OSH Parser Performance

We run $sh -n $file for various files under various shells. This means that shell startup time is included in the elapsed time measurements, but long files are chosen to minimize its effect.

Parse Time Summary

host label shell label total lines total ms lines per ms
flanders bash 118,863 596 199.5
flanders dash 111,674 101 1,106.8
flanders mksh 111,674 341 327.6
flanders osh-cpython 118,863 37,402 3.2
flanders osh-ovm 118,863 35,086 3.4
flanders zsh 118,863 4,004 29.7
lisa bash 118,863 176 675.4
lisa dash 111,674 37 2,993.9
lisa mksh 111,674 105 1,067.6
lisa osh-cpython 118,863 7,098 16.7
lisa osh-ovm 118,863 7,873 15.1
lisa zsh 118,863 1,127 105.5

Memory Used to Parse

Running under osh-ovm. Memory usage is measured in MB (powers of 10), not MiB (powers of 2).

host VmRSS MB VmPeak MB num lines filename
flanders 8.5 29.6 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
flanders 8.5 29.6 1,733 functions
flanders 8.5 29.6 2,029 configure-helper.sh
flanders 8.5 29.6 2,512 abuild
flanders 8.5 29.6 2,698 Build.sh
flanders 8.5 29.6 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
flanders 8.4 29.6 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
flanders 8.4 29.6 9,661 ltmain.sh
flanders 8.4 29.6 20,489 configure
flanders 8.4 29.6 69,779 configure-coreutils
lisa 8.4 29.6 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
lisa 8.4 29.6 1,733 functions
lisa 8.5 29.6 2,029 configure-helper.sh
lisa 8.5 29.6 2,512 abuild
lisa 8.4 29.6 2,698 Build.sh
lisa 8.4 29.6 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
lisa 8.4 29.6 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
lisa 8.4 29.6 9,661 ltmain.sh
lisa 8.5 29.6 20,489 configure
lisa 8.4 29.6 69,779 configure-coreutils

Shell and Host Details

shell label shell id
bash bash-d685a43c
dash dash-2887d9e6
mksh mksh-ae7d165b
zsh zsh-ca7b4198
osh-cpython osh-9bc47ac6
osh-ovm osh-2639c357
host label host id
flanders flanders-b43270f9
lisa lisa-b43270f9

Raw Data


Parse Time Breakdown by File

Elasped Time in milliseconds

host label bash dash mksh zsh osh-ovm osh-cpython osh to bash ratio num lines filename
flanders 15 4 6 144 312 181 21.3 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
flanders 16 3 11 43 1,032 542 62.9 1,733 functions
flanders 21 NA NA 79 1,106 695 53.2 2,029 configure-helper.sh
flanders 18 6 16 64 1,316 1,102 71.1 2,512 abuild
flanders 20 5 11 135 939 827 47.6 2,698 Build.sh
flanders 17 4 7 178 317 292 19.1 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
flanders 54 NA NA 214 2,706 3,099 50.3 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
flanders 59 11 32 249 2,803 3,699 47.3 9,661 ltmain.sh
flanders 106 24 62 658 5,560 7,997 52.5 20,489 configure
flanders 270 44 196 2,241 18,997 18,966 70.4 69,779 configure-coreutils
lisa 3 1 2 52 51 54 15.8 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
lisa 5 2 3 13 162 150 31.8 1,733 functions
lisa 5 NA NA 24 173 157 34.5 2,029 configure-helper.sh
lisa 7 1 4 19 241 217 36.5 2,512 abuild
lisa 4 1 3 42 180 164 40.0 2,698 Build.sh
lisa 4 2 2 56 61 61 14.2 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
lisa 17 NA NA 66 570 511 33.2 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
lisa 16 4 11 76 644 574 39.3 9,661 ltmain.sh
lisa 35 6 22 182 1,448 1,294 41.6 20,489 configure
lisa 79 20 58 597 4,342 3,917 55.0 69,779 configure-coreutils

Parsing Rate in lines/millisecond

host label bash dash mksh zsh osh-ovm osh-cpython num lines filename
flanders 114.2 430.5 275.2 11.6 5.4 9.3 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
flanders 105.7 509.7 152.0 40.6 1.7 3.2 1,733 functions
flanders 97.5 NA NA 25.7 1.8 2.9 2,029 configure-helper.sh
flanders 135.8 448.6 160.0 39.3 1.9 2.3 2,512 abuild
flanders 137.0 539.6 245.3 20.0 2.9 3.3 2,698 Build.sh
flanders 188.1 844.1 473.2 17.6 9.9 10.7 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
flanders 95.9 NA NA 24.2 1.9 1.7 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
flanders 162.9 862.6 300.0 38.8 3.4 2.6 9,661 ltmain.sh
flanders 193.5 853.7 331.0 31.1 3.7 2.6 20,489 configure
flanders 258.4 1,582.3 356.0 31.1 3.7 3.7 69,779 configure-coreutils
lisa 524.7 1,199.3 987.6 32.2 33.1 31.3 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
lisa 339.8 962.8 559.0 133.3 10.7 11.6 1,733 functions
lisa 405.8 NA NA 82.8 11.7 13.0 2,029 configure-helper.sh
lisa 380.6 1,794.3 628.0 132.9 10.4 11.6 2,512 abuild
lisa 599.6 1,927.1 843.1 63.9 15.0 16.4 2,698 Build.sh
lisa 726.3 1,837.1 1,643.7 56.1 51.0 51.1 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
lisa 300.0 NA NA 77.6 9.0 10.1 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
lisa 589.1 2,760.3 862.6 127.8 15.0 16.8 9,661 ltmain.sh
lisa 588.8 3,152.2 931.3 112.8 14.1 15.8 20,489 configure
lisa 884.4 3,560.2 1,213.5 116.9 16.1 17.8 69,779 configure-coreutils