#!/bin/bash ## suspenduser--Suspends a user account for the indefinite future. setglobal homedir = '"/home'" # home directory for users setglobal secs = '10' # seconds before user is logged out if test -z $1 { echo "Usage: $0 account" > !2 ; exit 1 } elif test $[id -un] != "root" { echo "Error. You must be 'root' to run this command." > !2; exit 1 } echo "Please change account $1 password to something new." passwd $1 # Now let's see if they're logged in and, if so, boot 'em. if who|grep $1 > /dev/null { for tty in [$[who | grep $1 | awk '{print $2}]] { cat << ''' > /dev/$tty ************************************************************* URGENT NOTICE FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR: This account is being suspended, and you are going to be logged out in $secs seconds. Please immediately shut down any processes you have running and log out. If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor or John Doe, Director of Information Technology. ************************************************************* ''' > /dev/$tty ************************************************************* URGENT NOTICE FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR: This account is being suspended, and you are going to be logged out in $secs seconds. Please immediately shut down any processes you have running and log out. If you have any questions, please contact your supervisor or John Doe, Director of Information Technology. ************************************************************* EOF } echo "(Warned $1, now sleeping $secs seconds)" sleep $secs setglobal jobs = $[ps -u $1 | cut -d' ' -f1] kill -s HUP $jobs # send hangup sig to their processes sleep 1 # give it a second... kill -s KILL $jobs > /dev/null !2 >1 # and kill anything left echo "$1 was logged in. Just logged them out." } # Finally, let's close off their home directory from prying eyes. chmod 000 $homedir/$1 echo "Account $1 has been suspended." exit 0