#!/bin/bash set -e source ../proxy_setup.sh ### ### Script to setup and run the Tempest (https://github.com/openstack/tempest) ### test suite against a BCPC cluster ### printf "#### Setup Environment\n" setglobal ENVIRONMENT = $(1-Test-Laptop) setglobal FIRST_HEAD = $[grep -i 'head' ../cluster.txt | cut -f 3 -d' ' | tail -1] setglobal VIP = $[cd ../; knife node show $[hostname] -a 'bcpc.management.vip' | tail -1 | sed 's/.* //] setglobal BOOTSTRAP = $[cd ../; knife node show $[hostname] -a 'bcpc.management.ip' | tail -1 | sed 's/.* //] # create a comma separated list of cluster node IP addresses (will have a trailing comma) setglobal CLUSTER_NODES = $[sed -e 's/[^0-9. ]//g' -e 's/ /,/g' <<< $[cut -f 3 -d' ' ../cluster.txt]] ping -c 1 -W 5 $FIRST_HEAD >/dev/null !2 > !1 && \ printf "Pinging first headnode: $(FIRST_HEAD)\n" || \ shell { printf "Failed to ping first head node $(FIRST_HEAD)\n" > /dev/stderr; exit 1 } ping -c 1 -W 5 $VIP >/dev/null !2 > !1 && \ printf "Pinging VIP: $(VIP)\n" || \ shell { printf "Failed to ping VIP $(VIP)\n" > /dev/stderr; exit 1 } ping -c 1 -W 5 $BOOTSTRAP >/dev/null !2 > !1 && \ printf "Pinging bootstrap: $(BOOTSTRAP)\n" || \ shell { printf "Failed to ping bootstrap server $(BOOTSTRAP)\n" > /dev/stderr; exit 1 } # grab the CIDR notation for the network (e.g. setglobal MANAGEMENT_CIDR = $[cd ../; knife node show $[hostname] -a 'bcpc.management.cidr' | tail -1 | sed 's/.* //] setglobal FIXED_CIDR = $[cd ../; knife node show $[hostname] -a 'bcpc.fixed.cidr' | tail -1 | sed 's/.* //] setglobal FLOATING_CIDR = $[cd ../; knife node show $[hostname] -a 'bcpc.floating.cidr' | tail -1 | sed 's/.* //] # make a glob like 10.0.100.* for the network (for $no_proxy use) setglobal MANAGEMENT_GLOB = $[sed -e 's#/.*##' -e 's/\(\.0\)*.[0-9]\{1,3\}$/.*/' <<< $MANAGEMENT_CIDR] printf "Management glob: $(MANAGEMENT_GLOB)\n" setglobal FIXED_GLOB = $[sed -e 's#/.*##' -e 's/\(\.0\)*.[0-9]\{1,3\}$/.*/' <<< $FIXED_CIDR] printf "Fixed glob: $(FIXED_GLOB)\n" setglobal FLOATING_GLOB = $[sed -e 's#/.*##' -e 's/\(\.0\)*.[0-9]\{1,3\}$/.*/' <<< $FLOATING_CIDR] printf "Floating glob: $(FLOATING_GLOB)\n" printf "#### Setup Directories\n" setglobal TEST_DATA_DIR = 'test_data' mkdir -p $TEST_DATA_DIR # generate test ssh-key [[ -f ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/test_ssh_key ]] || ssh-keygen -t dsa -f $(TEST_DATA_DIR)/test_ssh_key -P '' [[ -d ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/tempest ]] || git clone https://github.com/openstack/tempest.git -b stable/grizzly $(TEST_DATA_DIR)/tempest # Setup nodessh/nodescp equivalents setglobal cobbler_pass = $[cd ..; knife data bag show configs $ENVIRONMENT | grep 'cobbler-root-password:'|sed 's/.* //] setglobal SCP_HOST = ""sshpass -p $cobbler_pass scp -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=no"" setglobal SSH_HOST = ""sshpass -p $cobbler_pass ssh -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=no -l ubuntu"" # Allow ubuntu to read adminrc directly echo $cobbler_pass | $SSH_HOST $FIRST_HEAD 'sudo -S chmod 755 /root/adminrc /root' # Set up Ubuntu image if ! $SSH_HOST $FIRST_HEAD 'source /root/adminrc;glance image-list | grep -q Ubuntu' { $CURL http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img -o $(TEST_DATA_DIR)/ubuntu.img $SCP_HOST $(TEST_DATA_DIR)/ubuntu.img ubuntu@$(FIRST_HEAD):ubuntu.img $SSH_HOST $FIRST_HEAD 'source /root/adminrc; glance image-create --name Ubuntu --disk-format iso --container-format bare --file ubuntu.img --is-public True' } # Copy ssh key to localhost echo $cobbler_pass | $SSH_HOST $FIRST_HEAD 'sudo -S cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa' > $(TEST_DATA_DIR)/hypervisor_key # sudo's in above $SSH_HOST commands do not print newlines so create one printf "\n" printf "#### Gather Tempest.CONF configurations\n" # Cirros Image ID setglobal cirros_image_id = $[$SSH_HOST $FIRST_HEAD 'source /root/adminrc; glance image-list | grep Cirros | cut -f 2 -d"|" | grep -v "^+"] # Ubuntu Image ID setglobal ubuntu_image_id = $[$SSH_HOST $FIRST_HEAD 'source /root/adminrc; glance image-list | grep Ubuntu | cut -f 2 -d"|" | grep -v "^+"] # Tempest Flavor setglobal flavor_ref = $[$SSH_HOST $FIRST_HEAD 'source /root/adminrc; nova flavor-list|grep m1.tiny|cut -f 2 -d"|"] # Tempest Flavor_ALT setglobal flavor_ref_alt = $[$SSH_HOST $FIRST_HEAD 'source /root/adminrc; nova flavor-list|grep m1.small|cut -f 2 -d"|"] # Keystone Admin Pass setglobal keystone_admin_pass = $[cd ../; knife data bag show configs $ENVIRONMENT |grep keystone-admin-password: | sed 's/.