spec test index / oilshell.org
36 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 75 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped 1 failed under osh
osh_.py | 0 -A function prints functions [osh_.py stdout] Expected '__ec\n_ab\nadd\ndiv\nek\n--\n__ec\n_ab\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 0 -A function prints functions [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '__ec\n_ab\nadd\ndiv\nek\n--\n__ec\n_ab\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 1 Invalid syntax [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=2\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 1 Invalid syntax [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=2\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 2 how compgen calls completion functions [osh_.py stdout] Expected "['argv', 'compgen', 'foo', '']\n['COMP_WORDS']\n['COMP_CWORD', '-1']\n['COMP_LINE', '']\n['COMP_POINT', '0']\none\ntwo\nthree\n", got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 2 how compgen calls completion functions [osh_.cc stdout] Expected "['argv', 'compgen', 'foo', '']\n['COMP_WORDS']\n['COMP_CWORD', '-1']\n['COMP_LINE', '']\n['COMP_POINT', '0']\none\ntwo\nthree\n", got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 3 complete -o -F (git) [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 38 |
osh_.cc | 3 complete -o -F (git) [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 4 compopt with invalid syntax [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=2\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 40 |
osh_.cc | 4 compopt with invalid syntax [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=2\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 5 compopt fails when not in completion function [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 40 |
osh_.cc | 5 compopt fails when not in completion function [osh_.cc status] Expected 1, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 6 compgen -f on invalid dir [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 6 compgen -f on invalid dir [osh_.cc status] Expected 1, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 7 compgen -f [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'one\nthree\ntwo\n--\nthree\ntwo\n', got '--\n' [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: --stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 7 compgen -f [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'one\nthree\ntwo\n--\nthree\ntwo\n', got '--\n' stdout: --stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' |
osh_.py | 8 compgen -v with local vars [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'v1_global\nv2_local\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 213, in RunSimpleCommand status = self.cmd_ev.RunProc(proc_node, argv[1:], arg0_spid) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1790, in RunProc status = self._Execute(proc.body) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1068, in _Dispatch status = self._ExecuteList(node.children) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1546, in _ExecuteList status = self._Execute(child) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 8 compgen -v with local vars [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'v1_global\nv2_local\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 9 compgen -v on unknown var [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 9 compgen -v on unknown var [osh_.cc status] Expected 1, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 10 compgen -v P [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'PATH\nPWD\n', got '' [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: cd > /dev/null # for some reason in bash, this makes PIPESTATUS appear! ^~ [ stdin ]:1: $HOME isn't defined Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 10 compgen -v P [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'PATH\nPWD\n', got '' stdout: stderr: cd > /dev/null # for some reason in bash, this makes PIPESTATUS appear! ^~ [ stdin ]:1: $HOME isn't defined terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' |
osh_.py | 11 compgen with actions: function / variable / file [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'PA_FUNC\nPATH\nPA_FILE\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 11 compgen with actions: function / variable / file [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'PA_FUNC\nPATH\nPA_FILE\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 12 compgen with actions: alias, setopt [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'v_alias\nv_alias2\nverbose\nvi\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 12 compgen with actions: alias, setopt [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'v_alias\nv_alias2\nverbose\nvi\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 13 compgen with actions: shopt [osh_.py stdout] Expected '[nullglob]\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 13 compgen with actions: shopt [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '[nullglob]\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 14 compgen with action and suffix: helptopic [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'false___\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 14 compgen with action and suffix: helptopic [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'false___\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 15 compgen -A directory [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'client\ncore\ncpp\n', got '' [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 15 compgen -A directory [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'client\ncore\ncpp\n', got '' stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' |
osh_.py | 16 compgen -A file [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'oil-version.txt\noil_lang\nopy\nosh\n', got '' [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 16 compgen -A file [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'oil-version.txt\noil_lang\nopy\nosh\n', got '' stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' |
osh_.py | 17 compgen -A user [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 17 compgen -A user [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 18 compgen -A command completes external commands [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'xargs\nstatus=0\n', got 'status=0\n' [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: status=0stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 18 compgen -A command completes external commands [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'xargs\nstatus=0\n', got 'status=0\n' stdout: status=0stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' |
osh_.py | 19 compgen -A command completes functions and aliases [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'our_alias\nour_func\nour_func2\nstatus=0\nour_alias\nour_func\nour_func2\nour_func3\nstatus=0\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 19 compgen -A command completes functions and aliases [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'our_alias\nour_func\nour_func2\nstatus=0\nour_alias\nour_func\nour_func2\nour_func3\nstatus=0\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 20 compgen -A command completes builtins and keywords [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'eval\nstatus=0\nwhile\nstatus=0\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 20 compgen -A command completes builtins and keywords [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'eval\nstatus=0\nwhile\nstatus=0\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 21 complete with nonexistent function [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=2\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 38 |
