#!/bin/bash # Exit immediately if anything goes wrong, instead of making things worse. set -e source $REPO_ROOT/bootstrap/shared/shared_functions.sh setglobal REQUIRED_VARS = ''( BOOTSTRAP_CHEF_DO_CONVERGE BOOTSTRAP_CHEF_ENV BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT REPO_MOUNT_POINT REPO_ROOT ) check_for_envvars $(REQUIRED_VARS[@]) # This script does a lot of stuff: # - installs Chef Server on the bootstrap node # - installs Chef client on all nodes # It would be more efficient as something executed in one shot on each node, but # doing it this way makes it easy to orchestrate operations between nodes. In some cases, # commands can be &&'d together to avoid SSHing repeatedly to a node (SSH setup/teardown # can add a fair amount of time to this script). cd $REPO_ROOT/bootstrap/vagrant_scripts # use Chef Server embedded knife instead of the one in /usr/bin setglobal KNIFE = '/opt/opscode/embedded/bin/knife' # install and configure Chef Server 12 and Chef 12 client on the bootstrap node # move nginx insecure to 4000/TCP is so that Cobbler can run on the regular 80/TCP if [[ -n "$CHEF_SERVER_DEB" ]] { setglobal debpath = ""$FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT/$CHEF_SERVER_DEB"" setglobal CHEF_SERVER_INSTALL_CMD = ""sudo dpkg -i $debpath"" } else { setglobal CHEF_SERVER_INSTALL_CMD = ""sudo dpkg -i \$(find $FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT/ -name chef-server\*deb -not -name \*downloaded | tail -1)"" } if [[ -n "$CHEF_CLIENT_DEB" ]] { setglobal debpath = ""$FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT/$CHEF_CLIENT_DEB"" setglobal CHEF_CLIENT_INSTALL_CMD = ""sudo dpkg -i $debpath"" } else { setglobal CHEF_CLIENT_INSTALL_CMD = ""sudo dpkg -i \$(find $FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT/ -name chef_\*deb -not -name \*downloaded | tail -1)"" } unset debpath do_on_node vm-bootstrap "$CHEF_SERVER_INSTALL_CMD \ && sudo sh -c \"echo nginx[\'non_ssl_port\'] = 4000 > /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb\" \ && sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure \ && sudo chef-server-ctl user-create admin admin admin admin@localhost.com welcome --filename /etc/opscode/admin.pem \ && sudo chef-server-ctl org-create bcpc BCPC --association admin --filename /etc/opscode/bcpc-validator.pem \ && sudo chmod 0644 /etc/opscode/admin.pem /etc/opscode/bcpc-validator.pem \ && $CHEF_CLIENT_INSTALL_CMD" # configure knife on the bootstrap node and perform a knife bootstrap to create the bootstrap node in Chef do_on_node vm-bootstrap "mkdir -p \$HOME/.chef && echo -e \"chef_server_url 'https://bcpc-vm-bootstrap.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN/organizations/bcpc'\\\nvalidation_client_name 'bcpc-validator'\\\nvalidation_key '/etc/opscode/bcpc-validator.pem'\\\nnode_name 'admin'\\\nclient_key '/etc/opscode/admin.pem'\\\nknife['editor'] = 'vim'\\\ncookbook_path [ \\\"#{ENV['HOME']}/chef-bcpc/cookbooks\\\" ]\" > \$HOME/.chef/knife.rb \ && $KNIFE ssl fetch \ && $KNIFE bootstrap -x vagrant -P vagrant --sudo" # Initialize VM lists setglobal vms = '"vm1 vm2 vm3'" if test $MONITORING_NODES -gt 0 { setglobal i = '1' while test $i -le $MONITORING_NODES { setglobal mon_vm = ""vm$[expr 3 + $i]"" setglobal mon_vms = ""$mon_vms $mon_vm"" setglobal i = $[expr $i + 1] } } # install the knife-acl plugin into embedded knife, rsync the Chef repository into the non-root user # (vagrant)'s home directory, and add the dependency cookbooks from the file cache do_on_node vm-bootstrap "sudo /opt/opscode/embedded/bin/gem install $FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT/knife-acl-1.0.2.gem \ && rsync -a $REPO_MOUNT_POINT/* \$HOME/chef-bcpc \ && cp $FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT/cookbooks/*.tar.gz \$HOME/chef-bcpc/cookbooks \ && cd \$HOME/chef-bcpc/cookbooks && ls -1 *.tar.gz | xargs -I% tar xvzf %" # build binaries before uploading the bcpc cookbook # (this