1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
3 ### Remove const suffix
4 v=abcd
5 echo ${v%d} ${v%%cd}
6 # stdout: abc ab
8 ### Remove const prefix
9 v=abcd
10 echo ${v#a} ${v##ab}
11 # stdout: bcd cd
13 ### Remove const suffix is vectorized on user array
14 a=(1a 2a 3a)
15 argv.py ${a[@]%a}
16 # stdout: ['1', '2', '3']
17 # status: 0
18 # N-I dash/mksh stdout-json: ""
19 # N-I dash status: 2
20 # N-I mksh status: 1
22 ### Remove const suffix is vectorized on $@ array
23 set -- 1a 2a 3a
24 argv.py ${@%a}
25 # stdout: ['1', '2', '3']
26 # status: 0
27 # N-I dash stdout: ['1a', '2a', '3']
28 # N-I dash status: 0
29 # N-I mksh stdout-json: ""
30 # N-I mksh status: 1
32 ### Remove const suffix from undefined
33 echo ${undef%suffix}
34 # stdout:
36 ### Remove shortest glob suffix
37 v=aabbccdd
38 echo ${v%c*}
39 # stdout: aabbc
41 ### Remove longest glob suffix
42 v=aabbccdd
43 echo ${v%%c*}
44 # stdout: aabb
46 ### Remove shortest glob prefix
47 v=aabbccdd
48 echo ${v#*b}
49 # stdout: bccdd
51 ### Remove longest glob prefix
52 v=aabbccdd
53 echo ${v##*b}
54 # stdout: ccdd
56 ### Strip char class
57 v=abc
58 echo ${v%[[:alpha:]]}
59 # stdout: ab
60 # N-I mksh stdout: abc
62 ### Strip unicode prefix
63 # NOTE: LANG is set to utf-8. Problem: there is no way to represent the
64 # invalid character! Instead of stdout-json, how about stdout-bytes?
65 v='μ-'
66 echo ${v#?} # ? is a glob that stands for one character
67 # stdout: -
68 # BUG dash/mksh stdout-repr: '\xbc-\n'
69 # BUG zsh stdout-repr: '\n'