===== BASIC METRICS -- Number of files: 119 -- Total bytecode bytes: 476417 -- Total instructions: 174699 Duplicate path/name path code_name n 1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc __init__ 174 2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc _AbbreviatedTree 174 3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc AbbreviatedTree 174 4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc PrettyTree 174 5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.pyc __init__ 46 6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.pyc _AbbreviatedTree 46 ===== BIG STRINGS path code_name type len_or_val 1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/state.pyc ErrExitDisabledSpanId str 506 2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/qsn_/qsn.pyc str 469 3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_comp.pyc _DefineFlags str 324 4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/qsn_/qsn.pyc str 323 5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/asdl/format.pyc FileHeader str 188 6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/lexer_def.pyc str 177 7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc str 139 8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/main_loop.pyc _Loop str 132 9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/expr_eval.pyc _EvalClassLiteralTerm str 103 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_comp.pyc _DefineFlags str 103 11 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/flag_def.pyc str 101 12 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_parse.pyc ParseSimpleCommand str 96 13 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_assign.pyc Run str 95 14 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/executor.pyc RunSimpleCommand str 92 15 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/shell.pyc OnChange str 91 16 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_comp.pyc _DefineOptions str 90 17 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_comp.pyc _DefineFlags str 89 18 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/executor.pyc RunCommandSub str 82 19 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/executor.pyc RunProcessSub str 82 20 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/regex_translate.pyc AsPosixEre str 78 -- total string bytes: 75389 ===== FRAMES Frames with many consts path code_name n 1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/id_kind_asdl.pyc 812 2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc 806 3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc PrettyTree 791 4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc _AbbreviatedTree 712 5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/id_kind_asdl.pyc Id 383 6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/id_kind_def.pyc AddKinds 324 7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/option_asdl.pyc 287 8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.pyc 278 9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/lexer_def.pyc 242 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/help_.pyc 221 11 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.pyc PrettyTree 184 12 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.pyc _AbbreviatedTree 179 13 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc __init__ 174 14 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc AbbreviatedTree 174 15 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/flag_def.pyc 127 16 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_pure.pyc Run 123 17 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/arg_types.pyc __init__ 118 18 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/option_def.pyc 113 19 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/option_asdl.pyc option_i 106 20 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/state.pyc 100 Frames with many ops path code_name n 1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc PrettyTree 12700 2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc _AbbreviatedTree 9698 3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc 3339 4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/id_kind.pyc 3295 5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc __init__ 2894 6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch 2826 7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.pyc PrettyTree 2306 8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/lexer_def.pyc 2253 9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/id_kind_asdl.pyc 2140 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.pyc _AbbreviatedTree 2116 11 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_pure.pyc Run 1927 12 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/completion.pyc Matches 1749 13 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/shell.pyc Main 1671 14 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/expr_eval.pyc _EvalExpr 1648 15 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/tools/osh2oil.pyc DoCommand 1258 