#!/bin/sh # script/bootstrap: Resolve all dependencies that the application requires to # run. set -e cd "$[dirname $0]/.." if test -f "Brewfile" && test $[uname -s] = "Darwin" { brew bundle check >/dev/null !2 > !1 || do { echo "==> Installing Homebrew dependencies…" brew bundle } } if test -f ".ruby-version" && test -z $[rbenv version-name !2 >/dev/null] { echo "==> Installing Ruby…" rbenv install --skip-existing which bundle >/dev/null !2 > !1 || do { gem install bundler rbenv rehash } } if test -f "Gemfile" { echo "==> Installing gem dependencies…" bundle check --path vendor/gems >/dev/null !2 > !1 || do { bundle install --path vendor/gems --quiet --without production } }