#! /bin/bash # Runs the Sandstorm shell against a local Sandstorm instance. set -euo pipefail setglobal SCRIPT_DIR = $[cd $[dirname $(BASH_SOURCE[0])] && pwd] shell {cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/.." && make shell-env} cd $SCRIPT_DIR if test $Argc -gt 0 { setglobal SANDSTORM_HOME = $1 } elif test -e /etc/init.d/sandstorm { eval $[grep "^DAEMON=" /etc/init.d/sandstorm] setglobal SANDSTORM_HOME = $[dirname $DAEMON] } else { echo "I couldn't find an initscript for Sandstorm. Please pass the directory" > !2 echo "where Sandstorm is installed as an argument to this script." > !2 exit 1 } source $SANDSTORM_HOME/sandstorm.conf # If HTTPS_PORT is specified, then probably the BASE_URL contains HTTPS_PORT # as well, and run-dev.sh does not know how to listen on HTTPS, so tell the # user to disable that. if test -n $(HTTPS_PORT:-) { echo "Please remove the HTTPS_PORT= line in your Sandstorm configuration" > !2 echo "since run-dev.sh does not support HTTPS." > !2 } # If PORT specifies two ports to listen on, this script only listens on the # first, since it calls Meteor directly, and Meteor has no ability to listen # on multiple ports. if [[ "${PORT:-}" =~ ^(.*?), ]] { setglobal PORT = $(BASH_REMATCH[1]) >&2 } if test $SERVER_USER != $USER { echo "Please change your Sandstorm installation to be owned by your own user" > !2 echo "account. E.g. run as root:" > !2 echo " $SANDSTORM_HOME/sandstorm stop" > !2 echo " find $SANDSTORM_HOME/var -user $SERVER_USER -exec chown -h $USER {} +" > !2 echo " find $SANDSTORM_HOME/var -group $[id -gn $SERVER_USER] -exec chgrp -h $USER {} +" > !2 echo " sed -i -e 's/^SERVER_USER=.*$/SERVER_USER=$USER/g' \\" > !2 echo " $SANDSTORM_HOME/sandstorm.conf" > !2 echo " $SANDSTORM_HOME/sandstorm start" > !2 exit 1 } if ! $SANDSTORM_HOME/sandstorm status >/dev/null !2 > !1 { echo "Please start Sandstorm and then stop the front-end:" echo " sudo $SANDSTORM_HOME/sandstorm start" > !2 echo " sudo $SANDSTORM_HOME/sandstorm stop-fe" > !2 exit 1 } setglobal BIND_IP = $(BIND_IP:- if curl http://$BIND_IP:$PORT >/dev/null !2 > !1 { echo "Please shut down your Sandstorm front-end:" > !2 echo " sudo $SANDSTORM_HOME/sandstorm stop-fe" > !2 exit 1 } setglobal MONGO_PASSWD = $[<$SANDSTORM_HOME/var/mongo/passwd] export MAIL_URL export DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL export MONGO_URL="mongodb://sandstorm:$MONGO_PASSWD@$MONGO_PORT/meteor?authSource=admin" export MONGO_OPLOG_URL="mongodb://sandstorm:$MONGO_PASSWD@$MONGO_PORT/local?authSource=admin" export ROOT_URL=$BASE_URL setglobal SETTINGS = $[mktemp] cat > $SETTINGS << """ { "public": { "buildstamp": "[local dev front-end]", "allowDemoAccounts": true, "allowDevAccounts": true, "allowUninvited": $(ALLOW_UNINVITED:-false), "isTesting": true, "wildcardHost": "$WILDCARD_HOST", "quotaEnabled": $(QUOTA_ENABLED:-false), "stripePublicKey": "$(STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY:-)", "smtpListenPort": $(SMTP_LISTEN_PORT:-30025) }, "home": "$SANDSTORM_HOME", "stripeKey": "$(STRIPE_KEY:-)", "mailchimpListId": "$(MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID:-)", "mailchimpKey": "$(MAILCHIMP_KEY:-)" } """ exec meteor run --port=$BIND_IP:$PORT --settings $SETTINGS