
Side By Side Lines Parsed? Parse Process Time (secs) Translated? Filename
view 2,698 OK 2.62 OK Build.sh
view 1 OK 0.03 OK foo.sh
view 25 OK 0.98 OK Rebuild.sh
view 85 FAIL 0.05 OK test.sh


Parsing test.sh
        Line 8 of '_tmp/wild/src/shell/mksh/test.sh'
  while getopts "C:e:fPp:QSs:t:v" ch; do case $ch {
Expected word type KW_In, got Lit_LBrace

Translating test.sh
        Line 8 of '_tmp/wild/src/shell/mksh/test.sh'
  while getopts "C:e:fPp:QSs:t:v" ch; do case $ch {
Expected word type KW_In, got Lit_LBrace