Results for
pass 885
FAIL 003
0pass pass pass String length
1pass pass pass Unicode string length (UTF-8)
2pass pass FAIL Unicode string length (spec/testdata/utf8-chars.txt)
3pass pass FAIL String length with incomplete utf-8
4pass pass FAIL String length with invalid utf-8 continuation bytes
5pass pass pass Length of undefined variable
6pass pass pass Length of undefined variable with nounset
7pass pass pass Length operator can't be followed by test operator
21 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 3 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped

Details on runs that didn't PASS

osh_.cc2 Unicode string length (spec/testdata/utf8-chars.txt)

[ stdout] Expected '7\n', got ''
[ status] Expected 0, got -6

osh_eval.opt: cpp/posix.h:74: Tuple2<int, int> posix::pipe(): Assertion `0' failed.
osh_.cc3 String length with incomplete utf-8

[ stdout] Expected '0\n1\n2\n-1\n3\n4\n-1\n-1\n5\n6\n-1\n-1\n-1\n7\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Incomplete UTF-8 character\n', got ''
[ status] Expected 0, got -6

osh_eval.opt: cpp/posix.h:111: void posix::dup2(int, int): Assertion `0' failed.
osh_.cc4 String length with invalid utf-8 continuation bytes

[ stdout] Expected '-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n-1\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid UTF-8 continuation byte\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n[ stdin ]:3: warning: Invalid start of UTF-8 character\n', got ''
[ status] Expected 0, got -6

osh_eval.opt: cpp/posix.h:111: void posix::dup2(int, int): Assertion `0' failed.