(CommandList children: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:PATH) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ('/sbin:/usr/sbin:') ($ VSub_Name '$PATH'))} spids: [4] ) ] spids: [4] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:BASE_LOG_FILENAME) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ (nvidia-bug-report.log))} spids: [11] ) ] spids: [11] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:GZIP_CMD) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(gzip)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [26] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [21 37] ) } spids: [20] ) ] spids: [20] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:GZIP_CMD) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ('gzip -c'))} spids: [61] ) ] spids: [61] ) ] spids: [16777215 58] ) ] else_action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:GZIP_CMD) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ (cat))} spids:[69])] spids: [69] ) ] spids: [66 74] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:DPY) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DISPLAY'))} spids: [77] ) ] spids: [77] ) (AndOr ops: [Op_DPipe] children: [ (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DPY'))} {(Lit_Other ']')}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:DPY) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ (':0'))} spids:[92])] spids: [92] ) ] ) (FuncDef name: set_filename body: (BraceGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD'))} {(Lit_Other '=')} {(DQ ('gzip -c'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:LOG_FILENAME) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$BASE_LOG_FILENAME') (.gz))} spids: [125] ) ] spids: [125] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:OLD_LOG_FILENAME) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$BASE_LOG_FILENAME') (.old.gz))} spids: [132] ) ] spids: [132] ) ] spids: [16777215 122] ) ] else_action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:LOG_FILENAME) op: Equal rhs: {($ VSub_Name '$BASE_LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [142] ) ] spids: [142] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:OLD_LOG_FILENAME) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$BASE_LOG_FILENAME') (.old))} spids: [146] ) ] spids: [146] ) ] spids: [139 153] ) ] spids: [102] ) spids: [98 101] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-d)} {(/proc/driver/nvidia)} {(-a)} {(KW_Bang '!')} {(-f)} {(/proc/driver/nvidia/version)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:proc_module_dirs) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(ls)} {(/proc/driver/nvidia/)})]) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [182 186] ) } spids: [181] ) ] spids: [181] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:module_names) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ (nvidia-frontend))} spids: [189] ) ] spids: [189] ) (ForEach iter_name: instance iter_words: [{($ VSub_Name '$proc_module_dirs')}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:module_names) op: Equal rhs: { (DQ ($ VSub_Name '$module_names') (' nvidia') ($ VSub_Name '$instance')) } spids: [207] ) ] spids: [207] ) ] spids: [204 215] ) spids: [200 202] ) ] spids: [16777215 178] ) ] else_action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:proc_module_dirs) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ (.))} spids: [220] ) ] spids: [220] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:module_names) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ (nvidia))} spids: [226] ) ] spids: [226] ) ] spids: [217 231] ) (FuncDef name: usage_bug_report_message body: (BraceGroup children: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ("Please include the '") ($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME') ("' log file when reporting") ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('your bug via the NVIDIA Linux forum (see devtalk.nvidia.com)'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ("or by sending email to 'linux-bugs@nvidia.com'."))}) ] spids: [238] ) spids: [234 237] ) (FuncDef name: usage body: (BraceGroup children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(basename)} {($ VSub_Number '$0')})]) left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('> spids: [282 286] ) (': NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver bug reporting shell script.') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(usage_bug_report_message)}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(basename)} {($ VSub_Number '$0')})]) left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('> spids: [309 313] ) (' [OPTION]...') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' -h / --help'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' Print this help output and exit.'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' --output-file <file>'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' Write output to <file>. If gzip is available, the output file'))}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ (' will be automatically compressed, and ') (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'>) (.gz) (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'>) (' will be appended') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' to the filename. Default: write to nvidia-bug-report.log(.gz).'))} ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' --safe-mode'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' Disable some parts of the script that may hang the system.'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' --extra-system-data'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' Enable additional data collection that may aid in the analysis'))} ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' of certain classes of bugs. If running the script without the'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' --safe-mode option hangs the system, consider using this'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' option to help identify stuck kernel software.'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [270] ) spids: [266 269] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:NVIDIA_BUG_REPORT_CHANGE) op: Equal rhs: {(SQ <'$Change: 22924279 $'>)} spids: [421] ) ] spids: [421] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:NVIDIA_BUG_REPORT_VERSION) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$NVIDIA_BUG_REPORT_CHANGE'))}) (C {(tr)} {(-c)} {(-d)} {(DQ ('[:digit:]'))}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [427 445] ) } spids: [426] ) ] spids: [426] ) (C {(set_filename)}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:BUG_REPORT_SAFE_MODE) op:Equal rhs:{(0)} spids:[460])] spids: [460] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:BUG_REPORT_EXTRA_SYSTEM_DATA) op: Equal rhs: {(0)} spids: [463] ) ] spids: [463] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:SAVED_FLAGS) op: Equal rhs: {($ VSub_At '$@')} spids: [466] ) ] spids: [466] ) (While cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(KW_Bang '!') (Lit_Other '=')} {(DQ )} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] body: (DoGroup children: [ (Case to_match: {($ VSub_Number '$1')} arms: [ (case_arm pat_list: [{(-o)} {(--output-file)}] action: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-z)} {($ VSub_Number '$2')} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(usage)}) (ControlFlow token: <ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word: {(1)} ) ] spids: [16777215 515] ) (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} { (DQ (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$2'))}) (C {(cut)} {(-c)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('> spids: [531 545] ) ) } {(Lit_Other '=')} {(DQ (-))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Warning: Questionable filename'))} { (DQ (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'>) ($ VSub_Number '$2') (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'>) (': possible missing argument?') ) } ) ] spids: [526 557] ) ] spids: [16777215 575] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:BASE_LOG_FILENAME) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$2'))} spids: [578] ) ] spids: [578] ) (C {(set_filename)}) (C {(shift)}) ] spids: [496 502 594 16777215] ) (case_arm pat_list: [{(--safe-mode)}] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:BUG_REPORT_SAFE_MODE) op: Equal rhs: {(1)} spids: [601] ) ] spids: [601] ) ] spids: [597 599 605 16777215] ) (case_arm pat_list: [{(--extra-system-data)}] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:BUG_REPORT_EXTRA_SYSTEM_DATA) op: Equal rhs: {(1)} spids: [612] ) ] spids: [612] ) ] spids: [608 610 616 16777215] ) (case_arm pat_list: [{(-h)} {(--help)}] action: [(C {(usage)}) (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit>)] spids: [619 625 633 16777215] ) (case_arm pat_list: [{(Lit_Other '*')}] action: [(C {(usage)}) (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})] spids: [636 638 16777215 648] ) ] spids: [489 493 648] ) (C {(shift)}) ] spids: [486 653] ) ) (FuncDef name: echo_metadata body: (BraceGroup children: [ (C {(printf)} {(DQ ('*** ls: '))}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(/bin/ls)} {(-l)} {(--full-time)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_Great fd:2 arg_word:{(/dev/null)} spids:[690])] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-ne)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(ls)} {(-l)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[728])] ) ] spids: [16777215 709] ) ] spids: [16777215 732] ) ] spids: [670] ) spids: [666 669] ) (FuncDef name: append body: (BraceGroup children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(KW_Bang '!')} {(-f)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('*** ') ($ VSub_Number '$1') (' does not exist'))}) ] spids: [16777215 787] ) (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(KW_Bang '!')} {(-r)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('*** ') ($ VSub_Number '$1') (' is not readable'))}) ] spids: [799 814] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('*** ') ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}) (C {(echo_metadata)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}) (C {(cat)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}) ] spids: [826 851] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] ) spids: [755 860] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [866] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) ] spids: [752] ) spids: [748 751] ) (FuncDef name: append_silent body: (BraceGroup children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-f)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(-a)} {(-r)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('*** ') ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}) (C {(echo_metadata)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}) (C {(cat)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [16777215 917] ) ] spids: [16777215 961] ) spids: [893 964] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [970] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) ] spids: [890] ) spids: [886 889] ) (FuncDef name: append_glob body: (BraceGroup children: [ (ForEach iter_name: i iter_words: [ { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Sentence child: (SimpleCommand words: [{(ls)} {($ VSub_Number '$1')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [1008] ) ] ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [1003 1012] ) } ] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children:[(C {(append)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$i'))})] spids:[1015 1025]) spids: [1002 1013] ) ] spids: [994] ) spids: [990 993] ) (FuncDef name: append_file_or_dir_silent body: (BraceGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-f)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [(C {(append)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))})] spids: [16777215 1066] ) (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-d)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [(C {(append_glob)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1') ('/*'))})] spids: [1076 1089] ) ] spids: [16777215 1100] ) ] spids: [1050] ) spids: [1046 1049] ) (FuncDef name: append_binary_file body: (BraceGroup children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:base64) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(base64)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [1134] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [1129 1145] ) } spids: [1128] ) ] spids: [1128] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$base64'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-f)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(-a)} {(-r)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))} ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('base64 ') (EscapedLiteralPart token: <Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'> ) ($ VSub_Number '$1') (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'>) ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(base64)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [1232] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [16777215 1194] ) ] spids: [16777215 1243] ) ] spids: [16777215 1170] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('Skipping ') ($ VSub_Number '$1') (' output (base64 not found)')) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [1246 1264] ) ] ) spids: [1125 1268] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [1274] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) ] spids: [1122] ) spids: [1118 1121] ) (FuncDef name: append_command body: (BraceGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-n)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {($ VSub_Number '$1')}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [16777215 1311] ) ] spids: [16777215 1336] ) ] spids: [1295] ) spids: [1291 1294] ) (FuncDef name: search_string_in_logs body: (BraceGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-f)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-r)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' ') ($ VSub_Number '$1') (':'))}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(grep)} {($ VSub_Number '$2')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [1413] ) ] ) (ControlFlow token: <ControlFlow_Return return> arg_word: {(0)} ) ] spids: [16777215 1393] ) ] else_action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1') (' is not readable'))})] spids: [1423 1434] ) ] spids: [16777215 1371] ) ] spids: [16777215 