Known Differences Between OSH and Other Shells

This document is for sophisticated shell users.

You're unlikely to encounter these incompatibilities in everyday shell usage. If you do, there's almost always a simple workaround, like adding a space or a backslash.

OSH is meant to run all POSIX shell programs, and most bash programs.

Table of Contents
Numbers and Arithmetic
Static Parsing
Array Indices Are Static unless shopt -s eval_unsafe_arith
printf '%d' and other numeric formats require a valid integer
Parsing Differences
Strings vs. Bare words in array indices
Subshell in command sub
Extended glob vs. Negation of boolean expression
Here doc terminators must be on their own line
Spaces aren't allowed in LHS indices
break / continue / return are keywords, not builtins
Oil Has More Builtins, Which Shadow External Commands
Oil Has More Keywords, Which Shadow Builtins, Functions, and Commands
More Parsing Differences
Brace expansion is all or nothing
Tilde expansion and Brace expansion don't interact
Brackets should be escaped within character classes
Double quotes within backticks
Differences at Runtime
Alias Expansion
Array Indices Aren't Dynamically Parsed
Array References Must be Explicit
Arrays aren't split inside ${}
Values Are Tagged with Types, Not Locations (declare -i -a -A)
Indexed and Associative Arrays are Distinct
Args to Assignment Builtins Aren't Split or Globbed
Extended globs are more static like mksh, and have other differences
Interactive Features
History Substitution Language

Numbers and Arithmetic

Roughly speaking, shells treat arithmetic like "macro processing", while OSH treats it more like part of a programming language.

Despite these differences, OSH is very compatible with existing shell scripts.

Note that you can opt into more errors with shopt -s strict_arith.

Static Parsing

Arithmetic is statically parsed, so expressions like $(( 1 $op 2 )) fail with a parse error. Use an explicit eval for these rare use cases.

Related: A 30-year-old security problem / Simple Word Evaluation

Array Indices Are Static unless shopt -s eval_unsafe_arith

If you have a variable like code='1+2', OSH doesn't accept

a[$code]=value  # dynamic parsing and evaluation in bash, mksh, zsh


echo ${a[$code]}  # ditto

by default. If you want this behavior, you can turn on shopt -s eval_unsafe_arith.

printf '%d' and other numeric formats require a valid integer

In other shells, printf %d invalid_integer prints 0 and a warning. OSH gives you a runtime error.

Parsing Differences

This section describes differences related to static parsing. OSH avoids the dynamic parsing of most shells.

(Note: This section should encompass all the failures from the wild tests and spec tests.

Strings vs. Bare words in array indices

Strings should be quoted inside array indices:





When unquoted, the period causes an ambiguity with respect to regular arrays vs. associative arrays. See Parsing Bash is Undecidable.

Subshell in command sub

You can have a subshell in a command sub, but it usually doesn't make sense.

In OSH you need a space after $(. The characters $(( always start an arith sub.


$((cd / && ls))


$( (cd / && ls) )   # Valid but usually doesn't make sense.
$({ cd / && ls; })  # Use {} for grouping, not ().  Note trailing ;
$(cd / && ls)       # Even better

Extended glob vs. Negation of boolean expression

The OSH parser distinguishes these two constructs with a space:

In bash, the parsing of such expressions depends on shopt -s extglob. In OSH, shopt -s extglob is accepted, but doesn't affect parsing.

Here doc terminators must be on their own line

Lines like EOF] or EOF) don't end here docs. The delimiter must be on its own line.


a=$(cat <<EOF

a=$(cat <<EOF
EOF  # this is not a comment; it makes the EOF delimiter invalid


a=$(cat <<EOF
)  # this is actually a comment

Spaces aren't allowed in LHS indices

Bash allows:

a[1 + 2 * 3]=value

OSH only allows:


because it parses with limited lookahead. The first line would result in the execution of a command named a[1.

break / continue / return are keywords, not builtins

This means that they aren't "dynamic":

while true; do
  $b  # doesn't break in OSH

Static control flow will allow static analysis of shell scripts.

(Test cases are in spec/loop).

Oil Has More Builtins, Which Shadow External Commands

For example, push is a builtin in Oil, but not in bash. Use env push or /path/to/push if you want to run an external command.

(Note that a user-defined function push take priority over the builtin push.

Oil Has More Keywords, Which Shadow Builtins, Functions, and Commands

In contrast with builtins, keywords affect shell parsing.

For example, func is a keyword in Oil, but not in bash. To run a command named func, use command func arg1.

Note that all shells have extensions that cause this issue. For example, [[ is a keyword in bash but not in POSIX shell.

More Parsing Differences

These differences occur in subsequent stages of parsing, or in runtime parsing.