16 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.pyc 1240 17 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/arg_types.pyc __init__ 1138 18 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.pyc AbbreviatedTree 1124 19 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/shell_native.pyc Main 1042 20 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_meta.pyc Run 966 Frames with large stacksize path code_name argcount nlocals stacksize bytecode_bytes 1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/help_.pyc 0 0 220 670 2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/shell.pyc Main 6 334 114 4671 3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/shell_native.pyc Main 6 244 98 2948 4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/lexer_def.pyc 0 0 92 6511 5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch 3 342 80 7946 6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/expr_eval.pyc _EvalExpr 2 241 79 4628 7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_assign.pyc _PrintVariables 5 90 75 2066 8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/sh_expr_eval.pyc Eval 2 127 63 2664 9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/completion.pyc Matches 2 115 62 2792 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/expr_to_ast.pyc Expr 2 94 62 2027 Frames with many locals path code_name argcount nlocals stacksize bytecode_bytes 1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch 3 342 80 7946 2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/shell.pyc Main 6 334 114 4671 3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/shell_native.pyc Main 6 244 98 2948 4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/expr_eval.pyc _EvalExpr 2 241 79 4628 5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/sh_expr_eval.pyc Eval 2 127 63 2664 6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/completion.pyc Matches 2 115 62 2792 7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/word_eval.pyc _EvalWordPart 4 114 46 1556 8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_parse.pyc ParseCommand 1 109 49 1417 9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/expr_parse.pyc _PushOilTokens 5 107 50 1665 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/sh_expr_eval.pyc EvalB 2 105 47 1625 ===== NAMES Common types kind n 1 name 43667 2 var 38528 3 cell 6 4 free 6 Common names name n 1 self 4218 2 None 1605 3 append 1293 4 AssertionError 940 5 NewRecord 908 6 fields 902 7 L 890 8 out_node 880 9 field 816 10 x0 804 11 __name__ 711 12 __module__ 671 13 _AbbreviatedTree 661 14 __init__ 565 15 children 562 16 x1 562 17 hnode 560 18 color_e 528 19 AbbreviatedTree 527 20 len 526 -- Total length of all 82207 names: 604264 -- Total length of 4968 unique names: 49090 ===== CONSTS Types of constants type n 1 str 7241 2 code 3355 3 int 3041 4 NoneType 2733 5 tuple 1165 6 float 7 ===== FLAGS Common flags flag n 1 CO_NEWLOCALS 3355 2 CO_OPTIMIZED 2686 3 CO_FUTURE_PRINT_FUNCTION 1460 4 CO_VARARGS 32 5 CO_GENERATOR 24 6 CO_VARKEYWORDS 10 ===== OPS Ops Used by Frequency op_name n 1 LOAD_FAST 27451 2 LOAD_ATTR 22159 3 LOAD_CONST 21496 4 CALL_FUNCTION 15108 5 LOAD_GLOBAL 14433 6 STORE_NAME 8485 7 STORE_FAST 8447 8 POP_TOP 6093 9 RETURN_VALUE 5990 10 JUMP_FORWARD 4608 11 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 4551 12 LOAD_NAME 4146 13 COMPARE_OP 3443 14 MAKE_FUNCTION 3349 15 IMPORT_FROM 2262 16 DUP_TOP 1879 17 STORE_ATTR 1777 18 STORE_SUBSCR 1747 19 BUILD_TUPLE 1554 20 ROT_THREE 1492 21 IMPORT_NAME 1262 22 POP_BLOCK 1107 23 BUILD_LIST 1060 24 BINARY_SUBSCR 951 25 RAISE_VARARGS 912 26 JUMP_ABSOLUTE 879 27 SETUP_LOOP 762 28 FOR_ITER 721 29 GET_ITER 721 30 BUILD_CLASS 669 31 LOAD_LOCALS 669 32 POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE 534 33 UNPACK_SEQUENCE 371 34 END_FINALLY 345 35 BINARY_MODULO 343 36 BINARY_ADD 327 37 JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP 247 38 UNARY_NOT 224 39 UNARY_NEGATIVE 214 40 ROT_TWO 186 41 SETUP_EXCEPT 175 42 SETUP_FINALLY 170 43 WITH_CLEANUP 163 44 BUILD_MAP 159 45 BREAK_LOOP 123 46 SLICE+1 106 47 INPLACE_ADD 100 48 DELETE_FAST 93 49 JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP 80 50 LOAD_DEREF 75 51 BINARY_SUBTRACT 74 52 LIST_APPEND 58 53 BINARY_AND 55 54 SLICE+3 36 55 YIELD_VALUE 36 56 SLICE+2 31 57 BINARY_LSHIFT 27 58 BINARY_MULTIPLY 26 59 INPLACE_OR 22 60 BINARY_OR 15 61 BINARY_RSHIFT 15 62 DELETE_SLICE+0 12 63 DELETE_SUBSCR 12 64 CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW 10 65 INPLACE_SUBTRACT 10 66 BINARY_DIVIDE 7 67 LOAD_CLOSURE 6 68 MAKE_CLOSURE 6 69 CALL_FUNCTION_VAR 4 70 BINARY_XOR 3 71 STORE_GLOBAL 3 72 UNARY_INVERT 3 73 BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE 2 74 STORE_SLICE+0 2 75 BINARY_POWER 1 76 CALL_FUNCTION_KW 1 77 DUP_TOPX 1 78 INPLACE_MULTIPLY 1 79 INPLACE_RSHIFT 1 80 STORE_DEREF 1 -- Total unique opcodes: 80 Unused opcodes: op_name 1 BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE 2 BUILD_SET 3 BUILD_SLICE 4 CONTINUE_LOOP 5 DELETE_ATTR 6 DELETE_GLOBAL 7 DELETE_NAME 8 DELETE_SLICE+1 9 