1437] ) (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Return return> arg_word:{(1)}) ] spids: [1355] ) spids: [1351 1354] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(id)} {(-u)})]) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [1469 1473] ) } {(-ne)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('ERROR: Please run ') (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(basename)} {($ VSub_Number '$0')})]) left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('> spids: [1489 1493] ) (' as root.') ) } ) (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)}) ] spids: [16777215 1482] ) ] spids: [16777215 1502] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-f)} {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [(C {(mv)} {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} {($ VSub_Name '$OLD_LOG_FILENAME')})] spids: [16777215 1521] ) ] spids: [16777215 1530] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(touch)} {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_Great fd:2 arg_word:{(/dev/null)} spids:[1542])] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-ne)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('ERROR: Working directory is not writable; please cd to a directory'))}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ (' where you have write permission so that the ') ($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' file can be written.'))}) (C {(echo)}) (ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)}) ] spids: [16777215 1560] ) ] spids: [16777215 1595] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('nvidia-bug-report.sh will now collect information about your'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ("system and create the file '") ($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME') ("' in the current"))} ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('directory. It may take several seconds to run. In some'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('cases, it may hang trying to capture data generated dynamically'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('by the Linux kernel and/or the NVIDIA kernel module. While'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('the bug report log file will be incomplete if this happens, it'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('may still contain enough data to diagnose your problem.'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(usage_bug_report_message)}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Sentence child: (C {(echo)} {(-n)} { (DQ ('Running ') (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(basename)} {($ VSub_Number '$0')})]) left_token: <Left_CommandSub '$('> spids: [1671 1675] ) (...) ) } ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Start of NVIDIA bug report log file. Please include this file, along'))} ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('with a detailed description of your problem, when reporting a graphics'))} ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('driver bug via the NVIDIA Linux forum (see devtalk.nvidia.com)'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ("or by sending email to 'linux-bugs@nvidia.com'."))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('nvidia-bug-report.sh Version: ') ($ VSub_Name '$NVIDIA_BUG_REPORT_VERSION')) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('Date: ') (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(date)})]) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [1754 1756] ) ) } ) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('uname: ') (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children:[(C {(uname)} {(-a)})]) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [1764 1768] ) ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('command line flags: ') ($ VSub_Name '$SAVED_FLAGS'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] ) spids: [1686 1785] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [1791] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/sys/firmware/opal/msglog))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/etc/issue))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/redhat-release))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/redhat_version))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/fedora-release))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/slackware-release))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/slackware-version))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/debian_release))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/debian_version))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/mandrake-release))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/yellowdog-release))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/sun-release))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/release))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/gentoo-release))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/var/log/nvidia-installer.log))}) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (/var/log/nvidia-uninstall.log))}) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-d)} {(DQ (/var/lib/dkms/nvidia))} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (ForEach iter_name: log iter_words: [ { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (C {(find)} {(DQ (/var/lib/dkms/nvidia))} {(-name)} {(DQ (make.log))}) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [1930 1942] ) } ] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children:[(C {(append)} {($ VSub_Name '$log')})] spids:[1945 1953]) spids: [1929 1943] ) ] spids: [16777215 1921] ) ] spids: [16777215 1955] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:journalctl) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(journalctl)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [1968] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [1963 1979] ) } spids: [1962] ) ] spids: [1962] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$journalctl'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (ForEach iter_name: comm iter_words: [{(Xorg)} {(Xorg.bin)} {(X)}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (ForEach iter_name: boot iter_words: [{(-0)} {(-1)} {(-2)}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (SimpleCommand words: [ {(journalctl)} {(-b)} {($ VSub_Name '$boot')} {(-n)} {(1)} {(Lit_VarLike '_COMM=') ($ VSub_Name '$comm')} ] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [2053] ) (Redir op_id: Redir_GreatAnd fd: 2 arg_word: {(1)} spids: [2056] ) ] ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ( ____________________________________________ ) ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('journalctl -b ') ($ VSub_Name '$boot') (' _COMM=') ($ VSub_Name '$comm') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(journalctl)} {(-b)} {($ VSub_Name '$boot')} {(Lit_VarLike '_COMM=') ($ VSub_Name '$comm')} ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] ) redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [2113] ) ] spids: [2063 2111] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [2121] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) ] spids: [16777215 2060] ) ] spids: [16777215 2126] ) ] spids: [2035 2129] ) spids: [2027 2033] ) ] spids: [2019 2132] ) spids: [2011 2017] ) ] spids: [16777215 2003] ) ] spids: [16777215 2134] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:xconfig_file_list) op: Equal rhs: {(EmptyPart)} spids: [2147] ) ] spids: [2147] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:svp_config_file_list) op: Equal rhs: {(EmptyPart)} spids: [2149] ) ] spids: [2149] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:NEW_LINE) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ ('\n'))} spids:[2151])] spids: [2151] ) (ForEach iter_name: log_basename iter_words: [{(/var/log/XFree86)} {(/var/log/Xorg)}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (ForEach iter_name: i iter_words: [{(0)} {(1)} {(2)} {(3)} {(4)} {(5)} {(6)} {(7)}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (ForEach iter_name: log_suffix iter_words: [{(log)} {(log.old)}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:log_filename) op: Equal rhs: { (DQ (${ VSub_Name log_basename) (.) (${ VSub_Name i) (.) (${ VSub_Name log_suffix) ) } spids: [2211] ) ] spids: [2211] ) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name log_filename))}) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-f)} {(${ VSub_Name log_filename)} {(-a)} {(-r)} {(${ VSub_Name log_filename)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:config_file) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (C {(grep)} {(DQ ('Using config file'))} {(${ VSub_Name log_filename)} ) (C {(cut)} {(-f)} {(2)} {(-d)} { (EscapedLiteralPart token: <Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'> ) } ) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [2266 2288] ) } spids: [2265] ) ] spids: [2265] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:config_dir) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (C {(grep)} {(DQ ('Using config directory'))} {(${ VSub_Name log_filename)} ) (C {(cut)} {(-f)} {(2)} {(-d)} { (EscapedLiteralPart token: <Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'> ) } ) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [2292 2314] ) } spids: [2291] ) ] spids: [2291] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:sys_config_dir) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (C {(grep)} {(DQ ('Using system config directory'))} {(${ VSub_Name log_filename)} ) (C {(cut)} {(-f)} {(2)} {(-d)} { (EscapedLiteralPart token: <Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'> ) } ) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [2318 2340] ) } spids: [2317] ) ] spids: [2317] ) (ForEach iter_name: j iter_words: [ {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$config_file'))} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$config_dir'))} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$sys_config_dir'))} ] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$j'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Pipeline children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name xconfig_file_list))} ) (SimpleCommand words: [ {(grep)} {(DQ (':') (${ VSub_Name j) (':'))} ] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [2415] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_QMark '$?'))} {(KW_Bang '!') (Lit_Other '=')} {(DQ (0))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name: xconfig_file_list ) op: Equal rhs: { (DQ (${ VSub_Name xconfig_file_list ) (':') (${ VSub_Name j) (':') ) } spids: [2441] ) ] spids: [2441] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-d)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$j'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(append_glob)} { (DQ ($ VSub_Name '$j') ('/*.conf') ) } ) ] spids: [16777215 2467] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(append)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$j'))}) ] spids: [2478 2488] ) ] spids: [16777215 2438] ) ] spids: [16777215 2491] ) ] spids: [16777215 2376] ) ] spids: [16777215 2494] ) ] spids: [2362 2497] ) spids: [2348 2360] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:svp_conf_files) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (C {(grep)} { (DQ ('Option ') (EscapedLiteralPart token: <Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'> ) (3DVisionProConfigFile) (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'>) ) } {(${ VSub_Name log_filename)} ) (C {(cut)} {(-f)} {(4)} {(-d)} { (EscapedLiteralPart token: <Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'> ) } ) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [2506 2531] ) } spids: [2505] ) ] spids: [2505] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name svp_conf_files))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:OLD_IFS) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$IFS'))} spids: [2550] ) ] spids: [2550] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:IFS) op: Equal rhs: {($ VSub_Name '$NEW_LINE')} spids: [2556] ) ] spids: [2556] ) (ForEach iter_name: svp_file iter_words: [{(${ VSub_Name svp_conf_files)}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:IFS) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$OLD_IFS'))} spids: [2574] ) ] spids: [2574] ) (Pipeline children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name svp_config_file_list))} ) (SimpleCommand words: [ {(grep)} { (DQ (':') (${ VSub_Name svp_file) (':')) } ] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [2600] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_QMark '$?'))} {(KW_Bang '!') (Lit_Other '=')} {(DQ (0))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name: svp_config_file_list ) op: Equal rhs: { (DQ (${ VSub_Name svp_config_file_list ) (':') (${ VSub_Name svp_file) (':') ) } spids: [2626] ) ] spids: [2626] ) (C {(append_binary_file)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name svp_file))} ) ] spids: [16777215 2623] ) ] spids: [16777215 2648] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:IFS) op: Equal rhs: {($ VSub_Name '$NEW_LINE')} spids: [2651] ) ] spids: [2651] ) ] spids: [2571 2655] ) spids: [2565 2569] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:IFS) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$OLD_IFS'))} spids: [2658] ) ] spids: [2658] ) ] spids: [16777215 2547] ) ] spids: [16777215 2664] ) ] spids: [16777215 2262] ) ] spids: [16777215 2667] ) ] spids: [2208 2671] ) spids: [2202 2206] ) ] spids: [2194 2674] ) spids: [2176 2192] ) ] spids: [2168 2676] ) spids: [2162 2166] ) (Pipeline children: [ (C {(cat)} {(/etc/passwd)}) (C {(cut)} {(-d)} {(Lit_Other ':')} {(-f)} {(6)}) (C {(sort)}) (C {(uniq)}) (While cond: [(Sentence child:(C {(read)} {(DIR)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ';'>)] body: (DoGroup children: [ (C {(append_file_or_dir_silent)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DIR') (/.nv/nvidia-application-profiles-rc))} ) (C {(append_file_or_dir_silent)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DIR') (/.nv/nvidia-application-profiles-rc.backup))} ) (C {(append_file_or_dir_silent)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DIR') (/.nv/nvidia-application-profiles-rc.d))} ) (C {(append_file_or_dir_silent)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DIR') (/.nv/nvidia-application-profiles-rc.d.backup))} ) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DIR') (/.nv/nvidia-application-profile-globals-rc))} ) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DIR') (/.nv/nvidia-application-profile-globals-rc.backup))} ) (C {(append_silent)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DIR') (/.nvidia-settings-rc))}) ] spids: [2721 2780] ) ) ] negated: F ) (C {(append_file_or_dir_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-rc))}) (C {(append_file_or_dir_silent)} {(DQ (/etc/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-rc.d))}) (C {(append_file_or_dir_silent)} {(/usr/share/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-) (Lit_Other '*') (-rc)} ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:glxinfo) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(glxinfo)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [2833] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [2828 2844] ) } spids: [2827] ) ] spids: [2827] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$glxinfo'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('ldd ') ($ VSub_Name '$glxinfo'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(ldd)} {($ VSub_Name '$glxinfo')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [2890] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [16777215 2869] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Skipping ldd output (glxinfo not found)'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [2901 2917] ) ] ) spids: [2810 2919] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [2925] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:vkinfo) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(ldconfig)} {(-N)} {(-v)} {(-p)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [2961] ) ] ) (C {(/bin/grep)} {(libvulkan.so.1)}) (C {(awk)} {(SQ <'NF>1{print $NF}'>)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [2952 2978] ) } spids: [2951] ) ] spids: [2951] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-n)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$vkinfo'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Found Vulkan loader(s):'))}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(readlink)} {(-f)} {(${ VSub_Name vkinfo)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3021] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Listing common ICD paths:'))}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(ls)} {(-d)} {(/usr/local/etc/vulkan/icd.d/) (Lit_Other '*')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3050] ) ] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(ls)} {(-d)} {(/usr/local/share/vulkan/icd.d/) (Lit_Other '*')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3062] ) ] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(ls)} {(-d)} {(/etc/vulkan/icd.d/) (Lit_Other '*')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3074] ) ] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(ls)} {(-d)} {(/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/) (Lit_Other '*')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3086] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [16777215 3003] ) ] else_action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Vulkan loader not found'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )})] spids: [3097 3113] ) ] ) spids: [2934 3115] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [3121] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:lspci) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(lspci)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3153] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [3148 3164] ) } spids: [3147] ) ] spids: [3147] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$lspci'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ($ VSub_Name '$lspci') (' -d ') (EscapedLiteralPart token: <Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'> ) ('10de:*') (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'>) (' -v -xxx') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$lspci')} {(-d)} {(DQ ('10de:*'))} {(-v)} {(-xxx)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3226] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ($ VSub_Name '$lspci') (' -d ') (EscapedLiteralPart token: <Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'> ) ('10b5:*') (EscapedLiteralPart token:<Lit_EscapedChar '\\"'>) (' -v -xxx') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$lspci')} {(-d)} {(DQ ('10b5:*'))} {(-v)} {(-xxx)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3284] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$lspci') (' -t'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$lspci')} {(-t)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3326] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$lspci') (' -nn'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$lspci')} {(-nn)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3368] ) ] ) ] spids: [16777215 3189] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Skipping lspci output (lspci not found)'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [3373 3389] ) ] ) spids: [3130 3391] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [3397] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:lsusb) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(lsusb)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3429] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [3424 3440] ) } spids: [3423] ) ] spids: [3423] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$lsusb'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$lsusb'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$lsusb')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3483] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [16777215 3465] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Skipping lsusb output (lsusb not found)'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [3494 3510] ) ] ) spids: [3406 3512] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [3518] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:dmidecode) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(dmidecode)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3550] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [3545 3561] ) } spids: [3544] ) ] spids: [3544] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$dmidecode'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$dmidecode'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$dmidecode')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3604] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [16777215 3586] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Skipping dmidecode output (dmidecode not found)'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [3615 3631] ) ] ) spids: [3527 3633] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [3639] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:modinfo) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(modinfo)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3671] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [3666 3682] ) } spids: [3665] ) ] spids: [3665] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$modinfo'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (ForEach iter_name: name iter_words: [{($ VSub_Name '$module_names')}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ($ VSub_Name '$modinfo') (' ') ($ VSub_Name '$name') (' | grep vermagic') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Subshell child: (Pipeline children: [ (C {($ VSub_Name '$modinfo')} {($ VSub_Name '$name')}) (C {(grep)} {(vermagic)}) ] negated: F ) redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3752] ) ] spids: [3738 3750] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [3719 3763] ) spids: [3715 3717] ) ] spids: [16777215 3707] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Skipping modinfo output (modinfo not found)'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [3766 3782] ) ] ) spids: [3648 3784] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [3790] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Scanning kernel log files for NVIDIA kernel messages:'))}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:grep_args) op: Equal rhs: {(DQ ('-e NVRM -e nvidia-'))} spids: [3823] ) ] spids: [3823] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(LhsName name:logfound) op:Equal rhs:{(0)} spids:[3829])] spids: [3829] ) (AndOr ops: [Op_DAmp] children: [ (C {(search_string_in_logs)} {(/var/log/messages)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$grep_args'))}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:logfound) op: Equal rhs: {(1)} spids: [3843] ) ] spids: [3843] ) ] ) (AndOr ops: [Op_DAmp] children: [ (C {(search_string_in_logs)} {(/var/log/kernel.log)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$grep_args'))} ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:logfound) op: Equal rhs: {(1)} spids: [3857] ) ] spids: [3857] ) ] ) (AndOr ops: [Op_DAmp] children: [ (C {(search_string_in_logs)} {(/var/log/dmesg)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$grep_args'))}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:logfound) op: Equal rhs: {(1)} spids: [3871] ) ] spids: [3871] ) ] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:journalctl) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(journalctl)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3882] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [3877 3893] ) } spids: [3876] ) ] spids: [3876] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$journalctl'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:logfound) op: Equal rhs: {(1)} spids: [3920] ) ] spids: [3920] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:nvrmfound) op: Equal rhs: {(0)} spids: [3924] ) ] spids: [3924] ) (ForEach iter_name: boot iter_words: [{(-0)} {(-1)} {(-2)}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (Subshell child: (Pipeline children: [ (C {(journalctl)} {(-b)} {($ VSub_Name '$boot')}) (C {(grep)} {(${ VSub_Name grep_args)}) ] negated: F ) redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [3963] ) (Redir op_id: Redir_GreatAnd fd: 2 arg_word: {(1)} spids: [3967] ) ] spids: [3947 3961] ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' journalctl -b ') ($ VSub_Name '$boot') (':'))} ) (Subshell child: (Pipeline children: [ (C {(journalctl)} {(-b)} {($ VSub_Name '$boot')}) (C {(grep)} {(${ VSub_Name grep_args)}) ] negated: F ) redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4005] ) ] spids: [3989 4003] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:nvrmfound) op: Equal rhs: {(1)} spids: [4010] ) ] spids: [4010] ) ] spids: [16777215 3971] ) ] spids: [16777215 4014] ) ] spids: [3942 4017] ) spids: [3934 3940] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_Name '$nvrmfound')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ( 'No NVIDIA kernel messages found in recent systemd journal entries.' ) ) } ) ] spids: [16777215 4034] ) ] spids: [16777215 4050] ) ] spids: [16777215 3917] ) ] spids: [16777215 4053] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_Name '$logfound')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('No suitable log found.'))})] spids: [16777215 4070] ) ] spids: [16777215 4086] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] ) spids: [3799 4095] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [4101] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_Name '$BUG_REPORT_EXTRA_SYSTEM_DATA')} {(-ne)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Triggering SysRq backtrace on active CPUs (see dmesg output)'))} ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:sysrq_enabled) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [(C {(cat)} {(/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq)})] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [4153 4157] ) } spids: [4152] ) ] spids: [4152] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$sysrq_enabled'))} {(-ne)} {(DQ (1))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(echo)} {(1)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq)} spids: [4184] ) ] ) ] spids: [16777215 4177] ) ] spids: [16777215 4189] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(echo)} {(l)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/proc/sysrq-trigger)} spids: [4198] ) ] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$sysrq_enabled'))} {(-ne)} {(DQ (1))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(echo)} {($ VSub_Name '$sysrq_enabled')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq)} spids: [4229] ) ] ) ] spids: [16777215 4222] ) ] spids: [16777215 4234] ) ] ) spids: [4129 4237] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [4243] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) ] spids: [16777215 4126] ) ] spids: [16777215 4247] ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('dmesg:'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(dmesg)}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_Great fd:2 arg_word:{(/dev/null)} spids:[4285])] ) ] ) spids: [4254 4289] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [4295] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(gcc)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4311] ) (Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4314]) ] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(gcc)} {(-v)}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4351])] ) ] spids: [16777215 4331] ) ] spids: [16777215 4355] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(g) (Lit_Other '+') (Lit_Other '+')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4365] ) (Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4368]) ] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [{(g) (Lit_Other '+') (Lit_Other '+')} {(-v)}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4407])] ) ] spids: [16777215 4385] ) ] spids: [16777215 4411] ) ] ) spids: [4304 4413] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [4419] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('xset -q:'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Sentence child: (SimpleCommand words: [{(xset)} {(-q)}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4468])] ) terminator: <Op_Amp '&'> ) (Sentence child:(C {(sleep)} {(1)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ';'>) (SimpleCommand words: [{(kill)} {(-9)} {($ VSub_Bang '$!')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4485] ) (Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4489]) ] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ ('xset could not connect to an X server'))})] spids: [16777215 4507] ) ] spids: [16777215 4521] ) ] ) spids: [4434 4523] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [4529] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('nvidia-settings -q all:'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Sentence child: (SimpleCommand words: [{(nvidia-settings)} {(-c)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$DPY'))} {(-q)} {(all)}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4588])] more_env: [(env_pair name:DISPLAY val:{(EmptyPart)} spids:[4574])] ) terminator: <Op_Amp '&'> ) (Sentence child:(C {(sleep)} {(1)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ';'>) (SimpleCommand words: [{(kill)} {(-9)} {($ VSub_Bang '$!')