#!/bin/bash # # Sandstorm - Personal Cloud Sandbox # Copyright (c) 2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors # All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -euo pipefail setvar XVFB_PID = """" setvar RUN_SELENIUM = "${RUN_SELENIUM:-true}" setvar BUNDLE_PATH = """" setvar THIS_DIR = $(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")") setvar METEOR_DEV_BUNDLE = $("$THIS_DIR/../find-meteor-dev-bundle.sh") setvar NODEJS = ""$METEOR_DEV_BUNDLE/bin/node"" setvar NPM = ""$METEOR_DEV_BUNDLE/bin/npm"" setvar SELENIUM_JAR = ""selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar"" setvar SELENIUM_JAR_SHA256 = ""67b88cbfd3b130de6ff3770948f56cc485fd1abb5b7a769397d9050a59b1e036"" setvar SELENIUM_DOWNLOAD_URL = ""https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/2.53/$SELENIUM_JAR"" proc cleanExit { setvar rc = "$1" if test $rc -ne 0 { echo "Log output: " cat "$SANDSTORM_DIR/var/log/sandstorm.log" } "$SANDSTORM_DIR/sandstorm" stop sleep 1 if test $rc -eq 0 { # Only clean up the test directory if the test run was successful - if tests failed, # it's nice to be able to inspect the logs. We wipe out $SANDSTORM_DIR before starting # a new test run, so this is fine. rm -rf $SANDSTORM_DIR } if test -n $XVFB_PID { # Send SIGINT to the selenium-server child of the backgrounded xvfb-run, so # it will exit cleanly and the Xvfb process will also be cleaned up. # We don't actually know that PID, so we find it with pgrep. kill $(pgrep --parent $XVFB_PID java) wait $XVFB_PID } exit $rc } proc cacheSeleniumJar { if [[ ! -e ./$SELENIUM_JAR ]] { setvar DOWNLOAD = $(mktemp selenium-download.XXXXXX) curl -o $DOWNLOAD $SELENIUM_DOWNLOAD_URL setvar DOWNLOAD_SHASUM = $(sha256sum $DOWNLOAD | cut -f 1 -d ' ') if [[ "$DOWNLOAD_SHASUM" = "$SELENIUM_JAR_SHA256" ]] { mv $DOWNLOAD ./$SELENIUM_JAR } else { echo "Selenium jar download didn't match expected checksum. Discarding." exit 1 } } } proc checkInstalled { if ! $(which $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) { echo "Couldn't find executable '$1' - try installing the $2 package?" exit 1 } } # Parse arguments. while test $Argc -gt 0 { case (1) { --no-selenium { setvar RUN_SELENIUM = ""false"" } * { if test -n $BUNDLE_PATH { echo "Multiple bundle paths specified, please name only one." exit 1 } setvar BUNDLE_PATH = $(readlink -f "$1") } } shift } if test -z $BUNDLE_PATH { echo "No bundle path specified; perhaps you meant to write '$0 sandstorm-0-fast.tar.xz'?" exit 1 } cd $THIS_DIR checkInstalled firefox firefox $NPM install if test $RUN_SELENIUM != "false" { checkInstalled java default-jre-headless checkInstalled xvfb-run Xvfb checkInstalled pgrep procps cacheSeleniumJar xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1280x1024x24" java -jar ./$SELENIUM_JAR & setvar XVFB_PID = ""$! } export SANDSTORM_DIR=$THIS_DIR/tmp-sandstorm export OVERRIDE_SANDSTORM_DEFAULT_DIR=$SANDSTORM_DIR # Picking some fixed ports because email tests are being flaky with system-assigned ports and we # don't do parallel tests yet anyway. export PORT=9000 export MONGO_PORT=9001 export SMTP_LISTEN_PORT=9002 export SMTP_OUTGOING_PORT=9003 export IP_INTERFACE_TEST_PORT=9004 export LAUNCH_URL="http://local.sandstorm.io:$PORT" rm -rf $SANDSTORM_DIR ../install.sh -d -u $BUNDLE_PATH echo "IS_TESTING=true ALLOW_DEMO_ACCOUNTS=true BASE_URL=http://local.sandstorm.io:$PORT WILDCARD_HOST=*.local.sandstorm.io:$PORT PORT=$PORT MONGO_PORT=$MONGO_PORT SMTP_LISTEN_PORT=${SMTP_LISTEN_PORT} MAIL_URL=smtp://${SMTP_OUTGOING_PORT} UPDATE_CHANNEL=none " >> "$SANDSTORM_DIR/sandstorm.conf" "$SANDSTORM_DIR/sandstorm" start echo -n "Waiting for sandstorm to start." setvar COUNT = '0' while ! curl -s localhost:$PORT { if test $COUNT -gt 600 { # wait 60 seconds for server to start echo "Sandstorm failed to start" cleanExit 1 } setvar COUNT = $(($COUNT+1)) echo -n . sleep .1 }; echo set +e export DISABLE_DEMO=true $NPM test cleanExit $?