#!/bin/bash # # This script expects to be run in the chef-bcpc directory with root under sudo # set -e if [[ -f ./proxy_setup.sh ]] { source ./proxy_setup.sh } setglobal PROXY_INFO_FILE = '"/home/vagrant/proxy_info.sh'" if [[ -f $PROXY_INFO_FILE ]] { source $PROXY_INFO_FILE } # define calling gem with a proxy if necessary if [[ -z $http_proxy ]] { setglobal GEM_PROXY = ''"" } else { setglobal GEM_PROXY = ""-p $http_proxy"" } if [[ -z "$1" ]] { setglobal BOOTSTRAP_IP = '' } else { setglobal BOOTSTRAP_IP = $1 } # needed within build_bins which we call if [[ -z "$CURL" ]] { echo "CURL is not defined" exit } if dpkg -s chef-server-core !2 >/dev/null | grep -q Status.*installed { echo chef server is installed } else { dpkg -i cookbooks/bcpc/files/default/bins/chef-server.deb if test ! -s /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb { if test ! -d /etc/opscode { mkdir /etc/opscode chown 775 /etc/opscode } cat > /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb << """ # api_fqdn "$(BOOTSTRAP_IP)" # allow connecting to http port directly # nginx['enable_non_ssl'] = true # have nginx listen on port 4000 nginx['non_ssl_port'] = 4000 # allow long-running recipes not to die with an error due to auth #opscode_erchef['s3_url_ttl'] = 3600 """ } chef-server-ctl reconfigure chef-server-ctl user-create admin admin admin admin@localhost.com welcome --filename /etc/opscode/admin.pem chef-server-ctl org-create bcpc "BCPC" --association admin --filename /etc/opscode/bcpc-validator.pem chmod 0600 /etc/opscode/{bcpc-validator,admin}.pem } dpkg -E -i cookbooks/bcpc/files/default/bins/chef-client.deb # copy our ssh-key to be authorized for root if [[ -f $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys && ! -f /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ]] { if [[ ! -d /root/.ssh ]] { mkdir /root/.ssh } cp $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys } echo "HTTP proxy: $http_proxy" echo "HTTPS proxy: $https_proxy" # Bad hack for finnicky MITM proxies... if [[ -n "$https_proxy" ]] { ./proxy_cert_download_hack.sh rubygems.org ./proxy_cert_download_hack.sh supermarket.chef.io } # install knife-acl plugin read shebang < $[type -P knife] setglobal ruby_interp = $(shebang:2) setglobal bindir = $(ruby_interp%/*) $bindir/gem install $GEM_PROXY knife-acl