#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # This script designed to provide a complete one-touch install of Chef-BCPC in # an environment with a proxy and custom DNS servers; VMs booted headlessly # simple few environment variables to tune booting for fast testing of Chef-BCPC # Run this script in the root of the git repository # set -e if [[ "$(pwd)" != "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" ]] { printf '#### WARNING: This should be run in the git top level directory! ####\n' > /dev/stderr } setglobal ENVIRONMENT = 'Test-Laptop' setglobal PROXY = 'proxy.example.com:80' setglobal DNS_SERVERS = ''"", ""'' export BOOTSTRAP_VM_MEM=3096 export BOOTSTRAP_VM_CPUs=2 export CLUSTER_VM_MEM=5120 export CLUSTER_VM_CPUs=4 printf "#### Setup configuration files\n" # setup vagrant sed -i 's/vb.gui = true/vb.gui = false/' Vagrantfile # setup proxy_setup.sh sed -i "s/#export PROXY=.*\"/export PROXY=\"$PROXY\"/" proxy_setup.sh # setup environment file sed -i "s/\"dns_servers\" : \[ \"\", \"\" \]/\"dns_servers\" : \[ $DNS_SERVERS \]/" environments/$(ENVIRONMENT).json sed -i "s#\(\"bootstrap\": {\)#\1\n\"proxy\" : \"http://$PROXY\",\n#" environments/$(ENVIRONMENT).json printf "#### Setup VB's and Bootstrap\n" source ./vbox_create.sh download_VM_files || shell { echo "############## VBOX DOWNLOAD VM FILES RETURNED $Status ##############" && exit 1 } create_bootstrap_VM || shell { echo "############## VBOX CREATE BOOTSTRAP VM RETURNED $Status ##############" && exit 1 } create_cluster_VMs || shell { echo "############## VBOX CREATE CLUSTER VMs RETURNED $Status ##############" && exit 1 } install_cluster || shell { echo "############## bootstrap_chef.sh returned $Status ##############" && exit 1 } printf "#### Cobbler Boot\n" printf "Snapshotting pre-Cobbler and booting (unless already running)\n" setglobal vms_started = '"False'" for i in [1 2 3] { vboxmanage showvminfo bcpc-vm$i | grep -q '^State:.*running' || setglobal vms_started = '"True'" vboxmanage showvminfo bcpc-vm$i | grep -q '^State:.*running' || VBoxManage snapshot bcpc-vm$i take Shoe-less vboxmanage showvminfo bcpc-vm$i | grep -q '^State:.*running' || VBoxManage startvm bcpc-vm$i --type headless } printf "Checking VMs are up: \n" while ! nc -w 1 -q 0 22 || \ ! nc -w 1 -q 0 22 || \ ! nc -w 1 -q 0 22 { sleep 60 printf "Hosts down: " for m in [11 12 13] { nc -w 1 -q 0 10.0.100.$m 22 > /dev/null || echo -n "10.0.100.$m " } printf "\n" } printf "Snapshotting post-Cobbler\n" [[ "$vms_started" == "True" ]] && VBoxManage snapshot bcpc-vm1 take Post-Cobble [[ "$vms_started" == "True" ]] && VBoxManage snapshot bcpc-vm2 take Post-Cobble [[ "$vms_started" == "True" ]] && VBoxManage snapshot bcpc-vm3 take Post-Cobble printf "#### Chef all the nodes\n" vagrant ssh -c "sudo apt-get install -y sshpass" setglobal cobbler_pass = $[vagrant ssh -c "cd chef-bcpc; knife data bag show configs $ENVIRONMENT | grep 'cobbler-root-password:'|sed 's/.* //'] printf "#### Chef the first headnode(s)\n" if ! vagrant ssh -c "cd chef-bcpc; ./cluster-assign-roles.sh $ENVIRONMENT bcpc-vm1" { printf "## set the first machine to admin\n" vagrant ssh -c 'cd chef-bcpc; echo -e "/\"admin\": false\ns/false/true\nw\nq\n" | EDITOR=ed knife client edit `knife client list | grep bcpc-vm1`' # re-run chef vagrant ssh -c "cd chef-bcpc; echo $cobbler_pass | sudo knife bootstrap -E $ENVIRONMENT -r 'role[BCPC-Headnode]' -x ubuntu --sudo" } for i in [2 3] { printf "## Machine bcpc-vm$(i)\n" vagrant ssh -c "cd chef-bcpc; ./cluster-assign-roles.sh $ENVIRONMENT bcpc-vm$i" } printf "Snapshotting post-Cobbler\n" VBoxManage snapshot bcpc-vm1 take Full-Shoes VBoxManage snapshot bcpc-vm2 take Full-Shoes VBoxManage snapshot bcpc-vm3 take Full-Shoes