#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Do a full CPython build out of tree, so we can walk dependencies dynamically. # # The 'app-deps' and 'runpy-deps' build steps require this. # # Usage: # ./prepare.sh set -o nounset set -o pipefail set -o errexit source build/common.sh proc configure { var dir = $(1:-$PREPARE_DIR) rm -r -f $dir mkdir -p $dir var conf = "$PWD/$PY27/configure" pushd $dir time $conf --without-threads popd } # Clang makes this faster. We have to build all modules so that we can # dynamically discover them with py-deps. # # Takes about 27 seconds on a fast i7 machine. # Ubuntu under VirtualBox on MacBook Air with 4 cores (3 jobs): 1m 25s with # -O2, 30 s with -O0. The Make part of the build is parallelized, but the # setup.py part is not! const NPROC = $[nproc] const JOBS = $shExpr(' NPROC == 1 ? NPROC : NPROC-1 ') proc build-python { var dir = $(1:-$PREPARE_DIR) var extra_cflags = $(2:-'-O0') pushd $dir make clean # Speed it up with -O0. # NOTE: CFLAGS clobbers some Python flags, so use EXTRA_CFLAGS. time make -j $JOBS EXTRA_CFLAGS="$extra_cflags" #time make -j 7 CFLAGS='-O0' popd } # For uftrace. proc cpython-instrumented { configure _devbuild/cpython-instrumented build-python _devbuild/cpython-instrumented '-O0 -pg' } @Argv