osh_.cc | 21 complete with nonexistent function [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=2\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 22 complete with no action [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=2\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 38 |
osh_.cc | 22 complete with no action [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=2\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 23 -o filenames and -o nospace have no effect with compgen [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'bin\nbuild\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 23 -o filenames and -o nospace have no effect with compgen [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'bin\nbuild\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 24 -o plusdirs and -o dirnames with compgen [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'b1\nb2\nbenchmarks\nbin\nbuild\n---\nbenchmarks\nbin\nbuild\n', got '---\n' [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: ---stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 24 -o plusdirs and -o dirnames with compgen [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'b1\nb2\nbenchmarks\nbin\nbuild\n---\nbenchmarks\nbin\nbuild\n', got '---\n' stdout: ---stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' |
osh_.py | 25 compgen -o default completes files and dirs [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'spec/tea-func.test.sh\nspec/testdata\nspec/tilde.test.sh\nspec/toysh-posix.test.sh\nspec/toysh.test.sh\nspec/type-compat.test.sh\n', got '' [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 25 compgen -o default completes files and dirs [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'spec/tea-func.test.sh\nspec/testdata\nspec/tilde.test.sh\nspec/toysh-posix.test.sh\nspec/toysh.test.sh\nspec/type-compat.test.sh\n', got '' stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' |
osh_.py | 26 compgen doesn't respect -X for user-defined functions [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'one\nthree\n--\ntwo\nbin\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 26 compgen doesn't respect -X for user-defined functions [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'one\nthree\n--\ntwo\nbin\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 27 compgen -W words -X filter [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'one\nthree\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 27 compgen -W words -X filter [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'one\nthree\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 28 compgen -f -X filter -- $cur [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'spam.py\nspam.sh\n--\nspam.py\n', got '--\n' [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: --stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 769, in _Dispatch self.shell_ex.RunPipeline(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 338, in RunPipeline status_out.pipe_status = pi.Run(self.waiter, self.fd_state) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1143, in Run self.Start(waiter) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 1086, in Start pid = proc.Start(trace.PipelinePart()) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 918, in Start self.thunk.Run() File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/process.py", line 709, in Run self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(self.node, cmd_flags=cmd_eval.Optimize) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 28 compgen -f -X filter -- $cur [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'spam.py\nspam.sh\n--\nspam.py\n', got '--\n' stdout: --stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' |
osh_.py | 29 compgen doesn't need shell quoting [osh_.py stdout] Expected "foo bar\nfoo'bar\n", got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 29 compgen doesn't need shell quoting [osh_.cc stdout] Expected "foo bar\nfoo'bar\n", got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 30 compgen -W 'one two three' [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'one\ntwo\nthree\n--\nweb\nw1\nw2\n--\nweb\nw1\nw2\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 30 compgen -W 'one two three' [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'one\ntwo\nthree\n--\nweb\nw1\nw2\n--\nweb\nw1\nw2\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 31 compgen -W evaluates code in $() [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'spam\neggs\nham cheese\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 31 compgen -W evaluates code in $() [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'spam\neggs\nham cheese\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 32 compgen -W uses IFS, and delimiters are escaped with \ [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'spam\neggs\nham cheese:colon\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 32 compgen -W uses IFS, and delimiters are escaped with \ [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'spam\neggs\nham cheese:colon\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 33 Parse errors for compgen -W and complete -W [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=2\nstatus=2\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 33 Parse errors for compgen -W and complete -W [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=2\nstatus=2\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 34 Runtime errors for compgen -W [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 34 Runtime errors for compgen -W [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh | 35 Runtime errors for compgen -F func [osh stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got 'foo\nbar\nstatus=0\n' stdout: foo bar status=0stderr: COMPREPLY+=( $(( 1 / 0 )) ) # FATAL, but we still have candidates ^ [ stdin ]:3: Divide by zero |
osh_.py | 35 Runtime errors for compgen -F func [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 35 Runtime errors for compgen -F func [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |
osh_.py | 36 compgen -W '' cmd is not a usage error [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 [osh_.py stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent' stdout: stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 68, in <module> sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/osh_eval.py", line 36, in main None) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/shell_native.py", line 503, in Main cmd_flags=cmd_eval.IsMainProgram) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/main_loop.py", line 332, in Batch is_return, is_fatal = cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, cmd_flags=cmd_flags) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1643, in ExecuteAndCatch status = self._Execute(node) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 1481, in _Execute status = self._Dispatch(node, cmd_st) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 725, in _Dispatch status = self._RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, node.do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/cmd_eval.py", line 559, in _RunSimpleCommand return self.shell_ex.RunSimpleCommand(cmd_val, cmd_st, do_fork) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 240, in RunSimpleCommand return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val) File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/executor.py", line 129, in RunBuiltin builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id] KeyError: 39 |
osh_.cc | 36 compgen -W '' cmd is not a usage error [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: stderr: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'KeyError*' timeout: the monitored command dumped core |