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4605] ) (Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4609]) ] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ ('nvidia-settings could not connect to an X server'))})] spids: [16777215 4627] ) ] spids: [16777215 4641] ) ] ) spids: [4544 4643] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [4649] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-x)} { (DQ (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(xrandr)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4679] ) ] ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [4674 4681] ) ) } {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('xrandr --verbose:'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Sentence child: (SimpleCommand words: [{(xrandr)} {(-display)} {($ VSub_Name '$DPY')} {(--verbose)}] redirects: [(Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4726])] ) terminator: <Op_Amp '&'> ) (Sentence child:(C {(sleep)} {(1)}) terminator:<Op_Semi ';'>) (SimpleCommand words: [{(kill)} {(-9)} {($ VSub_Bang '$!')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4743] ) (Redir op_id: Redir_GreatAnd fd: 2 arg_word: {(1)} spids: [4747] ) ] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ ('xrandr could not connect to an X server'))})] spids: [16777215 4764] ) ] spids: [16777215 4778] ) ] spids: [16777215 4688] ) ] else_action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Skipping xrandr output (xrandr not found)'))})] spids: [4781 4791] ) spids: [4664 4793] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [4799] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-x)} { (DQ (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(xprop)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4819] ) ] ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [4814 4821] ) ) } {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Running window manager properties:'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:TMP) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Sentence child: (SimpleCommand words: [{(xprop)} {(-root)} {(_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4866] ) ] ) terminator: <Op_Amp '&'> ) (Sentence child: (C {(sleep)} {(1)}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(kill)} {(-9)} {($ VSub_Bang '$!')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4883] ) (Redir op_id: Redir_GreatAnd fd: 2 arg_word: {(1)} spids: [4887] ) ] ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [4859 4889] ) } spids: [4858] ) ] spids: [4858] ) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:WINDOW) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (C {(echo)} {($ VSub_Name '$TMP')}) (C {(grep)} {(-o)} {(SQ <'0x[0-9a-z]\\+'>)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [4893 4907] ) } spids: [4892] ) ] spids: [4892] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$WINDOW'))} {(Lit_Other ']')}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Sentence child: (SimpleCommand words: [{(xprop)} {(-id)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$WINDOW'))}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_GreatAnd fd: 2 arg_word: {(1)} spids: [4932] ) ] ) terminator: <Op_Amp '&'> ) (Sentence child: (C {(sleep)} {(1)}) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(kill)} {(-9)} {($ VSub_Bang '$!')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 16777215 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [4949] ) (Redir op_id: Redir_GreatAnd fd: 2 arg_word: {(1)} spids: [4953] ) ] ) ] spids: [16777215 4921] ) ] else_action: [(C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Unable to detect window manager properties'))})] spids: [4957 4967] ) ] spids: [16777215 4828] ) ] spids: [16777215 4970] ) spids: [4804 4972] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [4978] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(sync)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id:Redir_Great fd:16777215 arg_word:{(/dev/null)} spids:[4985]) (Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4989]) ] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(sync)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id:Redir_Great fd:16777215 arg_word:{(/dev/null)} spids:[4994]) (Redir op_id:Redir_GreatAnd fd:2 arg_word:{(1)} spids:[4998]) ] ) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/cmdline))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/cpuinfo))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/interrupts))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/meminfo))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/modules))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/version))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/pci))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/iomem))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/mtrr))}) (ForEach iter_name: subdir iter_words: [{($ VSub_Name '$proc_module_dirs')}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/driver/nvidia/) ($ VSub_Name '$subdir') (/version))}) (ForEach iter_name: GPU iter_words: [ { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [(C {(ls)} {(/proc/driver/nvidia/) ($ VSub_Name '$subdir') (/gpus/)})] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [5088 5094] ) } ] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (C {(append)} { (DQ (/proc/driver/nvidia/) ($ VSub_Name '$subdir') (/gpus/) ($ VSub_Name '$GPU') (/information) ) } ) (C {(append)} { (DQ (/proc/driver/nvidia/) ($ VSub_Name '$subdir') (/gpus/) ($ VSub_Name '$GPU') (/registry) ) } ) ] spids: [5097 5122] ) spids: [5087 5095] ) (C {(append_glob)} {(DQ (/proc/driver/nvidia/) ($ VSub_Name '$subdir') ('/warnings/*'))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/driver/nvidia/) ($ VSub_Name '$subdir') (/params))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/driver/nvidia/) ($ VSub_Name '$subdir') (/registry))}) ] spids: [5070 5151] ) spids: [5066 5068] ) (C {(append_glob)} {(DQ ('/proc/acpi/video/*/*/info'))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/asound/cards))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/asound/pcm))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/asound/modules))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/asound/devices))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/asound/version))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/asound/timers))}) (C {(append)} {(DQ (/proc/asound/hwdep))}) (ForEach iter_name: CARD iter_words: [{(/proc/asound/card) (Lit_Other '[') (0-9) (Lit_Other ']') (Lit_Other '*')}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (ForEach iter_name: CODEC iter_words: [{($ VSub_Name '$CARD') (/codec) (Lit_Other '*')}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (AndOr ops: [Op_DAmp] children: [ (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-d)} {($ VSub_Name '$CODEC')} {(Lit_Other ']')}) (C {(append_glob)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$CODEC') ('/*'))}) ] ) (AndOr