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Tea Language
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This is an experiment! Background:
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- <http://www.oilshell.org/blog/2020/10/big-changes.html#appendix-the-tea-language>
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- <https://old.reddit.com/r/ProgrammingLanguages/comments/jb5i5m/help_i_keep_stealing_features_from_elixir_because/g8urxou/>
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- <https://lobste.rs/s/4hx42h/assorted_thoughts_on_zig_rust#c_mqpg6e>
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- <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24845983>: mycpp origins, related to
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mycpp and ShedSkin
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- There's no good language for writing languages:
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tl;dr Tea is a cleanup of Oil's metalanguages, which can be called "statically
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typed Python with sum types". (Zephyr ASDL is pretty clean, but mycpp is
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messy, and needs cleanup.)
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- Tea Grammar: <https://github.com/oilshell/oil/blob/master/oil_lang/grammar.pgen2#L363>
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- Tea ASDL Schema: <https://github.com/oilshell/oil/blob/master/frontend/syntax.asdl#L324>
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- Python-like "transformer" from CST to AST:
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<https://github.com/oilshell/oil/blob/master/oil_lang/expr_to_ast.py>. This
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code is repetitive, but it's how CPython did it for 25+ years.
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## Metaphors
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- "Oil + Tea" is like "Shell + C". :)
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- Oil could be the metaprogramming language for Tea. "So Oil + Tea" is like
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the "C preprocessor + C".
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## Demo
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$ bin/tea -n -c 'var x = 42'
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$ bin/oil -O parse_tea -n -c 'var x = 42'
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# Similar to both of the above
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$ tea/run.sh parse-one tea/testdata/hello.tea
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Note that Tea stands alone as a language, but it can also be intermingled with
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Oil, which I think will be useful for metaprogramming.
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## Testing
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This is currently run in the continuous build
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tea/run.sh soil-run
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