#! /bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: reboot # Required-Start: # Required-Stop: # Default-Start: # Default-Stop: 6 # Short-Description: Execute the reboot command. # Description: ### END INIT INFO setvar PATH = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" source /lib/lsb/init-functions proc do_stop { # Message should end with a newline since kFreeBSD may # print more stuff (see #323749) log_action_msg "Will now restart" reboot -d -f -i } case (1) { start { # No-op } restart|reload|force-reload { echo "Error: argument '$1' not supported" >&2 exit 3 } stop { do_stop } status { exit 0 } * { echo "Usage: $0 start|stop" >&2 exit 3 } }