ':') (Lit_Other ':') (util) (Lit_Other ':') (Lit_Other ':') 
                        } {(DQ (genswaggertypedocs))}
                left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('>
                spids: [112 124]
          spids: [111]
      spids: [111]
      arms: [
          cond: [
                          op_id: BoolUnary_x
                          child: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$genswaggertypedocs'))}
              terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
          action: [
              children: [
                (C {(echo)} 
                  {(DQ ("It looks as if you don't have a compiled genswaggertypedocs binary"))}
                (C {(echo)})
                (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('If you are running from a clone of the git repo, please run'))})
                (C {(echo)} {(DQ ("'make WHAT=cmd/genswaggertypedocs'."))})
              redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)} spids:[174])]
              spids: [145]
            (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})
          spids: [16777215 142]
      spids: [16777215 182]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:DIFFROOT)
          op: Equal
          rhs: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_ROOT) (/pkg))}
          spids: [185]
      spids: [185]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:TMP_DIFFROOT)
          op: Equal
          rhs: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_ROOT) (/_tmp/pkg))}
          spids: [193]
      spids: [193]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:_tmp)
          op: Equal
          rhs: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_ROOT) (/_tmp))}
          spids: [201]
      spids: [201]
      name: cleanup
      body: (BraceGroup children:[(C {(rm)} {(-rf)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name _tmp))})] spids:[214])
      spids: [210 213]
    (C {(trap)} {(DQ (cleanup))} {(EXIT)} {(SIGINT)})
    (C {(cleanup)})
    (C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name TMP_DIFFROOT))})
    (C {(cp)} {(-a)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name DIFFROOT)) (/) (Lit_Other '*')} 
      {(DQ (${ VSub_Name TMP_DIFFROOT) (/))}
    (C {(DQ (${ VSub_Name KUBE_ROOT) (/hack/update-generated-swagger-docs.sh))})
    (C {(echo)} 
        (DQ ('diffing ') (${ VSub_Name DIFFROOT) 
          (' against freshly generated swagger type documentation')
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:ret) op:Equal rhs:{(0)} spids:[290])]
      spids: [290]
      ops: [Op_DPipe]
      children: [
        (C {(diff)} {(--exclude) (Lit_Other '=') (DQ (.import-restrictions))} {(-Naupr)} {(-I)} 
          {(SQ <'Auto generated by'>)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name DIFFROOT))} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name TMP_DIFFROOT))}
          keyword: Assign_None
          pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:ret) op:Equal rhs:{($ VSub_QMark '$?')} spids:[323])]
          spids: [323]
    (C {(cp)} {(-a)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name TMP_DIFFROOT)) (/) (Lit_Other '*')} 
      {(DQ (${ VSub_Name DIFFROOT) (/))}
      arms: [
          cond: [
              expr: (BoolBinary op_id:BoolBinary_eq left:{($ VSub_Name '$ret')} right:{(0)})
          action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name DIFFROOT) (' up to date.'))})]
          spids: [16777215 357]
      else_action: [
        (C {(echo)} 
            (DQ (${ VSub_Name DIFFROOT) 
              (' is out of date. Please run hack/update-generated-swagger-docs.sh')
        (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})
      spids: [369 386]