#!/bin/bash # Development script: bisect a git repository to find the first broken commit # since the last known good version. # If any of the pipe segments fail, treat that as a fail. set -o pipefail if test $Argc -lt 4 { echo "usage: bisectinate ARCH PACKAGE REPO[@BAD] GOOD [TEST...]" > !2 echo > !2 echo "Bisect PACKAGE for ARCH, from START to BAD within REPO" > !2 exit 1 } # Parse command line options setglobal ARCH = $1 setglobal PKG = $2 setglobal REPO = $(3/@*/) setglobal BRANCH = $(3/*@/) test $BRANCH == $3 && setglobal BRANCH = 'master' setglobal START = $4 shift 4 setglobal TEST = $1 setglobal TOP = $[pwd] test -z $SRCDIR && setglobal SRCDIR = ""$TOP/packages"" test -z $BUILD && setglobal BUILD = ""$TOP/build"" if test ! -d "$REPO/.git" { echo "No git repo at $REPO" exit 1 } test -z $TEST && setglobal TEST = 'true' # For kernel and busybox bisects, only redo part of the build if test $PKG == linux && test -e "$BUILD/root-filesystem-$ARCH".tar.bz2 { setglobal ZAPJUST = 'linux-kernel' } elif test $PKG == busybox && test -e "$BUILD/simple-cross-compiler-$ARCH.tar.bz2" { setglobal ZAPJUST = 'root-filesystem' } else { setglobal ZAPJUST = '' } # Initialize bisection repository rm -rf "$BUILD/packages/alt-$PKG" "$SRCDIR/alt-$PKG-0.tar.bz2" && mkdir -p "$BUILD"/{logs,packages} && cd "$BUILD/packages" && git clone $REPO "alt-$PKG" && cd "alt-$PKG" && git bisect start && git bisect good $START || exit 1 setglobal RESULT = ""bad $BRANCH"" # Loop through bisection results while true { # Bisect repository to prepare next version to build. Exit if done. cd "$BUILD/packages/alt-$PKG" && git clean -fdx && git checkout -f || exit 1 setglobal RESULT = $[git bisect $RESULT] echo $RESULT test ! $[echo $RESULT | head -n 1 | grep "^Bisecting:] && exit # Update log git show > "$BUILD/logs/bisectinate-$(ARCH).txt" git bisect log > "$BUILD/logs/bisectinate-$(ARCH).log" # The "cat" bypasses git's stupid overengineered built-in call to less. git log HEAD -1 | cat echo "Testing..." cd $TOP || exit 1 # Figure out how much ./build.sh needs to rebuild test ! -z $ZAPJUST && rm -rf "$BUILD/${ZAPJUST}-$ARCH"{,.tar.bz2} || rm -rf "$BUILD"/*-"$ARCH"{,.tar.bz2} # Try the build env EXTRACT_ALL=1 ALLOW_PATCH_FAILURE=1 USE_ALT=$PKG \ ./build.sh $ARCH !2 > !1 | tee -a "$BUILD"/logs/bisectinate-"$ARCH".txt # Did it work? setglobal RESULT = 'bad' if test -e "$BUILD"/system-image-"$ARCH".tar.bz2 { set -o pipefail env ARCH=$ARCH more/timeout.sh 60 $TEST !2 > !1 | \ tee -a "$BUILD/logs/bisectinate-$ARCH".txt test $Status -eq 0 && setglobal RESULT = 'good' } # Keep the last "good" and "bad" logs, separately. mv "$BUILD"/logs/bisectinate{,-$RESULT}-"$ARCH".txt }