* //] # Keystone Test User setglobal keystone_test_user = $[cd ../; knife data bag show configs $ENVIRONMENT |grep keystone-test-user: | sed 's/.* //] setglobal keystone_test_user_pass = $[cd ../; knife data bag show configs $ENVIRONMENT |grep keystone-test-password: | sed 's/.* //] # images export IMAGE_ID=$ubuntu_image_id export IMAGE_ID_ALT=$cirros_image_id printf "#### Modify tempest.conf for cluster\n" # (setup the sections that are appropriate to the version of Tempest being run) pushd $(TEST_DATA_DIR)/tempest python << """ import ConfigParser parser=ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() with open("etc/tempest.conf.sample",mode="r") as input_f: parser.readfp(input_f) configDir = { "cli": {"enabled": "true", "cli_dir": "/usr/bin"}, "compute": {"allow_tenant_isolation": "true", "image_ref": "$IMAGE_ID", "image_ref_alt": "$IMAGE_ID_ALT", "flavor_ref": "$flavor_ref", "flavor_ref_alt": "$flavor_ref_alt", "image_ssh_user": "ubuntu", "image_alt_ssh_user": "cirros", "image_alt_ssh_password": "cubswin:)", "ssh_user": "ubuntu", "region": "$ENVIRONMENT", "path_to_private_key": "$[pwd]/$(TEST_DATA_DIR)/test_ssh_key"}, "compute-admin": {"tenant_name": "AdminTenant", "password": "$(keystone_admin_pass)"}, "compute-feature-enabled": {"api_v3": "false", "api_v3_extensions": "", "change_password": "true", "create_image": "true"}, "dashboard": {"dashboard_url": "https://$(VIP)/horizon/", "login_url": "https://$(VIP)/horizon/auth/login/"}, "identity": {"uri": "https://$(VIP):5000/v2.0", "disable_ssl_certificate_validation": "true", "region": "$ENVIRONMENT", "username": "$(keystone_test_user)", "tenant_name": "AdminTenant", "password": "$(keystone_test_user_pass)", "admin_username": "admin", "admin_tenant_name": "AdminTenant", "admin_password": "$(keystone_admin_pass)"}, "image": {"region": "$ENVIRONMENT", "http_image": "http://$(BOOTSTRAP):8080/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img"}, "input-scenario": {"image_regex": '[["^[Cc]irros.*$","^[Uu]buntu.*"]]', "flavor_regex": "^m1.tiny", "ssh_user_regex": '[["^.*[Cc]irros.*$", "ubuntu"]]'}, "network": {"region": "$ENVIRONMENT", "tenant_network_cidr" : "", "tenant_network_mask_bits": "25"}, "object-storage": {"region": "$ENVIRONMENT"}, "service_available": {"swift": "false", "ceilometer": "false"}, "stress": {"nova_logdir": "/var/log/nova", "target_ssh_user": "root", "target_private_key_path": "$(pwd)/hypervisor_key", "target_logfiles": "nova.*\.log"}, "volume": {"region": "$ENVIRONMENT", "backend1_name": "SSD", "backend2_name": "HDD", "storage_protocol": "RBD"}, "whitebox": {"whitebox_enabled": "false"} } for sect in configDir: if sect not in parser.sections(): continue for opt in configDir[sect]: parser.set(sect, opt, configDir[sect][opt]) with file("etc/tempest.conf", mode="w") as output_f: parser.write(output_f) for sect in ["object-storage","boto"]: parser.remove_section(sect) """ popd printf "#### Install pre-requsite software\n" sudo apt-get install -y testrepository python-nova sudo -E easy_install virtualenv flake8 sudo -E pip install -r $(TEST_DATA_DIR)/tempest/tools/pip-requires printf "#### Run Tempest\n" export NO_PROXY="$(CLUSTER_NODES)$(BOOTSTRAP),$(VIP),$(MANAGEMENT_GLOB),$(FIXED_GLOB),$(FLOATING_GLOB)" export no_proxy="$(CLUSTER_NODES)$(BOOTSTRAP),$(VIP),$(MANAGEMENT_GLOB),$(FIXED_GLOB),$(FLOATING_GLOB)" pushd $(TEST_DATA_DIR)/tempest bin/tempest --with-xunit --xunit-file=../tempest_out_$[date +%m%d%Y-%H%M%S].xml popd