  children: [
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:stdoutF)
          op: Equal
                  token: <VSub_Name TMPDIR>
                  suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(Lit_Slash /) (tmp)})
                  spids: [48 53]
                ) (/STDOUT)
          spids: [46]
      spids: [46]
      keyword: Assign_None
      pairs: [
          lhs: (LhsName name:stderrF)
          op: Equal
                  token: <VSub_Name TMPDIR>
                  suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(Lit_Slash /) (tmp)})
                  spids: [59 64]
                ) (/STDERR)
          spids: [57]
      spids: [57]
    (C {(.)} {(./shflags_test_helpers)})
      name: testFlagsDefine
          children: [
              words: [{(_flags_define)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [90]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [97]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'_flags_define() with no arguments should have failed.'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ )} {(SQ <'no arguments'>)})
              words: [{(_flags_define)} {(arg1)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [133]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [140]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'_flags_define() call with one argument should fail'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ )} {(SQ <'one argument'>)})
              words: [{(_flags_define)} {(arg1)} {(arg2)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [178]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [185]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'_flags_define() call with two arguments should fail'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ )} {(SQ <'two arguments'>)})
              words: [{(_flags_define)} {(arg1)} {(arg2)} {(arg3)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [225]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [232]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'_flags_define() call with three arguments should fail'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ )} {(SQ <'three arguments'>)})
            (C {(_flags_define)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name __FLAGS_TYPE_BOOLEAN))} {(multiDefBool)} {(true)} 
              {(SQ <'multi def #1'>)} {(m)}
              words: [
                {(DQ (${ VSub_Name __FLAGS_TYPE_BOOLEAN))}
                {(SQ <'multi def #2'>)}
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [303]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [310]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'_flags_define() with existing flag name should fail'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertTrue)} 
              {(SQ <'_flags_define() should not overwrite previously defined default.'>)} 
                    token: <VSub_Name FLAGS_multiDefBool>
                    suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(EmptyPart)})
                    spids: [338 341]
            (C {(assertWarnMsg)} {(SQ )} {(SQ <'existing flag'>)})
            (C {(_flags_define)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name __FLAGS_TYPE_STRING))} {(long-name)} {(SQ <foo>)} 
              {(SQ <'dashed name'>)} {(l)}
              words: [
                {(DQ (${ VSub_Name __FLAGS_TYPE_STRING))}
                {(SQ <bar>)}
                {(SQ <'underscored name'>)}
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [403]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [410]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'_flags_define() with existing flag name should fail'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertEquals)} 
              {(SQ <'_flags_define() should not overwrite previously defined default.'>)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name FLAGS_long_name))} {(SQ <foo>)}
            (C {(assertWarnMsg)} {(SQ )} {(SQ <'already exists'>)})
              words: [{(_flags_define)} {(invalid)} {(arg2)} {(arg3)} {(arg4)} {(i)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [484]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [491]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'_flags_define() with "invalid" type should have failed.'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ <'unrecognized flag type'>)} {(SQ <'invalid type'>)})
          spids: [81]
      spids: [77 80]
      name: testBoolean
          children: [
              iter_name: default
              iter_words: [{(SQ <true>)} {(SQ <t>)} {(0)}]
              do_arg_iter: F
                  children: [
                    (C {(flags_reset)})
                    (C {(DEFINE_boolean)} {(boolVal)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name default))} {(SQ <'my boolean'>)} 
                      keyword: Assign_None
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:rtrn)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
                          spids: [572]
                      spids: [572]
                    (C {(assertTrue)} 
                        (DQ ("DEFINE_boolean() call with default of '") (${ VSub_Name default) 
                          ("' failed.")
                            token: <VSub_Name FLAGS_boolVal>
                            suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(EmptyPart)})
                            spids: [591 594]
                    (C {(assertTrue)} 
                        (DQ ("DEFINE_boolean() call with default of '") (${ VSub_Name default) 
                          ("' returned failure.")
