(command.CommandList children: [ (command.Assignment keyword: Assign_None pairs: [ (assign_pair lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:test_description spids:[4]) op: Equal rhs: {(SQ <'test that git handles an svn repository with missing md5sums'>)} spids: [4] ) ] spids: [4] ) (C {(.)} {(./lib-git-svn.sh)}) (command.SimpleCommand words: [{(cat)}] redirects: [ (redir.Redir op:<Redir_Great '>'> fd:16777215 arg_word:{(dumpfile.svn)}) (redir.HereDoc op: <Redir_DLess '<<'> fd: 16777215 here_begin: {(EOF)} here_end_span_id: 66 stdin_parts: [ ('SVN-fs-dump-format-version: 1\n') ('\n') ('Revision-number: 1\n') ('Prop-content-length: 98\n') ('Content-length: 98\n') ('\n') ('K 7\n') ('svn:log\n') ('V 0\n') ('\n') ('K 10\n') ('svn:author\n') ('V 4\n') ('test\n') ('K 8\n') ('svn:date\n') ('V 27\n') ('2007-05-06T12:37:01.153339Z\n') ('PROPS-END\n') ('\n') ('Node-path: md5less-file\n') ('Node-kind: file\n') ('Node-action: add\n') ('Prop-content-length: 10\n') ('Content-length: 10\n') ('\n') ('PROPS-END\n') ('\n') ] ) ] ) (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ <'load svn dumpfile'>)} {(SQ <'svnadmin load "$rawsvnrepo" < dumpfile.svn'>)} ) (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ <'initialize git svn'>)} {(SQ <'git svn init "$svnrepo"'>)}) (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ <'fetch revisions from svn'>)} {(SQ <'git svn fetch'>)}) (C {(test_done)}) ] )