
Files Max Lines Total Lines Parse Failures Max Parse Time (secs) Total Parse Time (secs) Translation Failures Directory
22 115 856 1 0.31 4.33 0 more/
17 454 1,849 4 0.59 4.87 0 sources/
1 70 70 1 0.18 0.18 0 www/

Side By Side Lines Parsed? Parse Process Time (secs) Translated? Filename
view 172 OK 0.266404 OK build.sh
view 30 OK 0.206873 OK cross-compiler.sh
view 133 OK 0.213398 OK download.sh
view 227 FAIL 0.21128 OK host-tools.sh
view 74 OK 0.256077 OK native-compiler.sh
view 97 OK 0.248397 OK root-filesystem.sh
view 95 OK 0.228304 OK simple-cross-compiler.sh
view 127 OK 0.330713 OK system-image.sh


Parsing host-tools.sh
'../oil_DEPS/wild/src/distro/aboriginal/host-tools.sh':113: In expressions, remove $ and use `X`, or sometimes "$X"

Translating host-tools.sh
'../oil_DEPS/wild/src/distro/aboriginal/host-tools.sh':113: In expressions, remove $ and use `X`, or sometimes "$X"