#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. # 0. Touches .utoprc (otherwise utop will fail). # 1. Avoids "#use"ing ~/.ocamlinit before reason is required. # Otherwise, the ~/.ocamlinit is written in `.ml` syntax that will # choke the reason parser. # 2. Add the $HOME directory to the include paths so that in step 3 # we can actually load the ~/.ocamlinit (but before we require # reason). # 3. Run ml rtop_init.ml that "#use"es ".ocamlinit", and then finally # require's reason, so that reason is required after .ocamlinit is # parsed in standard syntax. touch $HOME/.utoprc touch $HOME/.utop-history setglobal DIR = $[ cd $[ dirname $(BASH_SOURCE[0])] && pwd] if test ! -f $HOME/.reasoninit { # TODO: ideally we should generate this file by refmtting # .ocamlinit. But refmt doesn't support toplevel formatting yet echo "/* Added by rtop */ let () = try (Topdirs.dir_directory (Sys.getenv \"OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH\")) { | Not_found => () };" > $HOME/.reasoninit } if [[ $@ =~ "stdin" ]] { refmt -parse re -print ml -use-stdin true -is-interface-pp false | utop $ifsjoin(Argv) } else { utop -init $DIR/rtop_init.ml $ifsjoin(Argv) -I $HOME -safe-string }