#!/bin/bash # If this file has already been sourced, just return test $(SPECIALFORMS_SH+true)TODO && return declare -g SPECIALFORMS_SH = 'true' source ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/common.sh source ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/variables.sh source ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/variables.linkedlist.sh source ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/callable.sh source ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/evaluator.sh variable::type::define SpecialForm Callable # # ============================================================ # # Special Forms # # DEFINE # # Creates a new variable assigned to a value # proc evaluator::specialforms::define { stderr "Not implemented yet" exit 1 } # # SET! # # Sets a variable to a value # proc evaluator::specialforms::set { stderr "Not implemented yet" exit 1 } # # PROGN # # The expressions are evaluated sequentially from left to right, and the value # of the last expression is returned. This expression type is used to sequence # side effects such as input and output. # proc evaluator::specialforms::begin { stderr "Not implemented yet" exit 1 } # # ====================================================== if test $0 != $BASH_SOURCE { return } assert::report if test $(1+isset) && test $1 == "debug" { variable::printMetadata }