
Side By Side Lines Parsed? Parse Process Time (secs) Translated? Filename
view 420 FAIL 0.08 OK core.sh
view 80 OK 0.09 OK env.sh
view 104 OK 0.1 OK printer.sh
view 162 FAIL 0.07 OK reader.sh
view 20 OK 0.05 OK step0_repl.sh
view 43 OK 0.06 OK step1_read_print.sh
view 97 OK 0.1 OK step2_eval.sh
view 118 OK 0.13 OK step3_env.sh
view 143 OK 0.09 OK step4_if_fn_do.sh
view 162 OK 0.13 OK step5_tco.sh
view 175 OK 0.13 OK step6_file.sh
view 220 OK 0.13 OK step7_quote.sh
view 265 OK 0.17 OK step8_macros.sh
view 278 OK 0.2 OK step9_try.sh
view 290 OK 0.15 OK stepA_mal.sh
view 366 FAIL 0.08 OK types.sh


Parsing reader.sh
                  [[ "${str}" =~ ^^([][{}\(\)^@])|^(~@)|(\"(\\.|[^\\\"])*\")|^(;[^$'\n']*)|^([~\'\`])|^([^][ ~\`\'\";{}\(\)^@\,]+)|^[,]|^[[:space:]]+ ]]
_tmp/wild/src/esoteric/make-a-lisp-bash/reader.sh:121: Expected ]]

Translating reader.sh
                  [[ "${str}" =~ ^^([][{}\(\)^@])|^(~@)|(\"(\\.|[^\\\"])*\")|^(;[^$'\n']*)|^([~\'\`])|^([^][ ~\`\'\";{}\(\)^@\,]+)|^[,]|^[[:space:]]+ ]]
_tmp/wild/src/esoteric/make-a-lisp-bash/reader.sh:121: Expected ]]

Parsing types.sh
              declare -A -g ${obj}; eval "${obj}=()"
_tmp/wild/src/esoteric/make-a-lisp-bash/types.sh:219: Variable names must be unquoted constants

Translating types.sh
              declare -A -g ${obj}; eval "${obj}=()"
_tmp/wild/src/esoteric/make-a-lisp-bash/types.sh:219: Variable names must be unquoted constants

Parsing core.sh
              declare -A -g ${obj}
_tmp/wild/src/esoteric/make-a-lisp-bash/core.sh:145: Variable names must be unquoted constants

Translating core.sh
              declare -A -g ${obj}
_tmp/wild/src/esoteric/make-a-lisp-bash/core.sh:145: Variable names must be unquoted constants