-------- CASE: control_flow Line 134 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' break ^~~~~ osh warning: Invalid control flow at top level Line 135 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' continue ^~~~~~~~ osh warning: Invalid control flow at top level SHOULD NOT GET HERE STATUS: 0 -------- CASE: no_such_command osh error: 'ZZZZZ': No such file or directory Line 38 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' ZZZZZ ^~~~~ [5216] '' command exited with status 127 STATUS: 127 -------- CASE: no_such_command_commandsub osh error: 'ZZZZZ': No such file or directory SHOULD NOT GET HERE STATUS: 0 -------- CASE: no_such_command_heredoc osh error: 'ZZZZZ': No such file or directory one three SHOULD NOT GET HERE STATUS: 0 -------- CASE: failed_command Line 65 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' false ^~~~~ [5226] '' command exited with status 1 STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: pipefail 0 Line 75 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' false | wc -l ^~~~~ [5230] '' command exited with status 1 0 *** Error has no source location info *** [5227] 'command__Pipeline' exited with status 1 STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: pipefail_group Line 97 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo hi | { cat; sh -c 'exit 42'; } | wc ^~ [5234] '' command exited with status 42 1 1 3 *** Error has no source location info *** [5232] 'command__Pipeline' exited with status 42 STATUS: 42 -------- CASE: pipefail_subshell Line 105 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo hi | (cat; sh -c 'exit 42') | wc ^~ [5241] '' command exited with status 42 *** Error has no source location info *** [5240] 'command__Subshell' exited with status 42 1 1 3 *** Error has no source location info *** [5238] 'command__Pipeline' exited with status 42 STATUS: 42 -------- CASE: pipefail_func Line 88 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo hi | f | wc ^ [5247] '' command exited with status 42 1 1 3 *** Error has no source location info *** [5245] 'command__Pipeline' exited with status 42 STATUS: 42 -------- CASE: pipefail_while Line 117 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' sh -c 'exit 42' ^~ [5252] '' command exited with status 42 2 6 12 *** Error has no source location info *** [5250] 'command__Pipeline' exited with status 42 STATUS: 42 -------- CASE: nonexistent osh error: 'nonexistent': No such file or directory STATUS: 127 -------- CASE: nounset Line 188 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo $x ^~ Undefined variable 'x' STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: bad_var_ref Line 195 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo ${!name} ^~~~ Bad indirect expansion: 'bad var name' STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: nounset_arith *** Error has no source location info *** Undefined variable 'x' STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: divzero Line 210 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo $(( 1 / 0 )) ^ Divide by zero STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: divzero_var *** Error has no source location info *** Divide by zero (name) STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: array_arith *** Error has no source location info *** Can't use assignment like ++ or += on arrays STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: undef_arith Line 267 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' (( undef++ )) # doesn't make sense ^~~~~ osh warning: Coercing undefined value to 0 in arithmetic context *** Error has no source location info *** Can't assign to characters of string 'undef' STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: undef_arith2 *** Warning has no location info *** osh warning: Invalid integer constant '' STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: string_to_int_arith Line 236 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo $(( x + 5 )) ^ osh warning: Invalid integer constant 'ZZZ' 5 Line 240 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo $(( x + 5 )) ^ Invalid integer constant 'ZZZ' STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: string_to_hex Line 247 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo $(( 0xGG + 1 )) ^ osh warning: Invalid hex constant '0xGG' 1 SHOULD NOT GET HERE STATUS: 0 -------- CASE: string_to_octal Line 254 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo $(( 018 + 1 )) ^~~ osh warning: Invalid octal constant '018' 1 SHOULD NOT GET HERE STATUS: 0 -------- CASE: string_to_intbase Line 261 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo $(( 16#GG )) ^~ osh warning: Digits 'GG' out of range for base 16 0 SHOULD NOT GET HERE STATUS: 0 -------- CASE: string_to_int_bool osh warning: Invalid integer constant 'a' Line 311 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' [[ a -eq 0 ]] ^ Invalid integer constant 'a' STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: array_assign_1 Line 346 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' s[0]=x # can't assign value ^~ Entries in value of type value__Str can't be assigned to STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: array_assign_2 Line 351 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' array[0]=x ^~~~~~ Can't assign to readonly value STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: readonly_assign *** Error has no source location info *** Can't assign to readonly value 'x' STATUS: 1 -------- CASE: patsub_bad_glob Line 288 of 'test/runtime-errors.sh' echo ${x//[^]} ^ Error matching regex '([^])': Invalid regex syntax (func_regex_first_group_match) STATUS: 1