ops: [Op_DAmp] children: [ (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-f)} {($ VSub_Name '$CODEC')} {(Lit_Other ']')}) (C {(append)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$CODEC'))}) ] ) ] spids: [5231 5269] ) spids: [5225 5229] ) (ForEach iter_name: ELD iter_words: [{($ VSub_Name '$CARD') (/eld) (Lit_Other '*')}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (AndOr ops: [Op_DAmp] children: [ (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-f)} {($ VSub_Name '$ELD')} {(Lit_Other ']')}) (C {(append)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$ELD'))}) ] ) ] spids: [5283 5303] ) spids: [5277 5281] ) ] spids: [5217 5305] ) spids: [5209 5215] ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (ForEach iter_name: CARD iter_words: [{(/sys/class/drm/) (Lit_Other '*') (/device/driver)}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [(C {(echo_metadata)} {($ VSub_Name '$CARD')})] spids: [5340 5348] ) spids: [5333 5338] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] ) spids: [5311 5358] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [5364] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_Name '$BUG_REPORT_SAFE_MODE')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('If the bug report script hangs after this point consider running with')) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('--safe-mode and --extra-system-data command line arguments.'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] ) spids: [5393 5428] ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:nvidia_smi) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(nvidia-smi)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [5461] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [5456 5472] ) } spids: [5455] ) ] spids: [5455] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$nvidia_smi'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (ForEach iter_name: instance iter_words: [{($ VSub_Name '$proc_module_dirs')}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_Name '$instance')} {(KW_Bang '!') (Lit_Other '=')} {(SQ <.>)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(export)} {(Lit_VarLike '__RM_MODULE_INSTANCE=') ($ VSub_Name '$instance') } ) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('NVIDIA Kernel module instance ') ($ VSub_Name '$instance') ) } ) ] spids: [16777215 5528] ) ] spids: [16777215 5545] ) (C {(append_command)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$nvidia_smi') (' --query'))} ) (C {(append_command)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$nvidia_smi') (' --query --unit'))} ) (C {(unset)} {(__RM_MODULE_INSTANCE)}) ] spids: [5509 5569] ) spids: [5505 5507] ) ] spids: [16777215 5497] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Skipping nvidia-smi output (nvidia-smi not found)'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [5572 5588] ) ] ) spids: [5438 5591] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [5597] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:nvidia_debugdump) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(nvidia-debugdump)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [5631] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [5626 5642] ) } spids: [5625] ) ] spids: [5625] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$nvidia_debugdump'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:base64) op: Equal rhs: { (CommandSubPart command_list: (CommandList children: [ (Pipeline children: [ (SimpleCommand words: [{(which)} {(base64)}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [5678] ) ] ) (C {(head)} {(-n)} {(1)}) ] negated: F ) ] ) left_token: <Left_Backtick '`'> spids: [5673 5689] ) } spids: [5672] ) ] spids: [5672] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-eq)} {(0)} {(-a)} {(-x)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Name '$base64'))} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (LhsName name:NVDD_TEMP_FILENAME) op: Equal rhs: { (DQ (nvidia-debugdump-temp) ($ VSub_Dollar '$$') (.log) ) } spids: [5724] ) ] spids: [5724] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{(touch)} {($ VSub_Name '$NVDD_TEMP_FILENAME')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [5738] ) ] ) (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')} {(-ne)} {(0)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ( "Skipping nvidia-debugdump output (can't create temp file " ) ($ VSub_Name '$NVDD_TEMP_FILENAME') (')') ) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [16777215 5757] ) ] else_action: [ (ForEach iter_name: instance iter_words: [{($ VSub_Name '$proc_module_dirs')}] do_arg_iter: F body: (DoGroup children: [ (If arms: [ (if_arm cond: [ (Sentence child: (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {($ VSub_Name '$instance')} {(KW_Bang '!') (Lit_Other '=')} {(SQ <.>)} {(Lit_Other ']')} ) terminator: <Op_Semi ';'> ) ] action: [ (C {(export)} { (Lit_VarLike '__RM_MODULE_INSTANCE=' ) ($ VSub_Name '$instance') } ) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ( 'NVIDIA Kernel module instance ' ) ($ VSub_Name '$instance') ) } ) ] spids: [16777215 5810] ) ] spids: [16777215 5827] ) (C {(echo)} { (DQ ($ VSub_Name '$nvidia_debugdump') (' -D')) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [ {($ VSub_Name '$nvidia_debugdump')} {(-D)} {(-f)} {($ VSub_Name '$NVDD_TEMP_FILENAME')} ] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [5853] ) ] ) (SimpleCommand words: [ {($ VSub_Name '$base64')} {($ VSub_Name '$NVDD_TEMP_FILENAME')} ] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [5862] ) ] ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (SimpleCommand words: [ {(rm)} {($ VSub_Name '$NVDD_TEMP_FILENAME')} ] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_Great fd: 2 arg_word: {(/dev/null)} spids: [5882] ) ] ) (C {(unset)} {(__RM_MODULE_INSTANCE)}) ] spids: [5791 5892] ) spids: [5787 5789] ) ] spids: [5779 5895] ) ] spids: [16777215 5715] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Skipping nvidia-debugdump output (base64 not found)'))} ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [5898 5914] ) ] spids: [16777215 5667] ) ] else_action: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('Skipping nvidia-debugdump output (nvidia-debugdump not found)')) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] spids: [5917 5933] ) ] ) spids: [5608 5936] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [5942] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) ] spids: [16777215 5385] ) ] else_action: [ (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} { (DQ ('Skipping nvidia-smi and nvidia-debugdump due to --safe-mode argument.')) } ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] ) spids: [5950 5966] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [5972] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) ] spids: [5947 5976] ) (Pipeline children: [ (Subshell child: (CommandList children: [ (C {(echo)} {(DQ (____________________________________________))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('End of NVIDIA bug report log file.'))}) ] ) spids: [5979 6007] ) (SimpleCommand words: [{($ VSub_Name '$GZIP_CMD')}] redirects: [ (Redir op_id: Redir_DGreat fd: 16777215 arg_word: {($ VSub_Name '$LOG_FILENAME')} spids: [6013] ) ] ) ] negated: F ) (C {(echo)} {(DQ (' complete.'))}) (C {(echo)} {(DQ )}) ] )