DELETE_SLICE+2 10 DELETE_SLICE+3 11 EXEC_STMT 12 EXTENDED_ARG 13 IMPORT_STAR 14 INPLACE_AND 15 INPLACE_DIVIDE 16 INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE 17 INPLACE_LSHIFT 18 INPLACE_MODULO 19 INPLACE_POWER 20 INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE 21 INPLACE_XOR 22 MAP_ADD 23 NOP 24 PRINT_EXPR 25 PRINT_ITEM 26 PRINT_ITEM_TO 27 PRINT_NEWLINE 28 PRINT_NEWLINE_TO 29 ROT_FOUR 30 SETUP_WITH 31 SET_ADD 32 SLICE+0 33 STOP_CODE 34 STORE_MAP 35 STORE_SLICE+1 36 STORE_SLICE+2 37 STORE_SLICE+3 38 UNARY_CONVERT 39 UNARY_POSITIVE Memory Operations: kind op_name n 1 ATTR LOAD_ATTR 22159 2 ATTR STORE_ATTR 1777 3 CLOSURE LOAD_CLOSURE 6 4 CONST LOAD_CONST 21496 5 DEREF LOAD_DEREF 75 6 DEREF STORE_DEREF 1 7 FAST LOAD_FAST 27451 8 FAST STORE_FAST 8447 9 FAST DELETE_FAST 93 10 GLOBAL LOAD_GLOBAL 14433 11 GLOBAL STORE_GLOBAL 3 12 LOCALS LOAD_LOCALS 669 13 NAME STORE_NAME 8485 14 NAME LOAD_NAME 4146 15 SLICE STORE_SLICE+0 2 16 SUBSCR STORE_SUBSCR 1747 Imports: op_name n 1 IMPORT_FROM 2262 2 IMPORT_NAME 1262 Large op_arg (jump targets): path code_name op_name op_arg 1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 7914 2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 7907 3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch BREAK_LOOP 7907 4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch SETUP_FINALLY 7895 5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 7893 6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 7769 7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch JUMP_ABSOLUTE 7690 8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch POP_BLOCK 7690 9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch JUMP_ABSOLUTE 7674 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc _Dispatch POP_BLOCK 7674 ===== UNIQUE OPS Files with few ops: # A tibble: 20 x 2 # Groups: path [20] path n    1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/__init__.pyc 2  2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/__init__.pyc 2  3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_gen/__init__.pyc 2  4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_gen/oil_lang/__init__.pyc 2  5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/asdl/__init__.pyc 2  6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/bin/__init__.pyc 2  7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/__init__.pyc 2  8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/__init__.pyc 2  9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/mycpp/__init__.pyc 2 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/__init__.pyc 2 11 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/__init__.pyc 2 12 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/pgen2/__init__.pyc 2 13 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/pylib/__init__.pyc 2 14 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/qsn_/__init__.pyc 2 15 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/tea/__init__.pyc 2 16 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/tools/__init__.pyc 2 17 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_gen/oil_lang/grammar_nt.pyc 3 18 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/_devbuild/gen/help_.pyc 4 19 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/ansi.pyc 6 20 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/typing.pyc 6 Files with many ops: # A tibble: 10 x 2 # Groups: path [10] path n    1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/builtin_pure.pyc 51  2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_parse.pyc 51  3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/string_ops.pyc 51  4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/sh_expr_eval.pyc 54  5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/word_eval.pyc 54  6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/comp_ui.pyc 55  7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/completion.pyc 57  8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/core/state.pyc 57  9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_eval.pyc 57 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/expr_eval.pyc 65 Unique ops for files that just parse: # A tibble: 11 x 2 # Groups: path [11] path n    1 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/arith_parse.pyc 20  2 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/lexer_def.pyc 25  3 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/py_reader.pyc 26  4 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/reader.pyc 28  5 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/bool_parse.pyc 31  6 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/parse_lib.pyc 34  7 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/pgen2/parse.pyc 35  8 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/frontend/lexer.pyc 36  9 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/oil_lang/expr_parse.pyc 44 10 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/word_parse.pyc 46 11 _build/oil/bytecode-opy/osh/cmd_parse.pyc 51 -- Unique opcodes for parsing: 56