#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD: stable/11/sbin/fdisk/runtest.sh 113454 2003-04-13 21:57:08Z phk $ set -e setglobal MD = $[mdconfig -a -t malloc -s 4m -x 63 -y 16] if test ! -c /dev/$(MD) { echo "MD device $MD did not materialize" !1 > !2 exit 2 } trap "mdconfig -d -u $(MD)" EXIT INT TERM # Create an empty bootcode file to isolate our checksum from any changes # which might happen to the boot code file. dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp count=1 > /dev/null !2 > !1 ./fdisk -b tmp -I $MD > /dev/null !2 > !1 rm tmp setglobal c = $[dd if=/dev/$(MD) count=1 !2 >/dev/null | md5] if test $c != ea4277fcccb6a927a1a497a6b15bfb8c { echo "FAILED: 'fdisk -I' gives bad checksum ($c)" !1 > !2 exit 1 } echo "PASSED: fdisk -I" setglobal c = $[./fdisk $MD | md5] if test $c != 4b126d7ac4c6b2af7ef27ede8ef102ec { echo "FAILED: 'fdisk' gives bad checksum ($c)" !1 > !2 exit 1 } echo "PASSED: fdisk" exit 0