#! /bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: rsyslog # Required-Start: $remote_fs $time # Required-Stop: umountnfs $time # X-Stop-After: sendsigs # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: enhanced syslogd # Description: Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd. # It is quite compatible to stock sysklogd and can be # used as a drop-in replacement. ### END INIT INFO # # Author: Michael Biebl # # PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the mountnfs.sh script setglobal PATH = '/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin' setglobal DESC = '"enhanced syslogd'" setglobal NAME = 'rsyslog' setglobal RSYSLOGD = 'rsyslogd' setglobal DAEMON = '/usr/sbin/rsyslogd' setglobal PIDFILE = '/var/run/rsyslogd.pid' setglobal SCRIPTNAME = "/etc/init.d/$NAME" # Exit if the package is not installed test -x $DAEMON || exit 0 # Read configuration variable file if it is present test -r /etc/default/$NAME && source /etc/default/$NAME # Define LSB log_* functions. source /lib/lsb/init-functions proc do_start { # Return # 0 if daemon has been started # 1 if daemon was already running # other if daemon could not be started or a failure occured start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- $RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS } proc do_stop { # Return # 0 if daemon has been stopped # 1 if daemon was already stopped # other if daemon could not be stopped or a failure occurred start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON } # # Tell rsyslogd to close all open files # proc do_rotate { start-stop-daemon --stop --signal HUP --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON } proc create_xconsole { setglobal XCONSOLE = '/dev/xconsole' if test $[uname -s] != "Linux" { setglobal XCONSOLE = '/run/xconsole' ln -sf $XCONSOLE /dev/xconsole } if test ! -e $XCONSOLE { mknod -m 640 $XCONSOLE p chown root:adm $XCONSOLE test -x /sbin/restorecon && /sbin/restorecon $XCONSOLE } } proc sendsigs_omit { setglobal OMITDIR = '/run/sendsigs.omit.d' mkdir -p $OMITDIR ln -sf $PIDFILE $OMITDIR/rsyslog } match $1 { with start log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" $RSYSLOGD create_xconsole do_start match "$Status" { with 0 sendsigs_omit log_end_msg 0 with 1 log_progress_msg "already started" log_end_msg 0 with * log_end_msg 1 } with stop log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" $RSYSLOGD do_stop match "$Status" { with 0 log_end_msg 0 with 1 log_progress_msg "already stopped" log_end_msg 0 with * log_end_msg 1 } with rotate log_daemon_msg "Closing open files" $RSYSLOGD do_rotate log_end_msg $Status with restart|force-reload $0 stop $0 start with status status_of_proc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON $RSYSLOGD && exit 0 || exit $? with * echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|rotate|restart|force-reload|status}" > !2 exit 3 } :