  children: [
        (C {(.)} 
                token: <VSub_Name srcdir>
                suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_Equals arg_word:{(.)})
                spids: [50 54]
              ) (/tests/init.sh)
      terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
    (C {(path_prepend_)} {(./src)})
    (C {(print_ver_)} {(pwd)})
    (C {(require_readable_root_)})
    (C {(require_perl_)})
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:ARGV_0) op:Equal rhs:{($ VSub_Number '$0')} spids:[73])]
      spids: [73]
    (C {(export)} {(ARGV_0)})
      words: [
        {($ VSub_Name '$PERL')}
        {(-I) (DQ ($ VSub_Name '$abs_srcdir') (/tests))}
      redirects: [
          op_id: Redir_DLess
          fd: 16777215
            {('\n') ('# Show that pwd works even when the length of the resulting\n') 
              ('# directory name is longer than PATH_MAX.\n') ('use strict;\n') ('\n') ('(my $ME = $ENV{ARGV_0}) =~ s|.*/||;\n') ('\n') 
              ('sub normalize_to_cwd_relative ($$$)\n') ('{\n') ('  my ($dir, $dev, $ino) = @_;\n') ('  my $slash = -1;\n') ('  my $next_slash;\n') 
              ('  while (1)\n') ('    {\n') ("      $slash = index $dir, '/', $slash + 1;\n") ('      $slash <= -1\n') 
              ('        and die "$ME: $dir does not contain old CWD\\n";\n') ("      my $dir_prefix = $slash ? substr ($dir, 0, $slash) : '/';\n") 
              ('      my ($d, $i) = (stat $dir_prefix)[0, 1];\n') ('      defined $d && defined $i\n') ('        or die "$ME: $dir_prefix: stat failed: $!\\n";\n') 
              ('      $d eq $dev && $i eq $ino\n') ('        and return substr $dir, $slash + 1;\n') ('    }\n') ('}\n') ('\n') 
              ('# Set up a safe, well-known environment\n') ('delete @ENV{qw(BASH_ENV CDPATH ENV)};\n') ("$ENV{IFS}  = '';\n") ('\n') 
              ('# Taint checking requires a sanitized $PATH.  This script performs no $PATH\n') ('# search, so on most Unix-based systems, it is fine simply to clear $ENV{PATH}.\n') 
              ("# However, on Cygwin, it's used to find cygwin1.dll, so set it.\n") ("$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin';\n") ('\n') ("# Save CWD's device and inode numbers.\n") 
              ("my ($dev, $ino) = (stat '.')[0, 1];\n") ('\n') ('# Construct the expected "."-relative part of pwd\'s output.\n') ("my $z = 'z' x 31;\n") 
              ('my $n = 256;\n') ('my $expected = "/$z" x $n;\n') ('# Remove the leading "/".\n') ("substr ($expected, 0, 1) = '';\n") 
              ('\n') ('my $i = 0;\n') ('do\n') ('  {\n') ('    mkdir $z, 0700\n') 
              ('      or CuSkip::skip "$ME: skipping this test; cannot create long "\n') ('        . "directory name at depth $i: $!\\n";\n') ('    chdir $z\n') ('  }\n') 
              ('until (++$i == $n);\n') ('\n') ('my $abs_top_builddir = $ENV{abs_top_builddir};\n') ('$abs_top_builddir\n') 
              ('  or die "$ME: envvar abs_top_builddir not defined\\n";\n') ('my $build_src_dir = "$abs_top_builddir/src";\n') ('$build_src_dir =~ m!^([-+.:/\\w]+)$!\n') 
'  or CuSkip::skip "$ME: skipping this test; odd build source directory name:\\n"\n'
              ) ('    . "$build_src_dir\\n";\n') ('$build_src_dir = $1;\n') ('\n') 
              ('my $pwd_binary = "$build_src_dir/pwd";\n') ('\n') ('-x $pwd_binary\n') ('  or die "$ME: $pwd_binary is not an executable file\\n";\n') 
              ('chomp (my $actual = qx!$pwd_binary!);\n') ('\n') ('# Convert the absolute name from pwd into a $CWD-relative name.\n') 
              ('# This is necessary in order to avoid a spurious failure when run\n') ('# from a directory in a bind-mounted partition.  What happens is\n') 
              ('# pwd reads a ".." that contains two or more entries with identical\n') ("# dev,ino that match the ones we're looking for, and it chooses a\n") 
              ('# name that does not correspond to the one already recorded in $CWD.\n') ('$actual = normalize_to_cwd_relative $actual, $dev, $ino;\n') ('\n') ('if ($expected ne $actual)\n') 
              ('  {\n') ('    my $e_len = length $expected;\n') ('    my $a_len = length $actual;\n') 
              ('    warn "expected len: $e_len\\n";\n') ('    warn "actual len:   $a_len\\n";\n') ('    warn "expected: $expected\\n";\n') 
              ('    warn "actual: $actual\\n";\n') ('    exit 1;\n') ('  }\n')
          do_expansion: False
          here_end: EOF
          was_filled: T
          spids: [103]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:fail) op:Equal rhs:{($ VSub_QMark '$?')} spids:[108])]
      spids: [108]
    (C {(Exit)} {($ VSub_Name '$fail')})