1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 #
3 # Test arithmetic expressions in all their different contexts.
5 # $(( 1 + 2 ))
6 # (( a=1+2 ))
7 # ${a[ 1 + 2 ]}
8 # ${a : 1+2 : 1+2}
9 # a[1 + 2]=foo
11 #### Multiple right brackets inside expression
12 a=(1 2 3)
13 echo ${a[a[0]]} ${a[a[a[0]]]}
14 ## stdout: 2 3
15 ## N-I zsh status: 0
16 ## N-I zsh stdout-json: "\n"
18 #### Slicing of string with constants
19 s='abcd'
20 echo ${s:0} ${s:0:4} ${s:1:1}
21 ## stdout: abcd abcd b
23 #### Slicing of string with variables
24 s='abcd'
25 zero=0
26 one=1
27 echo ${s:$zero} ${s:$zero:4} ${s:$one:$one}
28 ## stdout: abcd abcd b
30 #### Array index on LHS of assignment
31 a=(1 2 3)
32 zero=0
33 a[zero+5-4]=X
34 echo ${a[@]}
35 ## stdout: 1 X 3
36 ## OK zsh stdout: X 2 3
38 #### Array index on LHS with indices
39 a=(1 2 3)
40 a[a[1]]=X
41 echo ${a[@]}
42 ## stdout: 1 2 X
43 ## OK zsh stdout: X 2 3
45 #### Slicing of string with expressions
46 # mksh accepts ${s:0} and ${s:$zero} but not ${s:zero}
47 # zsh says unrecognized modifier 'z'
48 s='abcd'
49 zero=0
50 echo ${s:zero} ${s:zero+0} ${s:zero+1:zero+1}
51 ## stdout: abcd abcd b
52 ## BUG mksh stdout-json: ""
53 ## BUG mksh status: 1
54 ## BUG zsh stdout-json: ""
55 ## BUG zsh status: 1
57 #### Ambiguous colon in slice
58 s='abcd'
59 echo $(( 0 < 1 ? 2 : 0 )) # evalutes to 2
60 echo ${s: 0 < 1 ? 2 : 0 : 1} # 2:1 -- TRICKY THREE COLONS
61 ## stdout-json: "2\nc\n"
62 ## BUG mksh stdout-json: "2\n"
63 ## BUG mksh status: 1
64 ## BUG zsh stdout-json: "2\n"
65 ## BUG zsh status: 1
67 #### Triple parens should be disambiguated
68 # The first paren is part of the math, parens 2 and 3 are a single token ending
69 # arith sub.
70 ((a=1 + (2*3)))
71 echo $a $((1 + (2*3)))
72 ## stdout: 7 7
74 #### Quadruple parens should be disambiguated
75 ((a=1 + (2 * (3+4))))
76 echo $a $((1 + (2 * (3+4))))
77 ## stdout: 15 15
79 #### Alternative $[] syntax
80 echo $[1 + 2] "$[3 * 4]"
81 ## stdout: 3 12
82 ## N-I mksh stdout: $[1 + 2] $[3 * 4]
83 ## N-I osh status: 2
84 ## N-I osh stdout-json: ""