===== Summary of methods.tsv: Methods used: # A tibble: 2 x 2 used n 1 FALSE 324 2 TRUE 164 Methods by file (after filtering): # A tibble: 24 x 2 file n 1 Python-2.7.13/Modules/posixmodule.c 30 2 Python-2.7.13/Python/bltinmodule.c 20 3 Python-2.7.13/Modules/cStringIO.c 14 4 Python-2.7.13/Objects/stringobject.c 14 5 native/line_input.c 13 6 Python-2.7.13/Objects/dictobject.c 10 7 Python-2.7.13/Objects/fileobject.c 9 8 Python-2.7.13/Objects/listobject.c 9 9 native/libc.c 8 10 native/fastlex.c 7 11 Python-2.7.13/Modules/zipimport.c 7 12 Python-2.7.13/Python/sysmodule.c 4 13 Python-2.7.13/Modules/pwdmodule.c 3 14 Python-2.7.13/Modules/signalmodule.c 3 15 Python-2.7.13/Modules/timemodule.c 3 16 Python-2.7.13/Objects/setobject.c 2 17 Python-2.7.13/Modules/fcntlmodule.c 1 18 Python-2.7.13/Modules/resource.c 1 19 Python-2.7.13/Objects/descrobject.c 1 20 Python-2.7.13/Objects/enumobject.c 1 21 Python-2.7.13/Objects/iterobject.c 1 22 Python-2.7.13/Objects/rangeobject.c 1 23 Python-2.7.13/Objects/tupleobject.c 1 24 Python-2.7.13/Objects/typeobject.c 1 -- Kept 164 of 488 methods in 24 files Methods by flag # A tibble: 13 x 2 flags n 1 METH_VARARGS 249 2 METH_NOARGS 156 3 METH_O 57 4 METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS 13 5 METH_O | METH_COEXIST 4 6 METH_O|METH_CLASS 2 7 METH_CLASS | METH_VARARGS 1 8 "METH_NOARGS " 1 9 "METH_O " 1 10 METH_O|METH_COEXIST 1 11 METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS 1 12 METH_VARARGS | METH_CLASS 1 13 METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS 1 Methods to reimplement: basename py_method_name 1 bltinmodule.c all 2 bltinmodule.c any 3 bltinmodule.c chr 4 bltinmodule.c dir 5 bltinmodule.c getattr 6 bltinmodule.c hasattr 7 bltinmodule.c hash 8 bltinmodule.c id 9 bltinmodule.c __import__ 10 bltinmodule.c isinstance 11 bltinmodule.c len 12 bltinmodule.c max 13 bltinmodule.c open 14 bltinmodule.c ord 15 bltinmodule.c print 16 bltinmodule.c raw_input 17 bltinmodule.c repr 18 bltinmodule.c setattr 19 bltinmodule.c sorted 20 bltinmodule.c sum 21 cStringIO.c close 22 cStringIO.c close 23 cStringIO.c flush 24 cStringIO.c flush 25 cStringIO.c getvalue 26 cStringIO.c getvalue 27 cStringIO.c isatty 28 cStringIO.c isatty 29 cStringIO.c read 30 cStringIO.c read 31 cStringIO.c readline 32 cStringIO.c readline 33 cStringIO.c StringIO 34 cStringIO.c write 35 descrobject.c keys 36 dictobject.c clear 37 dictobject.c get 38 dictobject.c items 39 dictobject.c iteritems 40 dictobject.c itervalues 41 dictobject.c keys 42 dictobject.c pop 43 dictobject.c update 44 dictobject.c values 45 fcntlmodule.c fcntl 46 fileobject.c close 47 fileobject.c __enter__ 48 fileobject.c __exit__ 49 fileobject.c fileno 50 fileobject.c flush 51 fileobject.c isatty 52 fileobject.c read 53 fileobject.c readline 54 fileobject.c write 55 line_input.c add_history 56 line_input.c get_begidx 57 line_input.c get_current_history_length 58 line_input.c get_endidx 59 line_input.c get_history_item 60 line_input.c get_line_buffer 61 line_input.c parse_and_bind 62 line_input.c read_history_file 63 line_input.c resize_terminal 64 line_input.c set_completer 65 line_input.c set_completer_delims 66 line_input.c set_completion_display_matches_hook 67 line_input.c write_history_file 68 listobject.c append 69 listobject.c extend 70 listobject.c index 71 listobject.c pop 72 listobject.c remove 73 listobject.c reverse 74 listobject.c sort 75 posixmodule.c access 76 posixmodule.c chdir 77 posixmodule.c close 78 posixmodule.c dup2 79 posixmodule.c execv 80 posixmodule.c execve 81 posixmodule.c _exit 82 posixmodule.c fdopen 83 posixmodule.c fork 84 posixmodule.c getcwd 85 posixmodule.c geteuid 86 posixmodule.c getpid 87 posixmodule.c getuid 88 posixmodule.c isatty 89 posixmodule.c listdir 90 posixmodule.c lstat 91 posixmodule.c open 92 posixmodule.c pipe 93 posixmodule.c read 94 posixmodule.c readlink 95 posixmodule.c stat 96 posixmodule.c strerror 97 posixmodule.c umask 98 posixmodule.c uname 99 posixmodule.c wait 100 posixmodule.c WEXITSTATUS 101 posixmodule.c WIFEXITED 102 posixmodule.c WIFSIGNALED 103 posixmodule.c write 104 posixmodule.c WTERMSIG 105 pwdmodule.c getpwall 106 pwdmodule.c getpwnam 107 pwdmodule.c getpwuid 108 resource.c getrusage 109 signalmodule.c default_int_handler 110 signalmodule.c getsignal 111 signalmodule.c signal 112 stringobject.c endswith 113 stringobject.c find 114 stringobject.c index 115 stringobject.c isdigit 116 stringobject.c join 117 stringobject.c lower 118 stringobject.c replace 119 stringobject.c rfind 120 stringobject.c rstrip 121 stringobject.c split 122 stringobject.c splitlines 123 stringobject.c startswith 124 stringobject.c strip 125 stringobject.c upper 126 sysmodule.c displayhook 127 sysmodule.c excepthook 128 sysmodule.c exc_info 129 sysmodule.c exit 130 timemodule.c sleep 131 timemodule.c strftime 132 timemodule.c time 133 typeobject.c __new__ -- Total: 133 methods