(command.CommandList children: [ (command.CommandList children: [ (command.Sentence child: (command.ShAssignment left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'PATH='> pairs: [ (AssignPair left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'PATH='> lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'PATH='> name:PATH) op: assign_op.Equal rhs: {<'/bin'> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <'/usr/bin'> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <'/usr/local/bin'> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> ($ Id.VSub_DollarName PATH) } ) ] redirects: [] ) terminator: <Id.Op_Semi _> ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <export> more_env: [] words: [{<export>} {<PATH>}] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) ] ) (command.ShAssignment left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'host='> pairs: [ (AssignPair left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'host='> lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'host='> name:host) op: assign_op.Equal rhs: {<http> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <'//www.freebsd.org'>} ) ] redirects: [] ) (command.ShAssignment left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'url='> pairs: [ (AssignPair left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'url='> lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'url='> name:url) op: assign_op.Equal rhs: {($ Id.VSub_DollarName host) <'/cgi/ports.cgi'>} ) ] redirects: [] ) (command.ShAssignment left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'time='> pairs: [ (AssignPair left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'time='> lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'time='> name:time) op: assign_op.Equal rhs: {(SQ <'?type=new&time=2+week+ago&sektion=all'>)} ) ] redirects: [] ) (command.ShAssignment left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'time2='> pairs: [ (AssignPair left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'time2='> lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'time2='> name:time2) op: assign_op.Equal rhs: {(SQ <'?type=changed&time=2+week+ago&sektion=all'>)} ) ] redirects: [] ) (command.ShAssignment left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'info='> pairs: [ (AssignPair left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'info='> lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'info='> name:info) op: assign_op.Equal rhs: {<yes>} ) ] redirects: [] ) (command.If if_kw: <Id.KW_If if> arms: [ (IfArm keyword: <Id.KW_If if> cond: (condition.Shell commands: [ (command.Sentence child: (command.Simple blame_tok: <Id.Lit_LBracket '['> more_env: [] words: [ {<Id.Lit_LBracket '['>} {<x> (DQ ($ Id.VSub_DollarName info))} {<Id.Lit_Equals '='>} {<xyes>} {<Id.Lit_RBracket ']'>} ] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) terminator: <Id.Op_Semi _> ) ] ) then_kw: <Id.KW_Then then> action: [ (command.Simple blame_tok: <cat> more_env: [] words: [{<cat>}] redirects: [ (Redir op: <Id.Redir_DLess '<<'> loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:0) arg: (redir_param.HereDoc here_begin: {(SQ <EOF>)} here_end_tok: <Id.Undefined_Tok ''> stdin_parts: [ <'Introduction\n'> <'------------\n'> <'\n'> <'The FreeBSD Ports Collection offers a simple way for users and\n'> <'administrators to install applications. Each "port" listed here\n'> <'contains any patches necessary to make the original application source\n'> <'code compile and run on FreeBSD. Installing an application is as\n'> <'simple as downloading the port, unpacking it and typing make in the\n'> <'port directory. The Makefile automatically fetches the application\n'> <'source code, either from a local disk or via ftp, unpacks it on your\n'> <'system, applies the patches, and compiles. If all goes well, simply\n'> <'type make install to install the application.\n'> <'\n'> <'For more information about using ports, see the ports collection\n'> <'\n'> <'\thttp://www.freebsd.org/handbook/ports.html\n'> <'and\n'> <'\thttp://www.freebsd.org/ports/\n'> <'\n'> ] ) ) ] do_fork: T ) (command.Pipeline children: [ (command.Simple blame_tok: <lynx> more_env: [] words: [{<lynx>} {<-dump>} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName host) <'/ports/'>}] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <perl> more_env: [] words: [ {<perl>} {<-ne>} {(SQ <'/^[ ]*There are currently/ && s/^\\s+// && print && exit'>)} ] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) ] ops: [<Id.Op_Pipe _>] ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <cat> more_env: [] words: [{<cat>}] redirects: [ (Redir op: <Id.Redir_DLess '<<'> loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:0) arg: (redir_param.HereDoc here_begin: {<EOF>} here_end_tok: <Id.Undefined_Tok ''> stdin_parts: [ <'\n'> <'\n'> <'New ports added last two weeks\n'> <'------------------------------\n'> <'\n'> ] ) ) ] do_fork: T ) ] spids: [57 73] ) ] else_action: [] fi_kw: <Id.KW_Fi fi> redirects: [] ) (command.Pipeline children: [ (command.Simple blame_tok: <lynx> more_env: [] words: [ {<lynx>} {<-nolist>} {<-dump>} {<-reload>} {<-nostatus>} {(DQ ($ Id.VSub_DollarName url) ($ Id.VSub_DollarName time))} ] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <grep> more_env: [] words: [{<grep>} {<-v>} {(DQ <'Description :'>)}] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <perl> more_env: [] words: [{<perl>} {<-ne>} {(SQ <'print if (/^\\s*Category/ .. /__________________/)'>)}] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <grep> more_env: [] words: [{<grep>} {<-v>} {<________>}] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <perl> more_env: [] words: [ {<perl>} {<-ne>} { (SQ <'if (/^\\s*Category/) { \n'> <'\t\tprint; for(1..50) {print "="}; print "\\n";\n'> <' } else { print}'> ) } ] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) ] ops: [<Id.Op_Pipe _> <Id.Op_Pipe _> <Id.Op_Pipe _> <Id.Op_Pipe _>] ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <cat> more_env: [] words: [{<cat>}] redirects: [ (Redir op: <Id.Redir_DLess '<<'> loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:0) arg: (redir_param.HereDoc here_begin: {<EOF>} here_end_tok: <Id.Undefined_Tok ''> stdin_parts: [ <'\n'> <'\n'> <'Updated ports last two weeks\n'> <'-----------------------------------\n'> <'\n'> ] ) ) ] do_fork: T ) (command.Pipeline children: [ (command.Simple blame_tok: <lynx> more_env: [] words: [ {<lynx>} {<-nolist>} {<-dump>} {<-reload>} {<-nostatus>} {(DQ ($ Id.VSub_DollarName url) ($ Id.VSub_DollarName time2))} ] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <grep> more_env: [] words: [{<grep>} {<-v>} {(DQ <'Description :'>)}] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <perl> more_env: [] words: [ {<perl>} {<-ne>} {(SQ <'s/\\[INLINE\\]\\s*//g; print if (/Category/ .. /XXXXYYYYZZZZ/)'>)} ] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <perl> more_env: [] words: [ {<perl>} {<-ne>} { (SQ <'if (/^\\s*Category/) {\n'> <' print; for(1..50) {print "="}; print "\\n";\n'> <' } else { print}'> ) } ] redirects: [] do_fork: T ) ] ops: [<Id.Op_Pipe _> <Id.Op_Pipe _> <Id.Op_Pipe _>] ) (command.Simple blame_tok: <cat> more_env: [] words: [{<cat>}] redirects: [ (Redir op: <Id.Redir_DLess '<<'> loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:0) arg: (redir_param.HereDoc here_begin: {<EOF>} here_end_tok: <Id.Undefined_Tok ''> stdin_parts: [ <'\n'> <'This information was produced by\n'> <'\t'> ($ Id.VSub_DollarName url) <'\n'> <'\n'> ] ) ) ] do_fork: T ) ] )