Brace expansion is all or nothing


{a,b}{        # what does the second { mean?
{a,b}{1...3}  # 3 dots instead of 2



bash will do a partial expansion in the former cases, giving you a{ b{ and a{1...3} b{1...3}.

OSH considers them syntax errors and aborts all brace expansion, giving you the same thing back: {a,b}{ and {a,b}{1...3}.

Tilde expansion and Brace expansion don't interact

In bash, {~bob,~jane}/src will expand the home dirs of both people. OSH doesn't do this because it separates parsing and evaluation. By the time tilde expansion happens, we haven't evaluated the brace expansion. We've only parsed it.

(mksh agrees with OSH, but zsh agrees with bash.)

Brackets should be escaped within character classes

Don't use ambiguous syntax for a character class consisting of a single bracket character.


echo [[]
echo []]


echo [\[]
echo [\]]

The ambiguous syntax is allowed when we pass globs through to libc, but it's good practice to be explicit.

Double quotes within backticks

In rare cases, OSH processes backslashes within backticks differently than other shells. However there are two workarounds that are compatible with every shell.


`echo \"`     # is this a literal quote, or does it start a string?


$(echo \")    # $() can always be used instead of ``.
              # There's no downside to the more modern construct.
`echo \\"`    # also valid, but $() is more readable


Differences at Runtime

Alias Expansion

Almost all "real" aliases should work in OSH. But these don't work:

alias left='{'
left echo hi; }

(cases #33-#34 in spec/alias)


alias a=
a (( var = 0 ))

Details on the OSH parsing model:

  1. Your code is statically parsed into an abstract syntax tree, which contains many types of nodes.
  2. SimpleCommand are the only ones that are further alias-expanded.

For example, these result in SimpleCommand nodes:

These don't:

Array Indices Aren't Dynamically Parsed

Array References Must be Explicit

In bash, $array is equivalent to ${array[0]}, which is very confusing (especially when combined with set -o nounset).


array=(1 2 3)
echo $array         # Runtime error in OSH


echo ${array[0]}    # explicitly choose the first element
echo "${array[@]}"  # explicitly choose the whole array

NOTE: Setting shopt -s strict_array further reduces the confusion between strings and arrays. See the options doc for details.

Arrays aren't split inside ${}

Most shells split the entries of arrays like "$@" and "${a[@]}" here:

echo ${undef:-"$@"}

In OSH, omit the quotes if you want splitting:

echo ${undef:-$@}

I think OSH is more consistent, but it disagrees with other shells.

Values Are Tagged with Types, Not Locations (declare -i -a -A)

Even though there's a large common subset, OSH and bash have a different model for typed data.

In particular,

For example, these two statements are different in bash, but the same in OSH:

declare -A assoc     # unset cell that will LATER be an assoc array
declare -A assoc=()  # empty associative array

In bash, you can tell the difference with set -u, but there's no difference in OSH.

Indexed and Associative Arrays are Distinct

Here is how you can create arrays in OSH, in a bash-compatible way:

local indexed=(foo bar)
local -a indexed=(foo bar)            # -a is redundant
echo ${indexed[1]}                    # bar

local assoc=(['one']=1 ['two']=2)
local -A assoc=(['one']=1 ['two']=2)  # -A is redundant
echo ${assoc['one']}                  # 1

In bash, the distinction between the two is blurry, with cases like this:

local -A x=(foo bar)                  # -A disagrees with literal
local -a y=(['one']=1 ['two']=2)      # -a disagrees with literal

These are disallowed in OSH.


Args to Assignment Builtins Aren't Split or Globbed

The assignment builtins are export, readonly, local, and declare/typeset.

In bash, you can do unusual things with them:

vars='a=b x=y'

declare $vars *.py       # assigns at least 4 variables
echo $a       # b
echo $x       # y
echo $foo     #
echo $spam    #

In contrast, OSH disables splitting and globbing within assignment builtins. This is more like the behavior of zsh.

On a related note, assignment builtins are both statically and dynamically parsed:

Extended globs are more static like mksh, and have other differences

That is, in OSH and mksh, something like echo *.@(cc|h) is an extended glob. But echo $x, where $x contains the pattern, is not.

For more details and differences, see the Extended Glob section of the Word Language doc.


The OSH completion API is mostly compatible with the bash completion API, except that it moves the responsibility for quoting out of plugins and onto the shell itself. Plugins should return candidates as argv entries, not shell words.

See the completion doc for details.

Interactive Features

History Substitution Language

The rules for history substitution like !echo are simpler. There are no special cases to avoid clashes with ${!indirect} and so forth.

TODO: Link to the history lexer.



Generated on Thu Dec 29 21:10:40 EST 2022