OVM Build Performance

Elapsed Time by Host and Compiler

We measure the build speed of bash and dash for comparison.

host label compiler label src dir action elapsed secs
flanders gcc bash-4.4 configure 30.7
flanders gcc bash-4.4 make 56.0
flanders gcc dash- configure 5.3
flanders gcc dash- make 6.8
flanders gcc oil-0.6.pre5 configure 1.4
flanders gcc oil-0.6.pre5 _bin/oil.ovm 44.2
flanders gcc oil-0.6.pre5 _bin/oil.ovm-dbg 14.6
flanders clang oil-0.6.pre5 configure 1.7
flanders clang oil-0.6.pre5 _bin/oil.ovm 37.6
flanders clang oil-0.6.pre5 _bin/oil.ovm-dbg 15.2
lisa gcc bash-4.4 configure 13.8
lisa gcc bash-4.4 make 24.9
lisa gcc dash- configure 2.8
lisa gcc dash- make 3.0
lisa gcc oil-0.6.pre5 configure 0.6
lisa gcc oil-0.6.pre5 _bin/oil.ovm 20.1
lisa gcc oil-0.6.pre5 _bin/oil.ovm-dbg 6.2
lisa clang oil-0.6.pre5 configure 0.6
lisa clang oil-0.6.pre5 _bin/oil.ovm 14.6
lisa clang oil-0.6.pre5 _bin/oil.ovm-dbg 5.0

Binary Size

The oil binary has two portions:

  1. Architecture-independent bytecode.zip
  2. Architecture- and compiler- dependent native code (_build/oil/ovm*)

host label path num bytes bytecode size native code size
flanders _tmp/ovm-build/bin/clang/oil.ovm 3,113,586 1,900,546 1,213,040
flanders _tmp/ovm-build/bin/clang/oil.ovm-dbg 5,069,370 1,900,546 3,168,824
flanders _tmp/ovm-build/bin/gcc/oil.ovm 3,256,890 1,900,546 1,356,344
flanders _tmp/ovm-build/bin/gcc/oil.ovm-dbg 4,561,306 1,900,546 2,660,760
lisa _tmp/ovm-build/bin/clang/oil.ovm 3,113,586 1,900,546 1,213,040
lisa _tmp/ovm-build/bin/clang/oil.ovm-dbg 5,069,370 1,900,546 3,168,824
lisa _tmp/ovm-build/bin/gcc/oil.ovm 3,256,890 1,900,546 1,356,344
lisa _tmp/ovm-build/bin/gcc/oil.ovm-dbg 4,561,306 1,900,546 2,660,760

Host and Compiler Details

host label host id
flanders flanders-b43270f9
lisa lisa-b43270f9
compiler label compiler id
gcc gcc-70069db5
clang clang-768eb1ae