step will change later but using the existing build_bins script for now) do_on_node vm-bootstrap "sudo apt-get update \ && cd \$HOME/chef-bcpc \ && sudo bash -c 'export FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT=$FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT \ && source \$HOME/proxy_config.sh && bootstrap/shared/shared_build_bins.sh'" # upload all cookbooks, roles and our chosen environment to the Chef server # (cookbook upload uses the cookbook_path set when configuring knife on the bootstrap node) do_on_node vm-bootstrap "$KNIFE cookbook upload -a \ && cd \$HOME/chef-bcpc/roles && $KNIFE role from file *.json \ && cd \$HOME/chef-bcpc/environments && $KNIFE environment from file $BOOTSTRAP_CHEF_ENV.json" # install and bootstrap Chef on cluster nodes setglobal i = '1' for vm in [$vms $mon_vms] { # Try to install a specific version, or just the latest if [[ -z "$CHEF_CLIENT_DEB" ]] { echo "Installing latest chef-client found in $vm:$FILECACHE_MOUNT_POINT" } do_on_node $vm $CHEF_CLIENT_INSTALL_CMD do_on_node vm-bootstrap "$KNIFE bootstrap -x vagrant -P vagrant --sudo$(i)" setglobal i = $[expr $i + 1] } # augment the previously configured nodes with our newly uploaded environments and roles setglobal ENVIRONMENT_SET = ''"" for vm in [vm-bootstrap $vms $mon_vms] { setglobal ENVIRONMENT_SET = ""$ENVIRONMENT_SET $KNIFE node environment set bcpc-$vm.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN $BOOTSTRAP_CHEF_ENV && "" } setglobal ENVIRONMENT_SET = ""$ENVIRONMENT_SET :"" do_on_node vm-bootstrap $ENVIRONMENT_SET do_on_node vm-bootstrap "$KNIFE node run_list set bcpc-vm-bootstrap.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN 'role[BCPC-Hardware-Virtual],role[BCPC-Bootstrap]' \ && $KNIFE node run_list set bcpc-vm1.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN 'role[BCPC-Hardware-Virtual],role[BCPC-Headnode]' \ && $KNIFE node run_list set bcpc-vm2.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN 'role[BCPC-Hardware-Virtual],role[BCPC-Worknode]' \ && $KNIFE node run_list set bcpc-vm3.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN 'role[BCPC-Hardware-Virtual],role[BCPC-EphemeralWorknode]'" # set bootstrap, vm1 and mon vms (if any) as admins so that they can write into the data bag setglobal ADMIN_SET = '"true && '" for vm in [vm-bootstrap vm1 $mon_vms] { setglobal ADMIN_SET = ""$ADMIN_SET $KNIFE group add client bcpc-$vm.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN admins && "" } setglobal ADMIN_SET = ""$ADMIN_SET :"" do_on_node vm-bootstrap $ADMIN_SET # Clustered monitoring setup (>1 mon VM) requires completely initialized node attributes for chef to run # on each node successfully. If we are not converging automatically, set run_list (for mon VMs) and exit. # Otherwise, each mon VM needs to complete chef run first before setting the next node's run_list. if [[ $BOOTSTRAP_CHEF_DO_CONVERGE -eq 0 ]] { for vm in [$mon_vms] { do_on_node vm-bootstrap "$KNIFE node run_list set bcpc-$vm.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN 'role[BCPC-Monitoring]'" } echo "BOOTSTRAP_CHEF_DO_CONVERGE is set to 0, skipping automatic convergence." exit 0 } else { # run Chef on each node do_on_node vm-bootstrap "sudo chef-client" for vm in [$vms] { do_on_node $vm "sudo chef-client" } # run on head node one last time to update HAProxy with work node IPs do_on_node vm1 "sudo chef-client" # HUP OpenStack services on each node to ensure everything's in a working state for vm in [$vms] { do_on_node $vm "sudo hup_openstack || true" } # Run chef on each mon VM before assigning next node for monitoring. for vm in [$mon_vms] { do_on_node vm-bootstrap "$KNIFE node run_list set bcpc-$vm.$BCPC_HYPERVISOR_DOMAIN 'role[BCPC-Monitoring]'" do_on_node $vm "sudo chef-client" } # Run chef on each mon VM except the last node to update cluster components for vm in [$[echo $mon_vms | awk '{$NF=""}1]] { do_on_node $vm "sudo chef-client" } }