OSH Runtime Performance

Elapsed Time by Shell (milliseconds)

Some benchmarks call many external tools, while some exercise the shell interpreter itself. Parse time is included.

task arg host label bash dash osh osh to bash ratio
abuild-help flanders 65 27 1,398 21.6
abuild-help lisa 22 9 610 27.7
cpython-configure flanders 30,239 30,382 176,064 5.8
cpython-configure lisa 13,771 11,852 97,375 7.1
ocaml-4.06.0 flanders 6,308 6,192 11,169 1.8
ocaml-4.06.0 lisa 3,461 3,313 5,000 1.4
tcc-0.9.26 flanders 98 77 547 5.6
tcc-0.9.26 lisa 40 34 201 5.1
yash-2.46 flanders 3,328 3,260 6,467 1.9
yash-2.46 lisa 1,507 1,442 2,621 1.7

Memory Used to Run

Running under osh-ovm. Memory usage is measured in MB (powers of 10), not MiB (powers of 2).

task arg host runtime VmRSS MB runtime VmPeak MB
abuild-help flanders 17.7 30.3
abuild-help lisa 17.8 30.3
cpython-configure flanders 41.8 54.5
cpython-configure lisa 41.7 54.5
ocaml-4.06.0 flanders 15.0 27.7
ocaml-4.06.0 lisa 15.1 27.7
tcc-0.9.26 flanders 12.0 24.6
tcc-0.9.26 lisa 11.9 24.6
yash-2.46 flanders 14.0 26.7
yash-2.46 lisa 14.1 26.7

Shell and Host Details

shell label shell id
bash bash-d685a43c
dash dash-2887d9e6
osh osh-8696b56b
host label host id
flanders flanders-6db4bf9a
lisa lisa-6db4bf9a