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Variable Scope in Shell and Oil

NOTE: Most important content has been moved to the variables doc.

This doc has details for advanced users.

Table of Contents
Three Semantics for Cell Lookup
Where Are These Semantics Used?
LocalOrGlobal For Reading Variables, and for setvar
Related Links


Three Semantics for Cell Lookup

Cells are locations for variables.

Named after enums.


What shell uses


In Oil, it does one of three things:

  1. mutates an existing local
  2. mutates an existing global
  3. create a new global

In shell, it does these things:

  1. Mutate any variable of th e name up the stack.


For loop variables, etc. Mutates exactly one scope!

Where Are These Semantics Used?

LocalOrGlobal For Reading Variables, and for setvar

Constructs That Retrieve Cells:

The other ones deal with values. These deal with cells.

Related Links

Generated on Mon, 05 Jun 2023 14:01:09 -0400