Oil 0.8.1


This is the home page for version 0.8.1 of Oil, a Unix shell. To use it,

  1. Download a source tarball.
  2. Build and install it, as described in INSTALL.

These steps take 30 to 60 seconds on most machines. After that, you can assemble an oshrc file, which is described in the manual.

Test results, metrics, and benchmarks are shown below.


File / SHA256 checksum Size
oil-0.8.1.tar.xz 1,210,912
oil-0.8.1.tar.gz 1,690,949
oil-native-0.8.1.tar.xz 215,856

Note: oil-native is a preview release, not a working shell.

What's New


The Doc Overview links to all docs. It's work in progress, but these docs are ready:

Help topics for OSH and Oil. These documents underly the help builtin.

Github Wiki for oilshell/oil. The Oil Deployments wiki page has other ways of getting Oil. These versions may not be up-to-date.


Main Test Suites

Other Suites

Manual Tests



Source Code

These files may help you understand how Oil is implemented, i.e. with domain-specific languages and code generation.

Also see the oilshell/oil repository.

OPy Tests

The OPy compiler is used to compile Oil to bytecode, but isn't itself part of the release.


Generated on Mon Sep 28 00:26:23 PDT 2020