#!/bin/sh # /etc/init.d/x11-common: set up the X server and ICE socket directories ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: x11-common # Required-Start: $remote_fs # Required-Stop: $remote_fs # Default-Start: S # Default-Stop: # Short-Description: set up the X server and ICE socket directories ### END INIT INFO set -e setglobal PATH = '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin' setglobal SOCKET_DIR = '.X11-unix' setglobal ICE_DIR = '.ICE-unix' source /lib/lsb/init-functions if test -f /etc/default/rcS { source /etc/default/rcS } proc do_restorecon { # Restore file security context (SELinux). if which restorecon >/dev/null !2 > !1 { restorecon $1 } } # create a directory in /tmp. # assumes /tmp has a sticky bit set (or is only writeable by root) proc set_up_dir { setglobal DIR = ""/tmp/$1"" if test $VERBOSE != no { log_progress_msg $DIR } # if $DIR exists and isn't a directory, move it aside if test -e $DIR && ! test -d $DIR || test -h $DIR { mv $DIR $[mktemp -d $DIR.XXXXXX] } setglobal error = '0' while : { if test $error -ne 0 { # an error means the file-system is readonly or an attacker # is doing evil things, distinguish by creating a temporary file, # but give up after a while. if test $error -gt 5 { log_failure_msg "failed to set up $DIR" return 1 } setglobal fn = $[mktemp /tmp/testwriteable.XXXXXXXXXX] || return 1 rm $fn } mkdir -p -m 01777 $DIR || do { rm $DIR || setglobal error = $shExpr('error + 1') ; continue ; } match $[env LC_ALL=C stat -c '%u %g %a %F' $DIR] { with "0 0 1777 directory" # everything as it is supposed to be break with "0 0 "*" directory" # as it is owned by root, cannot be replaced with a symlink: chmod 01777 $DIR break with *" directory" # if the chown succeeds, the next step can change it savely chown -h root:root $DIR || setglobal error = $shExpr('error + 1') continue with * log_failure_msg "failed to set up $DIR" return 1 } } do_restorecon $DIR return 0 } proc do_status { if test -d "/tmp/$ICE_DIR" && test -d "/tmp/$SOCKET_DIR" { return 0 } else { return 4 } } match $1 { with start if test $VERBOSE != no { log_begin_msg "Setting up X socket directories..." } set_up_dir $SOCKET_DIR set_up_dir $ICE_DIR if test $VERBOSE != no { log_end_msg 0 } with restart|reload|force-reload /etc/init.d/x11-common start with stop : with status do_status with * log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/x11-common {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}" exit 1 } exit 0 # vim:set ai et sts=2 sw=2 tw=0: