#!/bin/sh # Show all network traffic except that for the current ssh connection # This allows running tcpdump remotely over ssh. # License: LGPLv2 # Author: # http://www.pixelbeat.org/ # Notes: # Some configurations of sudo strip the environment, # so to run under sudo in that case do: # sudo env SSH_CLIENT="$SSH_CLIENT" tcpdump_not_me # Changes: # V0.1, 22 Apr 2005, Initial release # V0.2, 28 Aug 2009, Shai Ben-Naphtali # Handle new format $SSH_CLIENT if test $SSH_CLIENT { setvar expression = $( echo "$SSH_CLIENT" | sed 's/.*://; s/^\([0-9.]*\) [0-9]* \([0-9]*\)$/not \( host \1 and port \2 \)/' ) } tcpdump @ARGV $expression