                      } {(${ VSub_Name rtrn)}
                  spids: [549 617]
              spids: [537 547]
              iter_name: default
              iter_words: [{(SQ <false>)} {(SQ <f>)} {(1)}]
              do_arg_iter: F
                  children: [
                    (C {(flags_reset)})
                    (C {(DEFINE_boolean)} {(boolVal)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name default))} {(SQ <'my boolean'>)} 
                      keyword: Assign_None
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:rtrn)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
                          spids: [665]
                      spids: [665]
                    (C {(assertFalse)} 
                        (DQ ("DEFINE_boolean() call with default of '") (${ VSub_Name default) 
                          ("' failed.")
                            token: <VSub_Name FLAGS_boolVal>
                            suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(EmptyPart)})
                            spids: [684 687]
                    (C {(assertTrue)} 
                        (DQ ("DEFINE_boolean() call with default of '") (${ VSub_Name default) 
                          ("' returned failure.")
                      } {(${ VSub_Name rtrn)}
                  spids: [642 710]
              spids: [630 640]
            (C {(flags_reset)})
              words: [{(DEFINE_boolean)} {(boolVal)} {(SQ <invalid>)} {(SQ <'my boolean'>)} {(b)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [735]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [742]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'DEFINE_boolean() call with invalid default did not fail.'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)})
          spids: [525]
      spids: [521 524]
      name: testFloat
          children: [
              iter_name: default
              iter_words: [{(${ VSub_Name TH_FLOAT_VALID)}]
              do_arg_iter: F
                  children: [
                    (C {(flags_reset)})
                    (C {(DEFINE_float)} {(floatVal)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name default))} 
                      {(DQ ('float: ') (${ VSub_Name default))} {(f)}
                      keyword: Assign_None
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:rtrn)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
                          spids: [812]
                      spids: [812]
                    (C {(assertSame)} {(DQ ('DEFINE_float() call with valid default failed.'))} 
                      {(DQ (${ VSub_Name default))} 
                            token: <VSub_Name FLAGS_floatVal>
                            suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(EmptyPart)})
                            spids: [831 834]
                    (C {(assertTrue)} 
                        (DQ ("DEFINE_float() call with valid default of '") (${ VSub_Name default) 
                          ("' returned failure.")
                      } {(${ VSub_Name rtrn)}
                  spids: [786 857]
              spids: [780 784]
            (C {(flags_reset)})
              words: [
                {(SQ <invalid>)}
                {(SQ <'invalid float: string'>)}
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [884]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [891]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'DEFINE_float() call with string value default did not fail.'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)})
          spids: [768]
      spids: [764 767]
      name: testInteger
          children: [
              iter_name: default
              iter_words: [{(${ VSub_Name TH_INT_VALID)}]
              do_arg_iter: F
                  children: [
                    (C {(flags_reset)})
                    (C {(DEFINE_integer)} {(intVal)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name default))} 
                      {(DQ ('integer: ') (${ VSub_Name default))} {(i)}
                      keyword: Assign_None
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:rtrn)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
                          spids: [961]
                      spids: [961]
                    (C {(assertSame)} {(DQ ('DEFINE_integer() call with valid default failed.'))} 
                      {(DQ (${ VSub_Name default))} 
                            token: <VSub_Name FLAGS_intVal>
                            suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(EmptyPart)})
                            spids: [982 985]
                    (C {(assertTrue)} 
                        (DQ ("DEFINE_integer() call with valid default of '") (${ VSub_Name default) 
                          ("' returned failure.")
