1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
3 ### Process sub input
4 f=_tmp/process-sub.txt
5 { echo 1; echo 2; echo 3; } > $f
6 comm <(head -n 2 $f) <(tail -n 2 $f)
7 # stdout-json: "1\n\t\t2\n\t3\n"
9 ### Non-linear pipeline with >()
10 stdout_stderr() {
11 echo o1
12 echo o2
14 sleep 0.1 # Does not change order
16 { echo e1;
17 echo warning: e2
18 echo e3;
19 } >& 2
20 }
21 stdout_stderr 2> >(grep warning) | tac >$TMP/out.txt
22 wait $! # this does nothing in bash 4.3, but probably does in bash 4.4.
23 echo OUT
24 cat $TMP/out.txt
25 # PROBLEM -- OUT comes first, and then 'warning: e2', and then 'o2 o1'. It
26 # looks like it's because nobody waits for the proc sub.
27 # http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bash/2017-06/msg00018.html
28 # stdout-json: "OUT\nwarning: e2\no2\no1\n"