                      } {(${ VSub_Name rtrn)}
                  spids: [935 1008]
              spids: [929 933]
            (C {(flags_reset)})
              words: [{(DEFINE_integer)} {(intVal)} {(1.234)} {(SQ <'invalid integer: float'>)} {(i)}]
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [1033]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [1040]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'DEFINE_integer() call with float value default did not fail.'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ <'invalid default'>)} {(SQ <'float default'>)})
              words: [
                {(SQ <'invalid integer: negative float'>)}
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [1083]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [1090]
            (C {(assertFalse)} 
              {(SQ <'DEFINE_integer() call with negative float value default did not fail.'>)} {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ <'invalid default'>)} {(SQ <'negative float default'>)})
              words: [
                {(SQ <invalid>)}
                {(SQ <'invalid integer: string'>)}
              redirects: [
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 16777215
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                  spids: [1139]
                  op_id: Redir_Great
                  fd: 2
                  arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                  spids: [1146]
            (C {(assertFalse)} {(SQ <'DEFINE_integer() call with string value default did not fail.'>)} 
              {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ <'invalid default'>)} {(SQ <'string default'>)})
          spids: [917]
      spids: [913 916]
      name: testString
          children: [
              iter_name: default
              iter_words: [
                {(${ VSub_Name TH_BOOL_VALID)}
                {(${ VSub_Name TH_FLOAT_VALID)}
                {(${ VSub_Name TH_INT_VALID)}
                {(SQ <'also valid'>)}
              do_arg_iter: F
                  children: [
                    (C {(flags_reset)})
                    (C {(DEFINE_string)} {(strVal)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name default))} 
                      {(DQ ('string: ') (${ VSub_Name default))} {(s)}
                      keyword: Assign_None
                      pairs: [
                          lhs: (LhsName name:rtrn)
                          op: Equal
                          rhs: {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
                          spids: [1248]
                      spids: [1248]
                    (C {(assertSame)} {(DQ ('DEFINE_string() call with valid default failed.'))} 
                      {(DQ (${ VSub_Name default))} 
                            token: <VSub_Name FLAGS_strVal>
                            suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(EmptyPart)})
                            spids: [1269 1272]
                    (C {(assertTrue)} 
                        (DQ ("DEFINE_string() call with valid default of '") (${ VSub_Name default) 
                          ("' returned failure.")
                      } {(${ VSub_Name rtrn)}
                  spids: [1222 1295]
              spids: [1196 16777215]
            (C {(flags_reset)})
            (C {(DEFINE_string)} {(str)} {(SQ )} {(DQ ('string: empty single quotes'))} {(s)})
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:rtrn)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
                  spids: [1320]
              spids: [1320]
            (C {(assertSame)} {(DQ ('DEFINE_string() call with valid default failed.'))} {(SQ )} 
                    token: <VSub_Name FLAGS_str>
                    suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(EmptyPart)})
                    spids: [1338 1341]
          spids: [1184]
      spids: [1180 1183]
      name: testShortNameLength
      body: (BraceGroup children:[(C {(Lit_Other ':')})] spids:[1351])
      spids: [1347 1350]
      name: testFlagNameIsReserved
          children: [
                  words: [{(DEFINE_string)} {(TRUE)} {(SQ )} {(SQ <'true is a reserved flag name'>)} {(t)}]
                  redirects: [
                      op_id: Redir_Great
                      fd: 16777215
                      arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stdoutF))}
                      spids: [1387]
                      op_id: Redir_Great
                      fd: 2
                      arg_word: {(DQ (${ VSub_Name stderrF))}
                      spids: [1394]
              spids: [1370 1401]
              keyword: Assign_None
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (LhsName name:rtrn)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {($ VSub_QMark '$?')}
                  spids: [1404]
              spids: [1404]
            (C {(assertEquals)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name FLAGS_ERROR))} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name rtrn))})
            (C {(assertErrorMsg)} {(SQ <'flag name (TRUE) is reserved'>)})
          spids: [1367]
      spids: [1363 1366]
      name: oneTimeSetUp
      body: (BraceGroup children:[(C {(th_oneTimeSetUp)})] spids:[1436])
      spids: [1432 1435]
      name: tearDown
      body: (BraceGroup children:[(C {(flags_reset)})] spids:[1448])
      spids: [1444 1447]
      ops: [Op_DAmp]
      children: [
        (C {(Lit_Other '[')} {(-n)} 
                token: <VSub_Name ZSH_VERSION>
                suffix_op: (StringUnary op_id:VTest_ColonHyphen arg_word:{(EmptyPart)})
                spids: [1467 1470]
          } {(Lit_Other ']')}
          keyword: Assign_None
          pairs: [
              lhs: (LhsName name:SHUNIT_PARENT)
              op: Equal
              rhs: {($ VSub_Number '$0')}
              spids: [1477]
          spids: [1477]
    (C {(.)} {(DQ (${ VSub_Name TH_SHUNIT))})